Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4809: Great success monument!

The journey went smoothly. After five hours, he had completely left the area where Jiuyin Zhenyi was located.

In front of him was a huge plain.

On the plain, there are countless villages and cities all over, densely populated.

But at this time, it has turned into a **** on earth.

Countless evil demons of the witch race have entered these cities to refine humans and cultivate themselves!

There is blood and fire everywhere.

The two of Chen Feng were shocked along the way.

The transformation of Han Jianxing's evil demon from the witch clan is time-limited.

After that time limit and his strength became unsustainable, he returned to normal.

However, the human body also made it extremely difficult to recover from his injuries.

The breath has always been weak.

However, this is not because he returned to the human body in the normal state of Wu Clan body transformation,

It was an accident.

It is equivalent to being interrupted by the transformation, so he returned to the human body.

As long as he can swallow a little bit of the blood of the Witch Clan demons, he will immediately regain his transformation and regain certain strength.

Therefore, during this period of time, Chen Feng asked the Tiancun Beast Slave to take him extremely seriously.

Never let him have the opportunity to touch the blood of the Witch Clan demons.

They wrapped Han Jianxing in a rag, and the Tianchou beast slaves carried them on their backs, pretending to be ordinary warriors fleeing.

Along the way, I didn't encounter any strong people.

There were a few eyes of the Wu clan Xiaoluo who were also easily dismissed by Chen Feng.

The speed is fast.

Especially after leaving the area of ​​Jiuyinzhenyimen, without the weird clouds and fog in the sky, he can fly in the air.

Although not as smooth as on the Dragon Vein Continent, the speed can also be improved a lot.

After asking Han Jianxing, Chen Feng and Chen Feng knew that it turned out that this thick fog was called Sukong Fog.

Originated from a huge formation called the Eight Gate Golden Lock Great Formation.

In the Fallen Witch Realm, the martial arts are not bad, and the formation can be regarded as prosperous.

Especially in the long-term melee between human warriors and witch demons, certain war formations have developed extremely well.

The Eight Gate Golden Lock Array is one of them.

On the side of the Witch Clan demons, they like to use this eight-door golden lock formation.

The range of the formation blockade is extremely large. Within this range, the sky is filled with fog and can not fly.

The combat effectiveness of people in the right way is greatly hindered.

Whether it is fighting, fleeing, or chasing the enemy, the speed will be greatly reduced.

Ten percent strength, thirty or four percent first.

The witch demons, with strong flesh, are not good at speed and flying in the air.

The impact is naturally minimal.

Therefore, in areas where the evil demons of the witch race often attack, a large formation of eight golden locks will be laid first.

Two days later, the group had already traveled hundreds of thousands of miles.

And here, you can already see some righteous powers appearing in large numbers.

The number of witch demons encountered was much less, obviously, the witch demons had not yet been able to fight over.

And these days, every night, there will be an hour, Chen Feng quietly went out alone, not knowing what he was doing.

When I came back, I was full of thoughts.

Finally, on the sixth day, there was no longer a fertile plain in front of Chen Feng.

Instead, a large white Gobi appeared.

At the end of the white Gobi, there is a giant white bone mountain towering into the clouds.

Like the bones of a giant beast, piercing through the sky!

Han Jianxing whispered: "This is a powerful bone left by an ancient demon god, although only bones are left."

"But the bones are as towering as a mountain and extremely hard."

"No matter how powerful a weapon is, it can't break inside."

"It also contains mysterious power, so I waited for people in the right way to build this Bone Peak camp on this basis."

"Its defensive power surpasses my Jiuyin Zhenyi several times!"

Chen Feng nodded.

After walking forward for another half day, he came to the foot of the mountain.

Bai Bone Peak Camp, with that giant beast bone as its core, has a radius of hundreds of miles.

On the high walls, the array gleamed.

The array of light directly penetrates the sky.

Above the sky, it is closed again, like a huge lid, enclosing the entire camp.

No matter how strong it is, it is difficult to break through.

There was a huge gap in the city wall. At this time, many warriors came here from all directions.

There are high and low strengths.

There are many righteous people who are screening at that city gate.

The entire Bai Bone Peak camp is extremely lively.

Inside the camp, the noise is abnormal, and powerful warriors are constantly coming in and out.

At a glance, there was a constant flow of people.

Powerful warriors, more than tens of millions?

There was that powerful warrior who came from afar, still carrying the corpse of the witch demon in his hand, laughing.

Even, from time to time, wearing sophisticated armor and riding a unified powerful mount, it should be the existence of an army of elite and powerful people on the right road, hurried out or returned in a hurry.

Haven't entered the camp, but outside the main gate of the camp, there is a very lively place.

Thousands of people crowded there, making loud noises.

Chen Feng raised his brows: "Let's go there and have a look."

It was only recently that I discovered that this place was actually a tall jade monument.

On the stele, four characters were written: Great Jade Stele!

And below, from top to bottom, countless names are densely written.

There is a blank before some names.

Before some names, they also show their martial arts and their ancestors.

After the name, there is a number.

For example, for the number one, Chen Feng can see:

Abandoned disciple, Yujizi, Fifty-six thousand great achievements!

The numbers after the names below are decreasing sequentially.

Chen Feng glanced at it, and there were at least several thousand names on the jade stele.

And in front of the Great Jade Monument, there is a black cloak, a weird man covered in it, curled up on a chair.

In front of him, a few people with average copywriting were sitting behind the table.

What are you busy counting.

Everyone was talking loudly and cheerfully around.

Someone laughed boldly and said: "Hahaha, this time I beheaded 10 witches and demons martial arts masters, enough to earn 10,000 great achievements!"

The speaker was the strong man who had just seen the corpse of the Witch Clan demons.

He threw the corpses in his hands heavily on the table, and said loudly, "I am Zhou Wenyan. You can see it clearly, so don't make any mistakes."


The clerk was greeted with a smile.

I checked the corpse carefully and sensed the power remaining in his body.

Then he shouted loudly: "Zhou Wenyan, the young master of the Zhou family in Xianlin City, killed ten martial arts master-level wizard demons, and his great achievements increased by 10,000."

"Currently, the total is 19,000, ranking 47th."

Chen Feng glanced at Zhou Wenyan.

His momentum is not weak.

Has reached the first peak of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

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