Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4812: Deadly Hall

"Come all the way, but it's honest."

"In the end, I didn't expect that when I just entered this camp, I don't know what kind of stimulation this spy had been exposed to, and he was struggling to escape."

"In desperation, I had to kill him."

When everyone heard the words, they admired them even more, with a little more fear.

Chen Feng said it was an understatement, but everyone knew what kind of strength Han Jianxing was!

Doesn't this mean that the strength of the two of them at least reached the Broken Star Realm?

Looking at the awe, even fear, on the faces of everyone around him, a smile was drawn at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth.

"What I want is this effect!"

Naturally, he wouldn't just want to enjoy the vain gaze that everyone worshipped.

It has another profound meaning!

What Chen Feng needs now is not to be despised, but to be taken seriously!

Only by being valued can we get more resources, be entrusted with more important tasks, and be able to achieve his goal!

Only then can he do the big thing he will do next!

Chen Feng is in the layout.

Captured Han Jianxing before, and even what happened now.

It's just the first step of the plan!

The second step is to create a huge reputation among the people in this righteous way and show their strong strength.

Even, control a certain power!

So when I came up, I was here to show off.

Suddenly, several powerful warriors in black robes came quickly.

On their black robes, there was embroidered a pattern, it was a huge bone that pierced the sky.

It was exactly the same as the White Bone Peak behind him.

Everyone did not dare to breathe.

This is the guard of the great handsome, among all the warriors, is a fierce name.

They also have the duties of the Zongmen Xingtang and are responsible for supervising and controlling these warriors.

Many warriors who committed evil acts were killed by them, and everyone was afraid of them.

The headed guard in black said loudly: "By the command of the general, these two men will be brought into the camp for questioning."


General Heita, should be loudly.

"Two, please."

Chen Feng smiled and nodded, and suddenly lifted the body of Han Jianxing high.

He shouted: "General, I saw the great merit jade monument outside, but said that killing a witch demon in the broken star realm can reward one hundred thousand great merits."

"The great demon I killed was not only a star-broken powerhouse, but also a spy for the evil demon of the witch clan, and at the same time the master of Jiuyin!"

"Maybe, it was this person who caused the capture of the main peak of Jiuyin."

"The two of me made such a great contribution, at least it is equivalent to killing three broken star realm powerhouses!"

Come on, laugh wildly.

It turned out that this was also one of Chen Feng's goals.

However, it was an idea that Chen Feng had just born after seeing the jade monument outside.

It even made him determined to kill Han Jianxing in front of everyone.

At the same time, publicize this matter greatly, so that everyone knows what you have done!

As a result, Bai Bone Peak Daying had no way to fall back.

A figure suddenly appeared like a ghost.

Wearing a black cloak, there are blood patterns on it, the cloak is wide, covering his face, even his face can't be seen clearly.

It was only possible to see two blue faint eyes, still exuding **** light.

As soon as he appeared, even though it was under the scorching sun, everyone felt cold all over.

There was a bit of fear in his eyes.

Chen Feng remembered that he was the one who had been sitting under the monumental jade monument.

This person's voice came from a cold and quiet voice: "My name is Kui She, and I am responsible for all the assessments of great achievements."

"If the identity of Han Jianxing's spy is confirmed, then it can be counted as the two of you, with 200,000 great merits!"

When everyone heard it, they were all in an uproar.

"Two hundred thousand great achievements! This is too strong!"

"The number one ranking now is nothing more than 50,000 worth of great merits. When these two people came up, the number of great merits reached four times as much as his!"

There was indescribable envy on everyone's faces, but the envy was not obvious.

Because Chen Feng exceeded them too much.

When the gap is similar, they will be jealous.

But when the gap is large to a certain extent, there is not even a feeling of jealousy.

Kui She looked at the two and said in a cold voice, "I don't know how to call the two."

Chen Feng knew that he probably had any means to investigate the details.

This is the bottom line of the two of them!

He secretly smiled in his heart: "Can you get to the bottom of my two?"

He smiled and said: "In the next Yan Changfeng."

It is still a pseudonym.

He pointed to the beast slave next to Heaven Canal: "This is my brother, Heaven Canal."

Kui She nodded and left without saying a word.

Chen Feng shouted to his back: "Brother Kuishe, you can't rely on the two of me."

Yan Changfeng!


Everyone remembered these two names.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, he burst into laughter.

This Yan Changfeng has an appetite for them.

Then, the two of Chen Feng were taken to the innermost side of the White Bone Peak camp by the black guards.

Entering inside, an old man slowly turned around and looked back at the two Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's heart suddenly jumped.

The old man's beard and hair are white, his body is dull and inexplicable, momentarily cloudy, but momentarily huge as a mountain.

But Chen Feng could feel that his strength was at least in the Star Condensing Realm!

The third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm!


Chen Feng and two of them were in front of him, and they couldn't stop them.

This person, even if you look at this world, is definitely a top expert.

Chen Feng knew who he was in an instant.

The person controlled by the White Bone Peak Camp: Fang Wanjian!

In itself, it is also the sovereign of a large sect.

Fang Wanjian didn't have any nonsense.

"Clarify the origins of the two of you."

He didn't even say threatening words, but Chen Feng and the two knew very well, if the two of them couldn't make him believe him.

Today, here is the place where bones are buried.

Chen Feng is facing the biggest crisis after entering here!

If you can't make it, you will die immediately!

Because their destiny is beyond their control.

But this step must be taken!

Fortunately, Chen Feng had already thought about everything before coming here.

And, deduced back and forth countless times, sure there is no problem.

He sighed slightly and looked at Fang Wanjian, with a sad expression on his face: "Actually, the two of me are from the Witch clan."

"What? Born from the Witch Clan?"

The general's expression on the iron tower instantly tightened, his hand was already pressed on the weapon, and his killing intent came out wantonly!

To Fang Wanjian, he deserves to be the leader of countless powerful people, but there is no fluctuation.

The expression was faint: "Go on."

However, the slightly shaking sleeves were exposed, and his mood was never calm at this time.

In fact, Fang Wanjian was full of horror at this time, and he was even more excited and expectant.

Because, he vaguely felt that he seemed to have discovered a great secret!

Chen Feng said word by word: "The two of me are from the Witch Clan, the Jue Ming Tang."

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