Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4906: You have no fairy roots!

In that case...

In the hearts of the three of them, they had some calculations.

Chen Feng stood in place.

He felt that there were a few malicious breaths aimed at him.

Chu Qianzhong, Qi Zhuoyang, and Ji Xingyuan didn't even mention it.

There is another...

It was from that middle-aged deacon!

The results of the Star Road have not been announced for a long time.

Finally, someone noticed.

The newly replaced deacon looked at Chen Feng with an unpleasant expression on his face.

Chen Feng sneered, his heart suddenly understood.

Above the starry sky and the ancient road, under the eyes of everyone, someone controlled the formation to deal with him.

This has been done.

Any more shameless operations, he won't be surprised.

Because, who is not against him Chen Feng.

Rather, Tianshu Sword Sect!

He Chen Feng is a person valued by Tianshu Jianzong!

This is the fundamental reason why the elders and deacons made various tricks.

The entire Galaxy Sword Sect is crowding out the Tianshu Sword Sect!

Since you can't rely on the disciples appointed by the major sword sects, you can just kill them.

Then I have to do whatever it takes!

Chen Feng smiled coldly.

"You just don't want me to enter the Galaxy Sword Sect, do you?"

"But it's a pity, if you can't get in, you don't count it!"

"I said it!"

"I still have to go in and hit you in the face!"

"I really want to see your disappointed expressions when the time comes!"

Presumably, it will be wonderful.

However, although the deacon did not announce the result, he still had nothing to do with Chen Feng.

Can only be dragged there.

And obviously, he was waiting for news from someone.

The restlessness of many disciples and others was particularly dissatisfied, and some people had already begun to irritate loudly.

The deacon also saw sweat on his forehead and was very nervous.

I even cursed secretly in my heart: "What the **** is Fengchang doing? Let Lao Tzu wait here?"

"Is it just dragging? No results announced? What a trifle!"

"If you want to deal with Chen Feng, think of a suitable reason! Isn't it that I was punished by the sect for being so dragged?"

This deacon, named Qiu Ruhai, is a close faithful.

But at this moment, I was also complaining.

Zongmen attaches great importance to the assessment of newcomers.

He can hold off for a while, and if he is discovered after a long time, then he is afraid that catastrophe is imminent.

Just when the drum noise of many disciples could not be suppressed.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared.

It is closed endlessly.

Seeing him coming, Qiu Ruhai was overjoyed, hurriedly greeted him, and whispered:

"My lord... what do you say?"

Feng endlessly glanced at Qiu Ruhai, then suddenly smiled triumphantly and ordered a few words in a low voice.

After listening, Qiu Ruhai was also ecstatic.

"My lord, don't worry, call me!"

Feng Chang nodded, and was beside him, holding his arms with an expression of watching the show.

Facing the crowd, Qiu Ruhai said in a deep voice: "Everyone, my name is Qiu Ruhai, and I am the deacon who judges your second pass."

"Now, announce the results!"

Everyone was in an uproar!

It's finally announced!


Qiu Ruhai sneered and said, "Before the results are announced, I have to say one thing!"

He stared at Chen Feng suddenly: "You are Chen Feng."

Chen Feng's face was as usual.


Can't wait any longer?


Just come!

Qiu Ruhai laughed wildly: "If I'm not mistaken! You don't have a fairy root?"

Although, the test of Xianlinggen needs to test Xianshi.

However, as long as the cultivation base is high enough, it can still be seen.

This cultivation base is not closed!

Qiu Ruhai did not!

However, Elder Sun has!

He actually saw that Chen Feng had no fairy roots!

So, instant ecstasy!

There is even a plan to deal with Chen Feng!

Attack from the fairy roots!

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar!

"What? Chen Feng doesn't even have fairy roots?"

"There is no fairy root? That's a waste!"

"Without the faerie roots, the power of the stars cannot be turned into the power of the faeries, without the power of the most basic faeries, where is the fighting power?"

"Yes, how are you still practicing? Where can you be considered a cultivator?"

There are also doubts.

"Isn't it possible? Without the fairy roots, how could Chen Feng be so strong?"

Someone sneered: "If you are not sure, how can Deacon Qiu talk nonsense?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng stood in place.

He did not move.

He has no fairy roots, as Zhongli Yaoqin had tested it before.

Now Qiu Ruhai is suddenly in trouble.

In fact, it was not unexpected by Chen Feng.

Everyone is watching Chen Feng.

Or sneer, or calm.

Chen Feng nodded slowly: "It's not true."


The awe in everyone's eyes disappeared!

Instead, there is a complex expression.

There are regrets, luck, and gloat.

More, it is contempt and disdain!

Without fairy roots, there is no future!

Without the fairy roots, the power of the stars cannot be transformed into the most powerful fairy power of the cultivator!

Well, the future combat effectiveness is quite low!

You know, in this world, monks practice!

Of course, there are four main roads: immortals, Buddhas, gods and demons, and the other side!

Of course, four roads, all open to the sky!

However, the most mainstream, universally recognized, and even the only way for most people is: Xiuxian Avenue!

And the foundation of cultivating immortals is the fairy root!

Without fairy roots, everything is empty talk.

Unless Chen Feng is in other areas, has extremely high talent!

For example, it is the body refiner of the gods and demons!

A few people had this idea in their hearts, and some immediately shook their heads and removed this idea directly.

"But how is it possible?"

How rare are gods and demons?

Among the monks, there is no one in a million.

How could Chen Feng be?

Seeing the sudden change in front of him, Si Konghao also folded his hands on his chest and frowned.

"There is no fairy root? How could it be possible."

"If there is no fairy root, there can be such a terrifying strength."

"Chen Feng, is it really just a casual repair?"

Although Si Konghao was wild and domineering, his thoughts were actually very delicate.

People like him are used to being alone and don't like to learn from Chu Qianzhong and others.

Only the weak will hold together!

He Sikonghao, never disdains the weak.

Next to Si Konghao stood Jiang Yunxi.

At this time, Jiang Yunxi's face was full of worry.

The power of blood in the body was surging.

She is the last person who wants to see Chen Feng make things difficult.

Qiu Ruhai stood still in front of Chen Feng.

He lowered his eyes slightly, posing a downward attitude.

Arrogant and disdain!

He spoke again.

"You have no fairy roots."

This time, that Qiu Ruhai used a flat tone.

The tone became colder.

"Without fairy roots, everything is no good."

"Without fairy roots, it's just a waste!"

"All results will be void."

He waved his hand impatiently: "Go away."

Hearing what Qiu Ruhai said, some people were full of regret.

And some are ecstatic!

The three of Chu Qianzhong did not expect that Chen Feng had no fairy roots!

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