Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4866: Destiny fairy gate! Zhongli Yangze!

Because of this great victory, his prestige is extremely high and his momentum soars, and he is valued by many people for flattering.

There are countless people who come to visit him every day and want to go his way.

Even Zhong Li Yangze trusted him, personally helped him improve his strength, and reached the peak of the martial artist in the fourth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

It is possible to break through to the fifth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm at any time.

When the spring breeze is proud.

As a result, I did not expect that news of the Xiong family remnant army raging in the hinterland of the human race kept coming.

Immediately he made him ashamed and face lost.

Some people even said privately that if he hadn't let go of this remnant of the Xiong clan, then the Xiong clan army would be blocked from the Baigufeng camp, which seemed to cause less harm.

He wiped out this Xiong family, but it became his fault!

Although Zhong Li Yangze didn't say anything, he knew that Zhong Li Yangze was also quite dissatisfied with him.

Therefore, after the improvement of the strength was completed, and a little firmness, he immediately rushed back to the White Bone Peak Camp to host.

The handsome man is furious!

Even Ji Wanhao shivered.

Chen Feng didn't care, and said leisurely: "I said before, when will I fulfill my requirements, when will I help you destroy this remnant army."

"it is good."

Fang Wanjian stared at him, gritted his teeth.

"This time, after meeting Zhongli's boss, I personally told him your achievements."

"Yandao you admire him so much and want to see him."

"For the sake of my face, the head of Zhongli agreed."

When Chen Feng heard this, he was immediately happy.

Then laughed: "Thank you so much, Marshal!"

"Marshal, don't worry, when I go to the immortal gate of Mieyun, after seeing the head of Zhongli, three hours later, he will help you to wipe out the remnant of the Xiong family."

Fang Wanjian said coldly; "I hope you don't break your promise."

When he said this, his heart was bleeding.

Because he seemed to understate it, but in fact let Chen Feng go to see Zhong Li Yangze, which cost him a considerable price.

If there is no such thing, he can take all the credit to himself.

However, Chen Feng had to have a reason to meet Zhongli Yangze.

He had to tell Zhong Li Yangze how much credit Chen Feng had done.

This also makes Zhong Li Yangze's eyes, his credit is greatly reduced.

The benefits to him are much less.

But in order to wipe out the remnants of the Xiong family, there is no way.

Fang Wanjian's own strength is certainly high, but he is not so strong in leading the battle.

Seeing Fang Wanjian's eyes, Chen Feng had no doubt, waiting for him to wipe out the remnants of the Xiong family.

Fang Wanjian would definitely kill himself in the first place.

But he didn't care.

Fang Wanjian waved his hand: "Leave tomorrow and see off the guests."

The next day, he will leave the White Bone Peak camp.

The night before, Chen Feng also took the Tiancun Beast Slave to go to the Great Merit Palace.

It's just that no one knows what Chen Feng exchanged.

After all, he has millions of great achievements on hand.

On the second day, Chen Feng and Fang Wanjian once again embarked on a journey to the Immortal Gate of Mieyun.

They were riding in Fang Wanjian's car.

In this world, there are also spaceships similar to Ruyizhou.

Fang Wanjian's spacecraft was stable and fast.

All the way forward fast passing.

Although the height is not very high, it has just fulfilled Chen Feng's wish and can see the scenery below.

The scenery along the way is dizzying.

Three days later, everyone suddenly felt a shock.

An inexplicable and huge pressure.

As if pressed down from the sky above.

If Chen Feng felt it, he walked out of the cabin and looked forward.

Then, he saw a huge floating giant city in front of him.

It has a radius of about 3,000 miles and is built on a boulder.

That huge city, all the way up, the closer to the center, the taller the buildings.

Very magnificent and beautiful scenery.

In the center of the city, there is a towering minaret.

The height is actually thousands of miles.

This minaret actually occupies a huge area, but because it is too high, it looks like a slender needle from a distance, standing there.

It seems that his master worships the sky infinitely.

Want to extend it infinitely above the sky.

Here is the Fairy Gate of Destiny.

Fang Wanjian glanced at the two Chen Feng, wanting to see their shocked expressions.

But unfortunately, let him down.

Chen Feng came from the top of the sky, what big scene hasn't been seen?

Although this huge city is majestic and magnificent, it is not much worse than the top of the sky.

Soon, the spaceship came before the city.

There was a burst of light above, and a big banner was played, "Fang Wanjian" was written with three characters.

There are countless sharp swords on the edge of the banner, and they want to soar into the sky.

As a result, the people in the city immediately knew that this was the arrival of Master Fang Wanjian.

At this time, Fang Wanjian was so powerful and influential in the Immortal Gate of Destiny.

Natural unimpeded, no one dares to stop.

In an instant, above the formation of the defensive city, layers of doors were opened, and the spacecraft flew in.

The way forward.

In the end, it stopped in front of the tower, the core of the entire Qianyun Immortal Gate.

Here is a huge platform.

In front of him is the tower rising into the sky, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

Fang Wanjian brought Chen Feng down and said a few words in a low voice with the strong guarding the tower.

Several people entered the tower.

Stepping into it, Chen Feng felt that the world was spinning, as if he had entered a whole new world.

The next moment, when the line of sight was restored, it seemed as if there was the entire universe in front of him.

Stars and dots, empty and high.

In front of Chen Feng and the others, there was a tall figure that seemed to fill the entire world.

This person wore a blue imperial robe and a crown of heaven on his head.

Fang Wanjian saw this scene, although it was not the first time, he was still shocked with fear and awe.

Bending over to salute, loudly said: "I have seen the boss!"

If it were other people, no matter how bold they were, as long as they were from this world, they would be frightened when they saw Zhong Liyangze.

Zhongli Yangze is a legend they have heard since childhood!

However, Chen Feng is different.

They have no respect for Zhong Li Yangze, and they have even seen a master who is stronger than Zhong Li Yangze.

Therefore, instead of being afraid, he was looking at this person.

At this moment, the figure slowly turned his head.

Then, the indomitable phantom disappeared.

A figure appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng finally saw Zhong Liyangze, the righteous overlord and the ruler of the human race.

This is a thin middle-aged man with a vast body like a sea.

For example, Wan Jian and Xiong Jie, many times beyond unknown, long and vague.

What surprised Chen Feng was: "This breath, I feel..."

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