Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4905: recording! broken

Chen Feng!

The record is broken!

In an instant, the entire array was shocked!

Jiang Yunxi laughed happily.

Si Konghao nodded slowly.

Qi Zhuoyang and others were dumbfounded, and then their faces were full of frustration.

Chen Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, his eyes filled with contempt!

"You tried your best to stop me! Can you stop it?"

"You want to stop the record breaking? Can you stop it?"

The sound was rolling, resounding through the ancient starry sky, resounding across the entire array, and at the same time, resounding in the hall!

In the hall, all the elders can hear clearly!


A dead silence!

The needle falls!

Chen Feng, too arrogant, right?

Too crazy, right?

He, this is openly provoking all the elders!

In the hall, the whole person is stupid!

Just murmured: "Impossible, impossible!"

"How could something go wrong?"

Several supervisory elders were shocked, and their faces became more and more ugly!

Kaiyang Jianzong Elder Zhao spoke slowly:

"Elder Feng, this son is not only powerful, but also fierce."

He snorted coldly:

"To deal with this class of people, some extraordinary means can be used."

Feng endlessly listened, and he was taken aback.

Then, there was a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Extraordinary means, mean?"

Elder Sun of the Heavenly Sword Sect also has a cold face:

"Here, if you let go like this, I'm afraid you will become the next Xu Tianhe!"

Xu Tianhe!

As soon as these three words were spoken, everyone in the hall was breathing stagnant!

Take a breath!

This name, in the Galaxy Sword Sect, is a taboo!

In other words, Elder Sun of the Sword Sect of Heaven, with a high position, dare to speak out unscrupulously!

At this time, after saying these three words.

Everyone is aware of one thing: Elder Sun, is going to let Chen Feng die!

They looked at the other two overseeing elders.

In this hall, the five supervisory elders have the highest status.

The elders of the stars who implemented the specific implementation were second, and the deacons who ran errands were second.

How to do it requires several supervisory elders to decide.

In addition, the supervising elders of Heavenly Jade Sword Sect and Heavenly Sword Sect looked at each other, and both slowly nodded.

Unanimously said: "Elder Sun and the elder of the horse are looking ahead!"

These supervisory elders are also extremely resolute and resolute in their actions.

Once I found myself unable to deal with Chen Feng with normal means, there was no hesitation.

He immediately spoke out to deal with Chen Feng!

If you say, just now, they still veiled their support to deal with Chen Feng.

Now, I just ended up on my own.

No face!

However, they obviously will not do it themselves.

Feng endless won their support, and his heart was even more stable.

However, there was some hesitation in his eyes.

To deal with Chen Feng, there should always be an excuse! From the beginning!

Chen Feng was the top pick in an upright manner, and everyone was in full view. How to deal with him?

Many elders are also meditating.

It is not so easy to deal with Chen Feng!

Suddenly, Elder Sun, who had been frowning and staring at the light curtain, stood up suddenly!

He let out a low cry of disbelief: "How is it possible? How is it possible!"

Everyone was stunned.

What happened? Can Elder Sun, who has always been calm, be so gloomy?

Elder Sun stared firmly into the light curtain, seeming to be sure of something.

The next moment, it was a big laugh!

"I found it! I found the flaw!"

"That's it!"

Everyone was horrified.

Elder Sun beckoned, Feng endless walked to him, Elder Sun whispered a few words.

Feng endless was surprised at first, and then ecstatic.

Nodding again and again, brows flying.

Then, quietly out of the hall.


With Chen Feng's roar, it gradually dissipated.

The meteorites that make up the starry sky trail fell gradually.

Those meteorites sank into nothingness again.

Waiting for the opening of the next assessment.

Everyone, with these meteorite stairs, returned to the ground.

Chen Feng was the last one to return to the ground.

At this moment, he has already withdrawn from the great witch **** body.

When he landed, the starry sky above his head suddenly disappeared.

Instead, the familiar huge cliffs linger in the air.

They are back in the assessment world!

Everyone looked at Chen Feng without the slightest scorn.

Everyone realizes how terrifying this person is!

Completely crush everyone!

It broke the record, and stepped onto the 201st step!

The middle-aged deacon stood far away.

He looked at Chen Feng with no expression on his face, but it seemed that a certain emotion was fleeting.

Everyone approached, waiting for something.

However, after a while, they were all surprised.

"So yet to announce the results?"

It stands to reason that the assessment is over and the results should now be announced.

But for some reason, he still did not speak.

However, most people do not care.

Although it failed to break the record of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

But the assessment results are obvious to all.

Cannot reverse black and white.

Chen Feng, deservedly the first person!

"Congratulations, Master Chen."

Jiang Yunxi bends her beautiful eyes, looking forward to flying.

Sikonghao second!

Now he is convinced of Chen Feng.

Although I don't know why it was suddenly announced, the assessment is over.

However, he could tell.

It is not that Chen Feng is unable to break the record.

Someone is stopping him!

Most importantly, I haven't been able to stop it yet!

To judge Chen Feng's limit with Sikonghao's ability.

He has no bottom at all.

Perhaps, after Chen Feng broke the record, he could even walk the entire ancient starry sky trail.

Three thousand steps!

"My respect! It's a pity for this assessment."

"But you are still the first person in this assessment, you deserve it!"

Sikonghao speaks out of righteousness and fearlessness.

Qi Zhuoyang and others stood on the side.

They looked at Chen Feng with extremely ugly expressions.

My heart is even more jealous.

Sikonghao's phrase "deservedly the first person" was like a slap.

Slap them **** their faces.

Before them, all kinds of bragging.

But compared to Chen Feng, what is it?

Look at Jiang Yunxi's gaze again, always turning to Chen Feng!

Chen Feng is very strong!

At this moment, no matter what, they all admitted it.

Perhaps the power of ninety-nine-eighty-one stars that were rumored before is true.

His talent is too terrifying to imagine.

If let him enter the Galaxy Sword Sect smoothly and become an official disciple.

Over time, the achievements are limitless!

"How about that!"

Qi Zhuoyang, Ji Xingyuan, and Chu Qianzhong looked at Chen Feng with bitterness in their eyes.

Between them and Chen Feng, there is already an antagonism.

With the arrogance of the three, it is impossible to bow down to Chen Feng and kneel for mercy!

If you let Chen Feng become an official disciple of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

The three of them didn't think that with Chen Feng's disposition, after his strength soared in the future, he would be generous and let them go.

Of course, this is their mind.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't care about them at all.

Ignore directly!

"Chen Feng, it's not you who died, or I died!"

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