Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4865: Waves are weird

Half a step away from the Martial God Realm, only one step away.

"In other words..."

Chen Feng's eyes were deep: "As long as I can sense the breath of the star soul in the universe, and quietly condense a star soul eukaryote, I can step into the half-step Martial God Realm."

If you want to step into the half-step Martial God Realm, you don't need to really condense the Star Soul.

As long as you feel a trace of the original power of the stars, sense a ray of star soul breath, and condense a simple star soul eukaryote, then you can step into the half-step Martial God Realm!

It seems that Chen Feng can do it now.

However, he did not intend to be so fast.

At that time, what Fairy Yuheng said, he still remembered clearly.

If it weren't for Chen Feng to touch the sky too late, he would not only condense the power of the five stars in every realm of Emperor Wu's realm.

Although, Chen Feng can now condense the power of forty-five stars.

Even looking at the top of the sky, it is a very terrifying number.

However, Chen Feng was not reconciled.

He could have condensed the power of eighty-one stars.

even more!

You know, how huge is the gap between the power of forty-five stars and the power of eighty-one stars?

Even the Star Soul that can make him condense in the future is several big grades.

How can Chen Feng be willing?

He has to care about the next thing.

In the next few days, Chen Feng had been practicing in the camp.

Thoroughly familiar with his own great witch Eucharist.

And his realm has also stayed firmly at the peak of Nine Star Martial Emperor.

In the past few days, news of the Great Victory of Baigu Peak has spread throughout the whole right way.

During the Battle of Bai Bone Peak Camp, the Wu clan and the Xiong clan were almost wiped out.

Beheaded more than 15,000 levels.

As for the Human Race Bai Bone Peak Camp, the casualties were no more than 5,000.

After this battle, one of the twelve major clans of the Wu clan, the Xiong clan, was almost completely destroyed.

This is a huge casualty for the entire Wu Clan.

It is a huge victory that Human Race has never had in thousands of years!

This is the destruction of an entire clan!

It is equivalent to breaking a pillar of the Wu clan.

After this news was passed back, even many people couldn't believe it.

However, following the carriages that transported the corpses of the Witch Clan, they came to one city after another.

When the bodies of those powerful witches were placed outside the city gate, everyone believed it!

In an instant, Fang Wanjian's prestige spread throughout the right way.

The prestige skyrocketed!

In the eyes of all righteous people, he is almost regarded as the righteous overlord of the future.

The first righteous way after Zhongli Yangze!

After all, the entire Human race has not had such a prominent victory in thousands of years.

Now, under the auspices of Fang Wanjian, everything that seemed impossible was done.

Many people are rejoicing.

It is believed that after this battle, the offensive and defensive momentum of the human and witch demons will be reversed.

It is even possible to take the initiative to attack in the direction of the White Bone Peak camp and destroy other Wu clan clans one by one.

Of course, during the whole process, there were no two names, Yan Changfeng and Tiancan.

Their news was deliberately hidden.

Their credit has also been wiped out.

All the credits became Fang Wanjian's.

But Chen Feng would naturally not care about these.

He originally wanted these fictitious names without any meaning, what he wanted was only practical benefits.

And this is also part of his deal with Fang Wanjian.

Chen Feng gave all the glory to Fang Wanjian, and Fang Wanjian tried his best to fulfill the conditions promised to him.

But in this great victory, there is also a trace of doubt.

It was the remnant of the Xiong clan. They were still moving around, attacking the city, capturing many cities and destroying many families.

Although the damage caused is not large, the impact is extremely bad.

Fortunately, when Fang Wanjian reported to Zheng Dao, he specifically mentioned this remnant of the Xiong family.

Therefore, no one blamed him, after all, he couldn't get any handle on him.

For this matter, Fang Wanjian came to Chen Feng again.

Chen Feng promised him, as long as he let himself see Zhong Li Yangze.

Then, immediately, within three hours, he could help him to wipe out this remnant of the Xiong family.

Fang Wanjian was still convinced of Chen Feng's promise!

And just three days after the news of the great victory came out, a team of special envoys came to Baigufeng Camp.

Fang Wanjian and Ji Manhao, following these envoys, left quickly.

This is half a month's time.

Within half a month, news continued to come.

The message that came the most was the fact that the remnant of the Xiong family was arguing about it, almost invincible.

The remnant army with the Xiong family gathered some defeated soldiers.

It also contained a lot of human powerhouses, and soon developed to a scale of about 30,000 or 40,000.

Moreover, it was erratic, and they couldn't figure out where they were.

Even getting closer and closer to the human hinterland, several times they have smashed into an area hundreds of thousands of miles closer to the human hinterland than the White Bone Peak Camp.

There were some prosperous cities in the hinterland of mankind who had never seen war, and the Xuanhe family were all destroyed by this army.

Many powerful people in the human race were furious, and they successively issued orders to send troops to destroy the Bone Peak camp.

The White Bone Peak Camp had also been wiped out many times, but each time it returned without success, even the opponent's Mao could not be seen.

Even being played between applause, embarrassed.

Bai Bone Peak camp, in the big account.

The Tiancun Beast Slave looked at Chen Feng with a bit of amazement: "Cui Jiuxi is really amazing, like a loach, drilling around, no one can catch him."

Chen Feng smiled slightly.

Cui Jiuxi did so well, as he expected.

Fortunately, putting Cui Jiuxi back was a wonderful move.

If it weren't, it's just that Xiong Mang's hairy boy would have been wiped out countless times.

This Cui Jiuxi is agile, and I want to make a lot of benefits during this period of time!

"With these benefits, the gain is not cheap, and I am worthy of you."

"Next, if you are eliminated, it will not have that much impact on you."

Chen Feng suddenly got up and walked out of the big tent.

Look at the **** sunset in the distance.

"After going so long, Fang Wanjian should be back, right?"

Before the words were over, there was a loud noise at the gate of Daying.

"The commander is back to camp! The commander is back to camp!"

Everyone shouted.

The first thing Fang Wanjian did when Fengchen came back was to call Chen Feng into the camp.

He asked, "When can those who have the remnants of the Xiong family be wiped out?"

His eyes are bloodshot, and his eyes are full of anger and murder.

Originally, Fang Wanjian's mood was very good.

This time, he went to Mieyun Immortal Gate, the holy city of human race, to report on his duties.

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