Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4869: Title of Destiny! Break the seal!

He glanced far away, and his eyes moved after seeing Chu Pingsheng.

The two seemed to touch their eyes.

After that, Cui Jiuxi did not speak and left quietly.

Mei Wuxia looked at Chen Feng with joy and couldn't help herself.

However, she has also grown a lot, so naturally she won't be so gaffe.

Chen Feng laughed forward: "Go, let's go back!"

Beidou blessed land.

Fairy Yuheng couldn't wait any longer, and hurriedly said, "Quickly, tell me, you have achieved this."

She could feel the changes in Chen Feng's body.

Everyone sat down, and Chen Feng smiled slightly: "This time, I and Tian Can have gained quite a bit."

He opened his mouth and told him about his experience with the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave in the Fallen Witch Realm.


After listening, everyone was silent.

Even Fairy Yuheng was shocked.

No one thought that Chen Feng could achieve this level!

After a while, Fairy Yuheng seemed to come back to her senses, her voice trembling: "You, you actually changed the main line of the world?"

"You actually got the origin of Shinto!"

"You actually got a magical body refining method at the level of Great Wu Huitian Gong?"

She has three huge questions on her face, showing her incomparable horror and shock!

The Tiancun Beast Slave asked in surprise, "Are these difficult?"

Fairy Yuheng looked at the Tiancan Beast Slave, everyone looked at the Tiancan Beast Slave with weird eyes.

After a long time, Fairy Yuheng said faintly: "Tiancan, you always follow Chen Feng and eat meat every time. I don't know the suffering of the people!"

Ruo withered willow smiled bitterly: "You are really, why not eat meat?"

The Tiancun Beast Slave looked dumbfounded, but knew that he was only asking a stupid question.

But the point is, he really didn't find it difficult.

After Fairy Yuheng talked about it in detail, it became clear to the two of Chen Feng.

Each of these three things is extremely rare.

No matter how precious the exercises are, there are still opportunities for them.

The origin of the gods, even at the level of Fairy Yuheng, can only get two or three per mission.

And to change the main line of world missions, ordinary teams can't do it at all!

It often takes more than a dozen teams to join forces, and hundreds of strong players to move around and act at the same time to have a glimmer of hope and change the main line of the world.

And the benefits of changing the world’s main line are enormous!

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and said: "I feel that it seems to change the main line of the world, the task is extremely seems..."

He thought for a while and said, "It seems that the Lord of Heaven encourages this behavior."

Fairy Yuheng glanced at him approvingly: "You feel very keen. It took us three to five years to figure out the matter. You felt it in your first official mission."

She pursed her lips and smiled: "You are right."

"We joked that the way of heaven is the ruler, the lord who likes tossing."

"All actions that disrupt the main line and disrupt the existing world structure are highly encouraged."

"However, the reason is unknown."

Chen Feng laughed: "That suits me best."

Fairy Yuheng reminded with a solemn expression: "Every time the main line of the world is changed, it is very dangerous, and there is the danger of falling."

"This is why every time you change the main line of the world, you need a dozen or more teams to work together."

Chen Feng nodded solemnly: "I know, wealth is in danger."

"If I am not sure enough, I will not make such an attempt lightly."

"Before this, I will unblock my title first."

Fairy Yuheng showed a surprised look: "Have you collected ten treasures?"

Mei Wuxian, Ruo Kuliu and others looked at Chen Feng with surprise.

They all knew that Chen Feng's destiny title was sealed, and ten treasures were needed to break the seal.

The treasure itself is very rare.

Only those at the level of Fairy Yuheng would have them. Generally, there are no warriors who have just entered the top of the sky within a few years.

Unless it was obtained by coincidence like Mei Wuxia.

As for the ten treasures, it is even more difficult.

Often when a power is hollowed out, it may not be possible to get ten treasures!

Chen Feng actually collected them so quickly.

The Tianchou Beast Slave chuckled, "Big Brother, is it difficult for ten treasures?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I forgot to say that this time, there are still ten treasures."

"Ten treasures, to you, don't you care so much that you forgot to say it?"

Fairy Yuheng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Your gain this time is really unimaginable."

"I've gotten the top ten missions from others."

Chen Feng smiled faintly.

Planning a shocking overall situation, the harvest is naturally also rich.

Ten treasures lined up in a row, shining brightly.

Fairy Yuheng, Ruokuliu, Mei Wuxian and others all looked bright.

On top of Chen Feng's head, a huge blood-red giant cauldron appeared.

The giant cauldron was firmly entangled on all sides by huge chains.

The **** light diffused, and the surrounding area was filled with hot red!

The faces of Fairy Yuheng and others were shocked.

They all have the title of destiny.

But like Chen Feng, he looked like a giant cauldron, wrapped and sealed by nine giant chains, it was the first time I saw it.

So weird.

Yet again,

Especially shocking!

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth ticked: "I don't know what my destiny title is, exactly?"

"What kind of surprises will it bring me?"

Fairy Yuheng, Mei Wuxian and others also looked at Chen Feng expectantly.

How amazing is the title of destiny that needs to be sealed?

Chen Feng held up a handful of treasures with a solemn expression, and concentrated all his strength in the treasures, making the treasures in his hands exude an amazing edge.

With a full blow, it slashed on the chain that entangled the blood-red giant cauldron.


Violent power shakes.

The chain entwined on the blood-colored giant cauldron burst out with **** light.


The treasure was blown to pieces.

The **** light dissipated, and the huge chains looked intact.


How is this going?

The scene in front of him made Chen Feng frown.

However, he was not in a panic.

What God said before the ruler is very clear.

Only ten treasures are needed to unlock the seal of the title of destiny.

Why is there no movement in this huge chain now?

Chen Feng's eyes flashed: "There is no need for the Lord of Heaven to deceive me."

"Then, what did I do wrong?"

Chen Feng frowned, and then saw the soul of the broken treasure.

Actually he was directly submerged in that huge chain.

Chen Feng suddenly said, "That's it."

"Broken Treasures and the Soul of the Artifacts can unlock my title of Destiny."

Chen Feng solved his doubts, without any hesitation.

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