Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4870: Da Ri Yipin Destiny Title: God-level villain!

Eight treasures were cut one by one on the huge scarlet chain.

The bursting light of the treasure is extremely bright.

Every time it was cut off, the huge blood-colored chain burst out with a bright blood-colored light.

The soul of the treasure is integrated into the nine huge chains.

"Success or not, just cut it for the last time!"

Chen Feng screamed, and the last treasure was cut on the blood-colored giant cauldron.

The treasure burst into pieces.

The last weapon soul was also submerged.


There was a slight cracking sound.

Under everyone's gaze, the huge chains wrapped around the blood-colored giant cauldron all shattered and turned into nothingness.

On the **** giant cauldron, countless cracks were densely covered.


A loud noise!

The blood-colored giant cauldron burst into pieces.

There is a corona-like light shining out.

Showing this title of destiny, that is the level of Dairi One!

Then, the sun's rays were replaced by the **** rays.

The **** light swept across, like a Tianhe hanging upside down.

Then, it turned into a **** light and plunged into Chen Feng's eyebrows.

Mei Wuxi couldn't wait to say, "Brother Chen Feng, look at your destiny title?"

Fairy Yuheng, Tiancan Beast Slave and others also looked at Chen Feng expectantly.

God, this is a title of destiny that is sealed and requires extremely high conditions to be released!

Don't tell them before, they have never heard of it!

The crowd was even more excited than Chen Feng himself!

Chen Feng closed his eyes to check his destiny title.

In the space where the title of Destiny was located was the space that previously contained the blood-colored giant cauldron and the nine huge chains.

Above the sky, endless blood light slowly condenses.

Then, endless blood light condenses into four big characters:

God-level villain!

At the same time, the great voice of the Lord of Heaven sounded: "Chen Feng's Destiny Title: God-level villain, unlocked successfully!"

God-level villain?

Title of Destiny: God-level villain.

Chen Feng's face now showed a surprised look, followed by a wry smile.

God-level villain, what fate title is this?

"This is not a good destiny title!"

"You can only make me a villain, right?"

"God level? That is to achieve the ultimate in the villain? I don't know what the effect is?"

Fairy Yuheng saw Chen Feng's expression, and his heart sank: "Is there something wrong with the title of Destiny?"

Chen Feng shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly: "I don't know where to start."

"My destiny title is a god-level villain."

Tianchou Beast Slave, Ruokuliu and others were stunned.

"God-level villain? What kind of title is that?"

"What's the effect?"

Chen Feng had only seen the words "God-level villain" before, and hadn't seen the effect of this title.

"Let me see."

"God-level villain: In every mission, you must join the villain, or be the direct villain!"

"After entering the mission, the villain reverses, and all decent mission rewards belong to the villain."

"Depending on the level of completion, rewards will be increased."

When Chen Feng watched it, his heart jumped fiercely, and there was an extreme excitement!

Worthy of being a Daiichi product!

It deserves to be unblocked by such abnormal conditions!

This destiny title!

It's against the sky!

Except for himself, all the rewards for the tasks belong to himself.

Then, how rich is this task reward?

Moreover, what Chen Feng values ​​most is...

He continued to look down.

"If you change the main line of the world, there will be special rewards!"

"If the main line of change in the world is strong enough, the reward will be doubled!"

Chen Feng clenched his fists fiercely and let out a low growl!

"Sure enough, it really has this benefit!"

When he saw the four words of this god-level villain, he had already guessed a little.

Now, his conjecture was confirmed.

Chen Feng raised his head and looked at the endless sky, his eyes full of profound meaning.

"Perhaps, the Lord of Heaven gave me this title of destiny, just to make me on the top of the sky, try to make waves, endless waves!"

This is simply the title of destiny tailored for him!

The effect of this god-level villain, as long as it is used well, one mission is more rewarding than others' ten or twenty missions.

It deserves to be sealed, and it takes ten treasures to unblock it.

This effect is too strong.

Fairy Yuheng and others were also amazed again and again.

Of course, with such a huge gain, the natural risk is also huge.

If someone else gets this title of destiny, they are afraid of misfortune.

No task can survive.

"God-level villains often need to use their own power to contend against all other heavenly immortals participating in the same mission!"

Chen Feng didn't care.

"One enemy ten thousand? How can I, Chen Feng, be afraid?"

Take one enemy ten thousand.

For him, it's just normal.

At this time, outside the Beidou blessed land, news came in.

See you Cui Jiuxi.

Fairy Yuheng, Mei Wuxian and others knew that Chen Feng had something important to say, so they left one after another.

The Tiancun Beast Slave also went to retreat to practice, digesting the gain this time.

A burst of light shone, and Cui Jiuxi stepped into the light gate.

Chen Feng looked at Cui Jiuxi in front of him: "You were the one that Chu Pingsheng sent to kill me, right?"

There was no surprise on Cui Jiuxi's face: "I knew I couldn't hide it from you."

There was a faint smile on Chen Feng's face: "It's not difficult to guess. Among the people who went with, except you, everyone else was a little bit off."

"What price did Chu Ping give you to kill me?"

"How do you find me?"

"How to kill me?"

Cui Jiuxi took a deep look at Chen Feng. This person was really terrifying.

At the beginning, there were twenty people who went to the trial mission together, but he could tell at a glance that he was the person sent by Chu Pingsheng.

In front of him Chen Feng, he felt unable to hide.

"One, let me heal from my injury, and make it even more possible."

"Second, the source of a magical power."

"Third, one favor."

Chen Feng smiled: "This bargaining chip is not low!"

A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Chu Pingsheng is willing to pay for it."

He said lightly: "Next, how did you want to deal with me?"

Cui Jiuxi Road:

"Originally, I planned to use Zhanxiu and them to completely squeeze their utilization value out, and then finally, I would use their hands to kill you."


He shook his head: "I didn't expect you to be better, making my layout completely unsuccessful."

Cui Jiuxi stared at Chen Feng with a deep gaze: "You asked me to sign a single slave contract because you want me to help you deal with Chu Pingsheng, right?"

Chen Feng admitted without shyness: "Yes, you are a smart person."

He looked at Cui Jiuxi and said with a faint smile: "I can't give you so much bargaining chips. Will you work hard for me?"

Cui Jiuxi nodded without hesitation.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Because of the slave contract?"


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