Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4709: Night watchman!

Let him face the road ahead, without fear!

The three great aspirations, the big blood-red characters are condensed in the air!

Of course, Chen Feng knew what he was going to do next.

Find the night watchman and use the power of the Yuxu Immortal Gate to enter the Xuanhuang Middle Thousand World to improve your strength.

Make yourself stronger!

Chen Feng clearly distinguished which was lighter and heavier.

Will not give up this opportunity because of dissatisfaction with Yuxu Fairy Gate!

"My purpose is not to avenge the Yuxu Immortal Gate."

"In other words, to avenge the Yuxu fairy gate, just to understand this period of cause and effect."

"What I really want is to use these things to gain a foothold in the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World, and then realize the ambition in my heart!"

And just when Chen Feng's voice fell.

In the void of the universe that didn't know how far away, there was a faint, faint voice, as if the smoke was lightly dispersed: "Young man, I really am very ambitious."

When the voice heard, Chen Feng's body was shocked, and his heart even missed a beat.

Emotions surged in my heart, setting off stormy waves.

The whole person is caught in an inexplicable emotion.

Who can be who can be here, here, and who can speak?

At this moment, an inexplicable complex feeling surged in his heart.

There is excitement, sorrow and anger, as if relieved, and suddenly enlightened.

"Did you find it? Did I finally find it?"

"I finally found my own hope, the hope of Longmai Continent?"

However, Chen Feng was Chen Feng after all, took a deep breath, and soon calmed down.

He slowly turned around and looked back.

Not far behind Chen Feng, a beam of light was floating.

Yes, it is a beam of light.

The whole body is a long red color.

The light is misty and looming.

And this beam of light originated from a pillar, a scarlet bead the size of an egg.

The bead was just suspended there quietly, without knowing what material it was, but the surface was red.

That voice came from the little red bead.

Chen Feng's eyes just fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the surface was as smooth as jade, and countless lines suddenly appeared on the extremely smooth beads.

These lines are extremely complicated and small, such as the fineness of hair, which is not enough to describe its smallness.

The lines continue to appear, undulating, like countless ravine mountains appearing on the surface of a planet.

When Chen Feng glanced at it, he felt dazzled.

There are at least hundreds of thousands, millions or even tens of millions of lines on the beads!

And these countless patterns and hooks linked together, but formed an extremely complicated circle.

Chen Feng's heart shook: "This level of magic circle, the level of high, I have never seen it before!"

"How powerful is such a magic circle? How high is its level? What is its purpose?"

This formation has subverted Chen Feng's cognition.

This is a magic circle that completely surpasses the strength of the Dragon Vein Continent!

The next moment, above the magic circle, a shallow light lit up.

Then, a long and faint shadow floated out of it.

Vaguely human, there is no entity, incomplete, like a remnant soul.

However, this remnant soul alone brought witty oppression and immense pressure to Chen Feng.

At the moment this remnant soul appeared, Chen Feng felt that a world suddenly appeared in front of him.

There is a huge terrifying, extremely powerful planet rising up in front of him!

The suppression is so great that this!

Chen Feng's heart jumped fiercely: "How strong is this person? This is a terrifying strength I have never seen before!"

Just this remnant soul, the oppressive feeling brought to Chen Feng, has surpassed all the strong men he had seen before.

Whether it is Fairy Yuheng or Venerable Soul Master!

"This also means..."

Chen Feng made a nightmare voice in his heart: "This person's current strength absolutely exceeds the Star Soul Martial God Realm."

And this is just his remnant soul, just a small part of his soul!

It's hard to imagine how strong he will be when he wins, while he is alive!

"Is he the night watchman of Yuxu Fairy Gate?"

At this time, Chen Feng finally had a fairly intuitive understanding of the strength of the Yuxu fairy gate powerhouse.

"Too strong, too terrifying!"

"It's worthy of being in the Xuanhuang Zhongqianqianjie who also has a name and a surname!"

However, it is strange to say.

When Chen Feng turned his head and stopped looking at this bead, there was no remnant soul in his sight.

That kind of extreme oppression, but disappeared without a trace.

It's as if it never existed.

Moreover, where the remnant soul was, Chen Feng couldn't sense the existence of anything!

It's like an empty nothing.

However, when Chen Feng turned his eyes, he could see that he really existed there.

As if he knew what Chen Feng was thinking, the remnant soul spoke again.

The voice is thin, lingering:

"Don't think about it, I was already dead, only a ray of remnant soul escaped."

"Use the soul-locking beads to guard this remnant soul."

"It's something that shouldn't exist. You can't sense it. It's normal."

As he spoke, on the red beads, the afterimage slowly stood up.

Chen Feng saw that his body was mutilated, just like a skeleton.

The whole body is burning with flames.

The flame is light and light, and it doesn't look heavy.

But there is a terrifying power in it.

"With the Soul Locking Orb, as long as you don't see me with your own eyes, you will definitely not be able to sense me."

"Otherwise, how could Xuanhuang Zhongqian World, those old guys with magical power, let me go?"

The Red Flame Remnant Soul made a low and hoarse sound.

Suddenly he looked at Chen Feng and made a ‘laugh’ gesture with a grin.

"I think it's old and confused, I haven't told you yet, I am!"

He slowly uttered three words: "Night watchman!"

Night watchman!

These three words came into Chen Feng's ears, and Chen Feng's mood was uncomfortable.

But in the end, it became extremely calm.

His calmness made him feel a little different.

The night watchman looked in his eyes, and his eyes flashed!

He quietly stood up from the endless blood flame.

Two steps forward.

Then, amidst the **** flames, a tattered cloth robe flew out and covered him.

Chen Feng saw that the material of the cloth robe looked like an ordinary Taoist robe.

It was just extremely tattered, with mottled blood stains stuck to it.

Chen Feng's heart moved.

The material of this cloth robe is exactly the same as the blood-stained cloth that Yellow Bird gave him.

His mind just moved, but he has not spoken yet.

Suddenly, the piece of cloth in his arms flew directly out and fell into the palm of the night watchman.

Above that flame, circling around, but not burning.

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