Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4874: Galaxy Supreme Order!

The light flickered, like a galaxy of countless stars.

From the void of the universe, pouring down and flowing slowly.

As the Milky Way falls for nine days, it is majestic and majestic, shocking.

On the back, there are the four words Xinghe Zhizun.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows: "Xinghe Supreme? Is this the token of the Master of the Galaxy Sword Sect?"

Can be named after Galaxy Supreme.

This token must be very important within the Galaxy Sword Sect.

However, Chen Feng did not continue to investigate for the time being.

Instead, he looked at the yellow silk hanging in the air.

The yellow silk unfolded, and countless purple thunders flickered, slashing towards the surrounding frantically.

In a blink of an eye, within a kilometer.

Everything turned into a sea of ​​purple thunder.

Chen Feng had seen the unfolding vision of the suicide note before, so he was very calm at the moment.

On the yellow silk turned into the suicide note, the original **** handwriting disappeared.

Replaced by Zhongli Changfeng, the bone of Xianfeng Dao.

Behind Zhongli Changfeng, everything was covered with purple lightning, like a scene of apocalypse.

Chen Feng even faintly felt it.

The purple thunder world in the yellow silk seemed to be real.

As long as you enter, there is even a danger of extinction, which is extremely terrifying.

Zhong Li Changfeng looks handsome and has a splendid temperament, wearing a toga and big sleeves.

There is antiquity.

It looks like a fairy.

It seems to be able to go away from the wind at any time.

Chen Feng sighed in his heart: "Sure enough, he is a peerless figure."

"It's no wonder that the Lord of Heaven still wants to pull him into the top of the sky with such an unpleasant character."

Zhong Li Changfeng looked at Chen Feng with a look of reminiscence on his face:

"The years have passed, someone finally solved the seal on my suicide note."

Chen Feng bowed his hands as a gift:

"Junior Chen Feng, I have seen Senior Zhong Li."

Zhongli Changfeng nodded slightly and smiled:

"Don't be polite."

"Since you got the old man's suicide note, you brought it to the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World."

"Just be kind to the old man."

He leaned over and looked at Chen Feng, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"This son, this kind of roots, this kind of talent, seems to have a huge background!"

Then there was a burst of relief in my heart.

"It's so basic, I entrusted him to him, and I didn't misunderstand anyone."

He continued:

"The old man has nothing to report."

"You can hold these two tokens and go to the Galaxy Sword Sect."

"This yellow silk has something mysterious in it, you can give it to my descendants."

"The benefits of this, you will naturally know in the future."

"This token is the token of the Supreme Elder of the Galaxy Sword Sect: the Supreme Order of the Galaxy."

"With this token, you can choose to let the Galaxy Sword Sect do one thing for you!"

Chen Feng's heart beat fiercely, and his heart burst into ecstasy instantly.

The Galaxy Sword Sect is the first-grade fairy gate of the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World.

It is the same powerful sect as Taiyi Immortal Gate.

Let this prominent sect do something for himself?

Chen Feng was overjoyed and said solemnly:

"Thank you Senior Zhongli."

"of course."

Zhongli Changfeng added: "This matter must not be excessive."

Chen Feng laughed: "Don't worry, the younger generation knows it well."

Of course it is.

Otherwise, if you take a token and let everyone in the family commit suicide, wouldn't it be a horrible thing?

I'm afraid I will be slapped to death.

In Chen Feng's heart, his thoughts flashed, and he had already thought of his requirements in an instant.

This request is not excessive, it can be accepted by the Galaxy Sword Sect.

At the same time, Chen Feng can get the greatest benefit!

"Sure enough, the relics left by Zhongli Changfeng helped me a lot."

"With this thing, if it is used well, the crisis I am facing now can be solved in an instant!"

But Chen Feng did not relax at all in his heart.

Don't let go if you don't get to that one.

In this mysterious world, Chen Feng just came over and was immediately chased and killed.

And the killer came from Taiyi Immortal Gate.

With Chen Feng's current strength, he couldn't compete with Taiyi Immortal Gate at all, and the situation was extremely dangerous.

The two tokens left by Zhongli Changfeng could change Chen Feng's passive pursuit and killing.

Enough for Chen Feng to be able to gain a foothold in the Xuanhuang Middle Thousand Worlds without being so passive.

After Zhong Li Changfeng finished speaking, his figure gradually faded and became more and more illusory.

Finally disappeared.

And the purple thunder world in the depths of Huang Silk gradually disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"In this yellow silk, maybe there is a world of purple thunder hidden."

Chen Feng secretly said in his heart.

Huang Jian rolled up automatically and fell into Chen Feng's hands.

Chen Feng put away the yellow silk first.

With the Galaxy Supreme Token in hand, there is a route map to the Galaxy Sword Sect.

"It takes a year to get to the Galaxy Sword Sect."

"It's really long enough."

Chen Feng also put away the Galaxy Supreme token.

Without the slightest hesitation, he hurried towards the direction of the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Six months passed in a flash.

The journey to the Galaxy Sword Sect has just passed halfway.

The night is rising.

Above a wasteland.

Chen Feng sat cross-legged, with the Galaxy Supreme token in his hand, slowly circling.

The power of the Golden Scriptures of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva quietly poured out into the Supreme Order of the Galaxy.

In an instant, Galaxy Supreme trembles heavily, and a cyan light spreads out quietly.

Spread to the place where nothingness is impossible.

The blue light jumped, and then Chen Feng immediately withdrew his strength.

After one breath, he instilled strength again, and once again inspired the Galaxy Supreme Order.

Then withdrawn.

So, seven times.

The Supreme Order of the Galaxy was aroused seven times.

After doing this, Chen Feng consumes quite a lot.

There was a smile at the corner of his mouth, which was meaningful.

This is what he does every day.

Chen Feng suddenly felt a chill, and quickly approached after feeling danger.

That strong hostility and murderous intent is also rapidly expanding.

A cold light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes and stopped:

"It should be the new killer of Taiyi Immortal Gate."

Chen Feng turned and looked in the direction he had come.

Far away, a black figure flew at a terrifying speed.

It was a young man in a black robe.

The breath on the body is cold, merciless, and indifferent to all beings, like a god.

People haven't arrived yet, but the overwhelming icy air almost freezes the surrounding space.

Chen Feng even felt a piece of icy cold from the bottom of his heart.

Obviously the surrounding temperature is normal, but it seems that his soul and consciousness are all frozen!

"Much stronger than Han Kun."

"At least the fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm."

"Even stronger!"

Chen Feng looked at the black robe youth who was approaching quickly with a solemn expression.

However, he was not flustered.

The arrival of this person was as early as he expected.

"Even, someone weaker than I expected to come."

Chen Feng sneered: "It seems that Taiyi Fairy Gate still doesn't put me in the eyes!"

"I use the great witch to return to heaven and cooperate with the human emperor's hand bones."

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