Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4808: aims! Bone Peak Camp!

But it is still contrasted from the fragments, which is different from the jade book of the Great Witch Returning Heavenly Art inheritance given by Han Jianxing.

Han Jianxing only felt a blindfold before his eyes, and he was in a trance, and instantly he didn't know anything.

Then he woke up and asked blankly: "You, what did you do to me?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly, not saying a word but cutting off another finger. In Han Jianxing's low scream, he smiled and said:

"The pattern in the third line on the second page of the jade book you gave me the great witch's return to heaven is wrong."

Han Jianxing's pupils shrank violently in an instant, and his whole body trembled as if he had seen a ghost.

Looking at Chen Feng, he exclaimed in disbelief: "How did you know?"

It turns out that his inheritance jade album is indeed half-truth.

The highest level of fraud is nine points of truth, but it is fake at the most critical moment.

This is the case with the inheritance jade book.

The first page is all true.

On the second page, there are twelve figures, and only the last figure on the third line is false. "

"However, this is the most critical one."

"There is no cultivation right here. In an instant, the blood of the whole body will be reversed, and the body will die, and the death will be extremely miserable!"

In fact, Han Jianxing has these three such small traps in this volume of the so-called Great Witch Hui Tian Gong inheritance jade book.

There is absolutely no way to escape.

This is also his greatest secret.

"How did this boy know?"

The next moment, Chen Feng cut off his third finger again, smiled and said, "Tell me those mistakes."

Han Jianxing nodded without any hesitation.

He no longer has any luck.

This mysterious young man has endless means.

I can't hide everything from him.

Why bother to ask for it?

He quickly corrected those three mistakes, and Chen Feng firmly remembered them.

However, it has not been modified in this jade book of the Great Wuhui Tiangong inheritance.

The error is still there.

"This fake jade album, maybe it will still play some great role!"

Then, Chen Feng compared it with the memory fragments again, and after confirming that there were no errors, he nodded.

Chen Feng looked towards Xiong Huai.

Above the corpse of Xionghuai, a huge drop of blood was suspended.

Han Jianxing hinted with malicious intent behind him: "The best resource for cultivating the Great Witch Returning to Heaven is the essence and blood of these high-level Witch Clan demons."

Xiong Mang looked at Chen Feng and said coldly, "You are going to kill me, right? Come on!"

"I have a good boy from the Xiong family, and I am definitely not a coward."

After all, close your eyes and wait for death.

Waited for a long time, but didn't wait for the ultimate move.

He opened his eyes and looked at Chen Feng in surprise: "You won't kill me?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Want to live?"

"Yes, of course."

Xiong Mang is very frank.

"But you tried your best, isn't it just for cultivation to get the Great Wu Huitian Gong?"

"My brother and I, the blood of a high-level witch race, are the best source of strength for cultivating the great witch's return to heaven."

"I don't think there is any secret in me that can be compared with this drop of my blood."

Chen Feng smiled: "You know yourself very clearly."

He was straightforward: "It's not impossible to spare your life, but you have to promise me one condition."

Chen Feng didn't obscure Xiong Mang.

Xiong Mang immediately said, "What conditions?"

"If it hurts my Wu Clan, absolutely don't do it. Even if you kill me, I won't do it."

Chen Feng smiled: "Don't worry, it's just a small condition."

"It will definitely not have any impact on your witch clan demons and your Xiong clan."

After all, he whispered a few words in the ear of Xiong Mang.

Xiong Mang suddenly looked astonished: "You actually let me do this?"

He looked at Chen Feng like a lunatic.

Chen Feng smiled: "Is the condition agreed?"

You Xiong Mang immediately said, "I agree."

"it is good."

Chen Feng stared at him: "You swear."

Xiong Mang is about to swear.

Chen Feng added another sentence: "Swear by that huge eye deep in your spiritual world!"

Xiong Mang was full of horror and screamed: "You really are a devil! You know everything!"

Seeing his reaction like this, Chen Feng immediately understood.

"Sure enough, I guessed right."

He had guessed before that, deep in the spiritual world of these witch race demons, the huge eyes should be an extremely important existence for them.

Even, it may be their ancestor totem, spiritual support, etc.

It is absolutely impossible for him to swear by this thing!

You Xiong Mang glanced at Chen Feng in shock, and then swore a poisonous oath with that eye.

"Okay, let's go."

You Xiong Mang took a deep look at Chen Fengfeng, as if he wanted to keep this human being who behaved so special that he could not guess the purpose at all.

After that, he didn't even look at the body of Xiong Huai.

Leave directly.

Tiancun Beast Slave whispered: "Big Brother, this son is definitely not a thing in the pool, let him go, I'm afraid of endless troubles."

Chen Feng smiled: "Don't worry, the troubles are endless, and we don't need to bear the troubles."

"At least he can bring us benefits now!"

Then, Chen Feng took away the drop of Xiong Huai's blood.

After checking, he clapped his hands when he saw nothing more.


The Tiancun Beast Slave lifted Han Jianxing up.

"where to?"

Han Jianxing asked quickly.

Chen Feng smiled: "Send you back to the White Bone Peak camp."

He raised his eyes and looked at the vast sky in the distance: "That's where I really can do my best. Can I unearth the deepest secrets of this world? Look at my methods at Baigufeng Camp!"

There seemed to be a fire burning in his heart.

Despite this, we are facing more and stronger powerhouses, and the crisis is perilous.

However, he was full of expectations and extremely excited!

"Some of the chess pieces laid before can also be used!"

At this moment, both Chen Feng and Chen Feng thought of the voice of the Lord of Heaven at the same time.

"Task: Escort Han Jianxing to the White Bone Peak Camp."

"The trial disciple Chen Feng and the trial disciple Tiancan beast slave have already taken it."

"Task requirement: Escort Han Jianxing to Baibone Peak Camp within three days. During this period, Han Jianxing must not die!"

The two took Han Jianxing and headed westward.

There is the direction of Baigufeng Daying.

Han Jianxing lowered his head, a bit of bitterness flashed in his eyes.

"Two stupid juniors, wait until the White Bone Peak camp, and see how I concoct you."

At this moment, whether it was the Witch Clan demons chasing and killing, those who flee from the Jiuyin Zhenyi sect, and the dozens of small sects who depended on the Jiuyinzhenyi sect, all concentrated on the outside.

A few people went all the way, but they didn't meet anyone.

Chen Feng's perception is extremely strong, diffused out, and can be found early.

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