Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4708: Chen Feng today! Make three big ambitions!

Those who have the ability to break through this world and go to other worlds.

In the end, they all embarked on the old road that broke through the nine-day wind and came to the outside world, and ended up being consumed by life and death here.

Because they don't know the truth!

Being able to do this step is really exhausting my limit!

After all, Xiaoqian was born in the world and had so much knowledge and strength.

It is commendable to be able to do this step, exhausting manpower!

Looking at them, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel an indescribable sadness in his heart!

Suddenly, his pupils shrank.

It turned out that Chen Feng actually saw a familiar figure from it.

Feather clothes high crown, Eguan Bo belt.

He is tall and thin, with a solemn face.

A long sword hung from his waist.

"This, this turned out to be..."

Chen Feng's voice trembled, whispered softly, and uttered four words: "Emperor Dongyang!

This is, Emperor Dongyang!

Even though I have never met with myself as a teacher and friend, but the Emperor of Dongyang who has had a spiritual friendship!

Emperor Dongyang, told Chen Feng the big secret about the Longmai Continent.

The gift of Chen Feng's treasure, it can be said, indirectly saved Chen Feng's life!

After he left countless legends in the Dragon Vessel Continent, he was missing.

But now, Chen Feng saw that he was dead here!

Before death, full of doubts, incomprehension, unwillingness and anger!

Perhaps, he already knew some truth before he died!

Only in this way, is it even more sad and angry!

At this time, the grief and resentment in Chen Feng's heart suddenly reached a limit!

The resentment broke out suddenly and rose to the sky!

Chen Feng's arms tightened, Yang Tian let out a silent roar!

He hates it!

He hates God of War Palace!

But even more hate those sects of Xuanhuang Zhongqian World!

Even the Yuxu fairy gate is full of hatred!

"If others grab your things, if you don't let others get it, you will seal my Dragon Vein Continent for a million years?"

"Have you ever wondered whether the people in my Dragon Vessel Continent are willing?"

"Have you ever thought, how much will my Dragon Vein Continent lose by this seal for a million years?"

"How long will I sink into the Dragon Vein Continent?"

"These! Have you ever thought about it?"

"Or, in your eyes, my Dragon Vein Continent is just your private property!"

"We people from Xiaoqian World, our people from Longmai Continent, are not their mothers, are they?"

Chen Feng knows exactly what they think!

After all, in their eyes, people from the Dragon Vein Continent are nothing but ants!

Why should you care about the idea of ​​ants?

People in the middle thousand worlds don't take their own people in the small thousand worlds seriously, and directly treat your new world as their private property!

I can't get it, right? I won't let you take it away either!

Directly lock this little world into a million years!

Even if Chen Feng promised the yellow bird, he would avenge the Yuxu fairy gate.

But it definitely does not mean that he thinks that the practice of Yuxu Immortal Gate is right!

"After all, being weak is the original sin!"

Chen Feng's resentment was soaring, and his blood spurted!

His voice, and the roar in his heart suddenly mingled!

Suddenly, Chen Feng's voice rang out in the void!

Originally, there is no sound transmission in this space.

But at this time, Chen Feng's voice broke through the rules and reverberated in this space!

His whole body was full of blood, all oozing out.

Around him, a red cloud formed.

And as every word of Chen Feng sounded, in front of him, a line of blood red characters appeared!

Like an alliance of blood!

"I, Chen Feng, today made three great aspirations!"

"The first great aspiration is the one of me, Chen Feng!"

"I, Chen Feng, will definitely succeed in one fell swoop and step into the world of Xuan Huang Zhong Qian!"

"The second big ambition!"

"I, Chen Feng, stepped into the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World to avenge the Yuxu Immortal Gate. I will coerce many sects and reopen the connection between the Dragon Vein Continent and the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World!"

"The meeting will master the cultivation techniques above the Martial Emperor realm, and wait until the Dragon Vessel Continent, so that everyone in the Dragon Vessel Continent can practice for it!"

"For all the warriors in the Longmai Continent, open a road to heaven, the road to longevity!"

"Lifespan will never be locked again, and the upper level limit will never be locked again!"

In front of Chen Feng, the big characters transformed into blood and qi, dragons and phoenix dance, just like a dragon and a snake!

Later, the color of blood becomes heavier.

The more energy and blood is consumed!

It's simple, because Chen Feng's second ambition is much bigger than the first one!

The first ambition only involved him.

The second ambition involves the entire Longmai Continent.

Speaking such things and issuing such ambitions are obviously very expensive!

Chen Feng was already pale and trembling all over!

He felt that he was almost reaching the limit!

The price to bear for making a ambition is extremely terrifying!

However, he still clenched his teeth!

"The third ambition!"

When Chen Feng said this, his voice became extremely solemn and solemn, and it rang out loudly throughout the space!

The sound hit the barrier in the extreme distance and echoed out again.

The entire void universe seemed to be filled with Chen Feng's vast and solemn voice!

"Predecessors, you died here in vain, your souls will never die!"

"You are all dying for my Dragon Vein Continent. You should be offering sacrifices, and the incense is endless!"

"I, Chen Feng, made my third big wish today, and when I succeed, I will set it on the Dragon Vein Continent, build a temple for you, and supply incense forever!"

"To pay tribute to your sacrifice yesterday and your contribution today!"

Having said that, everything is normal.

The reaction is not great.

But the words below Chen Feng made the entire void tremble.

It seems that this whole piece of void is in fear!

"I will even build a temple for you at the highest point in the Xuanhuang Zhongqian world!"

"I will let all the people in the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World who do this thing, come to the temple and kowtow, apologize!"

"For everything they did that day, for everything they were sorry for my Dragon Vein Continent, and to pay the price!"

Chen Feng's eyes were filled with unparalleled determination and confidence.

"And I, Chen Feng, will also let the people in the world know about it!"

"I'm waiting for the dragon vein mainland warrior! Don't be humiliated!"

At this time, Chen Feng had almost reached his limit!

He was trembling all over, his face pale as paper!

But suddenly, Chen Feng gritted his teeth fiercely and shouted wildly!

A bright bite of blood, spurted out wildly!

In the air, turned into this third big ambition!

Bloody, shocking, yet extremely confident and bragging!

With the three great aspirations issued, Chen Feng suddenly vomited blood again and again, and his figure dropped rapidly.

The whole person is already extremely weak.

For these three ambitions, he paid a heavy price.

But Chen Feng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The whole person is relieved and extremely relaxed!

There is even more faith that solidifies and stands in his heart.

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