Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4811: Han Jianxing is a spy of the Wu family!

He was splashed with cold water like a pocket in an instant, and he knew what Chen Feng had fed him just now, and even vaguely guessed his purpose!

Panicked and shouted: "You, what are you going to do?"

Chen Feng smiled: "You know what I want to do."

"Now, it's time!"

The next moment, a palm fell, and slapped Han Jianxing's heart!

Even though Han Jianxing had recovered a bit of strength, the drop of Witch Clan evil spirit blood that Chen Feng deliberately swallowed by him was too low.

Before, he was injured too badly.

How could it be Chen Feng's opponent?

He couldn't resist at all, and was directly shattered by Chen Feng's palm.

Han Jianxing looked at Chen Feng with a loud noise in his throat!

At this time, he understood everything.

It turned out that Chen Feng never wanted him to come here alive.

He looked at Chen Feng in disbelief, as if asking why he didn't kill himself early, but came here to do it.

The next moment, the light in his eyes faded.

It is also breathless.

The noise here is so loud that it can't be hidden from others.

Many people look here

In order to prevent these powerful people from making troubles, the two most elite armies in the entire Baibone Peak camp.

One is the coach's guard.

The other one is those who defended the periphery of the big camp and were responsible for screening and monitoring these powerful fighters.

Among them, there are even some strong stars.

The response is also extremely rapid.

Almost just the moment Chen Feng and the two had just killed Han Jianxing, there was a wild roar.


Several rays of light passed by with extreme speed.

In an instant, more than a dozen people wearing heavy armor with cold eyes and full of anger, surrounded Chen Feng and the two.

The sound of the battle armor was loud, and one person strode over.

He was a general who was like an iron tower, with a tall stature, a black face, and full of scorn.

Astonishingly he is the second highest peak powerhouse in the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

It was even stronger than when Han Jianxing had a complete victory.

In this White Bone Peak camp, I am afraid that they are all powerful people with extremely status and status.

Staring at the two of Chen Feng, he sternly shouted: "What are you two dogs doing? If you don't know what to say today, I will chop you off!"

At this time, not only them, but also the martial artists around, all rushed over.

Three stories inside and three outside, looking at Chen Feng curiously.

It was the first time they saw anyone who dared to murder in this camp.

At this moment, seeing that thousands of people were surrounded here in an instant, a smile appeared on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth.

What he wants is this effect!

Before the general finished speaking, Chen Feng walked forward, clasped his fists and saluted, and shouted:

"This general, the person who beheaded down is named Han Jianxing! He is the head of Jiuyinzhen!"

This sentence is even more like a boulder thrown into the water.

Set off a huge wave!

Everyone was stupid and froze there.

Even the tower-like general couldn't help but trembled, his face was shocked!

Everyone knew that Jiuyin Zhenyi had been breached.

But Han Jianxing, the head of Jiuyin Zhen, knew nothing about his life or death!

As a result, two warriors came here, saying that the person they killed was Han Jianxing!

"How did he kill Han Jianxing?"

"He is killing Han Jianxing here, looking for death?"

Chen Feng lifted Han Jianxing high.

At this time, on Han Jianxing's body, there was also an extremely strong Witch Clan demons.

However, with his death, the characteristics of the Wu Clan demons gradually disappeared.

But everyone can see clearly.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "The reason why I am waiting to kill Han Jianxing is because Han Jianxing is a spy of the evil demon of the witch family!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked to the extreme!

If we say that what Chen Feng said just now was just something that everyone could not believe.

Now, everyone feels that everything they know has been subverted!

People are going crazy!

That is the true master of Jiuyin!

High position and powerful strength!

In the right way, it also has a lofty status!

As a result, he turned out to be a spy for the evil demon of the Wu family?

This made them feel an extremely absurd feeling.

However, at this moment, the corpse held in Chen Feng's hand is gradually receding, but it is the characteristic of the Wu Clan demons that everyone can see clearly, but it is iron-like evidence!

Everyone's eyes fell on the corpse.

After seeing Han Jianxing's long and consistent face again, everyone exclaimed one after another!

"This is indeed Han Jianxing!"

"I have met him several times in the main peak camp of Jiuyin!"

"Hmph, what are you? I have been his personal bodyguard. During his 16 years, I saw each other day by day, and I could recognize it as it turned to ashes."

Someone nearby laughed and said: "Your lord is still there, but you are back. Didn't you run away in embarrassment?"

The man's face was flushed immediately, but he couldn't say anything.

Everyone looked at the two Chen Feng with shocked faces.

There was even more awe in his eyes.

These people admire the strong most.

Chen Feng, the two of them, legendarily brought back the head of the Jiuyin Sect, which was said to have been broken by the Witch Clan demons and turned into a ghostly mythical creature!

He also found out the identity of his spy for the evil demon of the witch family.

What kind of method is this? What kind of strength?

Now everyone basically believed what they said.

The tower-like general pondered for a moment.

Called the person who claimed to have been the guardian of Jiuyinzhen, "Look carefully, is it Han Jianxing?"

The man felt it carefully for a moment, then nodded his head.

"Although others are dead, the breath will not dissipate in the future."

"The breath on the body, out and about, is his!"


The person frowned and said, "There is still an unexplainable witch demonic aura on him, which makes people feel very uncomfortable."

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "He is a spy of the evil demon of the Witch family, naturally."

The tower-like general nodded sinkingly, already believing in his heart.

It's just that the extremely absurd feeling has not dissipated, but is getting stronger and stronger!

Jiuyin is really a master!

Dignified Jiuyin is really a master!

Turned out to be the spy of the evil demon of the wizard family

In addition, he was captured and brought back by two unknown people, even strangers to everyone, and killed!

The General of the Iron Tower looked at Chen Feng and did not speak yet.

Chen Feng said loudly: "Report to the general, I was thinking about going to the main peak camp of Jiuyin to rescue Han Jianxing."

"When I went there, I discovered that Han Jianxing turned out to be a spy of the evil spirits of the Witch family."

"and then?"

General Iron Tower asked.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "It's very simple, and then the two of me will catch him."

"It's just that he resisted too fiercely, and I couldn't help it. I couldn't stop it and severely injured him."

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