Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4875: Taiyi Xianmen powerhouse! Coming again!

"Enough to contend with him, even if you use some strength to kill him, it is not a problem."

"But killing him is harmful to me."

Chen Feng's thoughts were running.

Kill the assassin here to chase yourself, Taiyi Immortal Gate will definitely know Chen Feng's true strength.

The next killer sent will be even stronger.

Even Chen Feng may not be able to stop using his hole cards.

Therefore, not only could Chen Feng not be able to use his hole cards, but he had to show average strength.

Let this person despise himself enough.

He despised himself, the Taiyi Immortal Gate behind him would naturally despise himself even more!

However, if you don't use your hole cards, a powerhouse of this level can't compete!

If you are not careful, you will really be beheaded!

Chen Feng looked into the distance:

"Whether I can keep the secret of my strength depends on you, whether I can get there in time!"

He looked far away: "Hope, don't waste my pains."

The black-robed youth slowly landed not far in front of Chen Feng, staring at him, his eyes were full of indifference and murder.

Chen Feng looked calm,

The black-robed youth looked at Chen Feng coldly: "It's you, that waste that killed Han Kun?"

His eyes were cold, his voice was even colder.

Chen Feng said calmly: "I did kill Han Kun."

"Are you from the sect behind him? Han Kun's brother?"

Chen Feng didn't want them to know.

I already knew that the sect behind Han Kun was Taiyi Immortal.

The look of the black-robed youth is even more indifferent, with disdain:

"Han Kun's waste is not worthy of being my junior."

"You are very self-aware, knowing that you can't escape, so you just don't escape."

The corner of the black robe youth's mouth showed a touch of sarcasm:

"Or you think you killed a Han Kun."

"I thought I could be easily killed by you just like Han Kun's trash?"

Chen Feng replied calmly:

"In my eyes, you are no different from Han Kun!"

"All will die in my hands."

The young man in the black robe smiled angrily:

"Killing an ant, are you really a human being? You are just a slightly stronger ant!"

"The light of the firefly dare to compete with Ohito!"

"I will let you know how big the gap is between you and me!"

The cold breath on the black robe youth is heavier.

The surrounding space seemed to be frozen.

The black robe youth shot, a terrifying chill permeated.

A palm fell, a thousand miles in a radius, instantly frozen, and the earth was white.

He is like the **** who controls the ice.

Once shot, everything will be frozen.

The next moment, above the sky, there are endless snowflakes falling down, a vast expanse of whiteness, until the end of the line of sight.

There are thousands of miles around, and the snow is boundless.

With just a random hit, the coverage is so wide.

It should be a warrior who is good at long-range killing.

Snow fell in the sky.

Rotating and falling, making a terrible hissing sound of splitting the air

A snowflake revolved at high speed and fell on Chen Feng.

With such a hard body, several small openings were cut directly, with golden blood oozing out.

"The Great Wu Huitian skill cannot be used. This is my true strength, one of my trump cards."

"This time, I can't kill him."

"You need to hide your own strength, many methods are impossible to use."

"However, as long as I can hold it for a while."

Chen Feng's thoughts were turned, and he had already judged in his heart.

In the next moment, boundless snowflakes fell.

It seems that Chen Fengling is going to be delayed!

"Buddha's angry eyes, lion roar."

In Chen Feng's spiritual world, a huge golden lion head appeared.

In an instant, a huge golden sound wave swept in all directions.

The terrifying snowflakes flying all over the sky were all torn to pieces by the powerful sound waves.

The black robe youth's body stiffened, but then, a light purple light flashed above his body.

The body returned to normal.

However, there was also a look of horror in his eyes.

"What kind of supernatural power is this? Actually, even me will be affected?"

With a low growl, Chen Feng rushed to the black robe youth in an instant, and shot out with a punch.

The surrounding space shattered instantly!

It is necessary to show enough strength to kill Han Kun.

But they can't reveal their true strength.

The black robe youth flashed his eyes, his body shook, and he appeared thousands of meters away in an instant.

Avoided Chen Feng's violent punch.

It seems that his body is not strong enough to be hard-wired.

"Fortunately, I brought this treasure specially."

"It can get rid of magical powers similar to the shocking effect."

"Otherwise, it was really dangerous just now."

The corners of the black robe youth's mouth curled up, taunting somewhat:

"Is this your hole card?"

"It's no wonder that the realm is so low that you can kill Han Kun. It seems that he was shocked, and then he took the opportunity to kill him!"

"Unfortunately, you ran into me."

"Now, you can go to death."

A spear appeared in the hand of the black robe youth.

The spear was crystal clear, exuding the extreme coldness.

"Soul Destruction Gun."

A shot was assassinated, and the sky was full of gun shadows.

The bursting spear that pierced the sky, wanted to destroy Chen Feng's body and soul.

"Want to kill me, how easy is it!"

Chen Feng's face showed a look of grief and indignation.

He was domineering and desperate.

As if you are in a desperate situation, the trapped beast is still fighting.

It seems that after his hole cards are invalid, he can only desperately.

The black robe youth sneered disdainfully: "Sure enough, it's just a hole card."

The evaluation of Chen Feng in his heart was a few layers lower, especially contemptuous.

Chen Feng greeted the countless gun shadows.

The black robe youth twitched his mouth and smiled coldly:

"That's it."

"Even if you have any hole cards, you will definitely die."

At this moment, Chen Feng's heart moved slightly.

I was already aware that there was a familiar breath that was approaching quickly.

That breath is very similar to the breath of the Galaxy Supreme Order.

The kind of sword intent that is as sharp as to pierce the sky.

Chen Feng even only slightly sensed that he felt extremely uncomfortable.

It was as if someone was holding a sword and pointed it at himself.

"People of the Galaxy Sword Sect."

"At least the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm."

"Even higher."

There was a burst of ecstasy in Chen Feng's heart.

"Hahaha, you finally arrived in time!"

"My previous planning and layout were finally not in vain!"

Chen Feng's heart was transferred.

Countless plans flashed through my mind, and there was already a calculation in my heart.

Chen Feng intentionally hides and pretends.

Under the violent offensive of the black robe youth.

Chen Feng is like a flat boat in the ocean.

Will be completely overturned in that gun shadow storm at any time.

After a while.

Chen Feng was so frozen that his whole body was condensed with a layer of frost.

He was stabbed by countless gun shadows all over his body, and blood flowed.

With a muffled hum, he was already knocked out.

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