Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4705: Refining Flame Gangfeng

Nothing happens.

No treasure can play a role at this time!

"Do I have to use the last hole card?"

Chen Feng whispered in his heart.

It turned out that even in such a desperate situation, even if all his hole cards and treasures were lost.

Chen Feng actually has a hole card to comeback!

This hole card can let him escape this predicament calmly, and there is no longer any danger!

However, Chen Feng looked around and looked unwilling.

"I finally got here, am I going back to the original point again?"

"Besides, these nine days of wind, I cannot break through today, can I break through again later?"

"It's still impossible to break through!"

"And if the night watchman cannot be found, how long will it take me to get rid of the Dragon Vein Continent?"

"This line, is it to be cut off abruptly?"

There is still another breath, those flames and winds will be present!

Chen Feng knew that he had to make a decision!

He suddenly moved in his heart: "These flames of wind, these nine days of wind, possess such a powerful force."

"Well then, they themselves are also a very high-level power?"

"In that case..."

Chen Feng's heart was beating wildly, with unspeakable excitement in his heart.

"My Buddhism Buddhism Golden Sutra, can it be refined?"

Chen Feng felt that this nine-day wind is a more powerful force than the power of the stars.

Moreover, it is extremely pure!

Almost the source of strength!

Chen Feng did not hesitate to do as he thought.

In an instant, the Golden Sutra of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was launched.

Behind him, the huge golden scriptures of the Bodhisattva Vipassana suddenly appeared.

Then, slowly opened.

An ancient Buddha phantom is also shrouded in front of Chen Feng.

After the Golden Sutra of the Great Buddha of Buddhism was opened, it seemed to have sensed the flame wind not far ahead.

Suddenly, Chen Feng sensed a trace of excitement from it.

Chen Feng immediately felt happy: "Keeping Zi is in the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva, showing such an emotion!"

"That, does it mean that the flames of wind can be swallowed?"

Sure enough, the next moment, the ancient Buddha phantom suddenly lifted his finger and faced the flame wind.

But the flame Gangfeng was not afraid of it.

On the contrary, there was an extremely greedy and ferocious aura, showing from him.

Wild and rough, some are just instinctive greed!

In an instant, the flaming wind changed its body and turned into a huge fierce beast.

This huge fierce beast is shaped like a leopard, but it has two huge wings.

Moreover, that head is also a huge tiger head.

It looks weird, but it is extremely horrible, with a strong and terrifying aura.

Its body is entirely made of golden red flames and wind, which is a hundred miles huge.

Those flames and wind hovered and wound on the surface of his body, forming an extremely sharp carving knife.

The next moment, it opened its huge mouth and screamed at the ancient Buddha phantom!

The countless giant knives slashed forward at the same time.

It seems that this ancient Buddha phantom will be broken into pieces!

Compared with the huge beast that stretched for hundreds of miles, the ancient Buddha phantom seemed extremely small.

But it cannot be ignored at all.

The next moment, he let out a low growl, pointed his finger, slowly opened his mouth, and made a loud voice: "Naughty animal!"

This is the first time Chen Feng heard him make a sound.

Sure enough, its power is also extraordinary.

As this voice fell, at his fingertips, suddenly a little golden light flashed quietly.

This little golden light, without any hindrance, was thrown into the body of the flame giant.

At the next moment, this golden light suddenly bloomed.

It was like the big sun exploded in the body of the flame giant.

In an instant, endless golden light was spilled out, thrown into every place of the flame giant.

Wherever the golden light went, the body of the giant flame leopard directly broke apart!

Like ice and snow seeing the sun, it melts directly!

The flame giant screamed terribly, trying to stop all of this.

But it's useless at all!

The next moment, the bright golden light swept over his whole body.

The flame giant was directly blown to pieces and turned into the most original star power.

But among them, there are vaguely other things.

In the next moment, Chen Feng came to the practice space of the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva.

These forces have already been absorbed into it and began to refine.

This refining took a full three hours!

Chen Feng has never seen the power of the stars that takes so long to refine the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara!

Three hours later, Chen Feng suddenly shocked all over.

He suddenly opened his eyes!

And as a low roar appeared, a star vein suddenly appeared behind him.

A very special star vein!

The other star veins are just one star vein, although there are rising and falling stars, there are ups and downs of stars.

But the appearance is basically the same.

Nothing is special.

However, the appearance of the star vein in front of him is like a giant flame leopard!

It's no different from the flame giant just now.

The wings are flying, the surrounding flames are lingering, the clouds are flying, and the gods are incomparable.

Keep running in the air!

In his body, there are also rising and falling, and stars bullying.

But the inside of the star veins are all immersed in a piece of red flame that is most radiant!

It's like a universe swallowed by lava!

But when Chen Feng closed his eyes, he could feel that this special star vein was closely related to himself.

It seems to have something to do with the power of luck in one's body.

Chen Feng also knew what was going on.

It is because the other star veins are all refined by the power of stars.

The power of these stars is certainly very powerful, but they are all obtained from the top of the sky. It can be said that all the characteristics have been erased by the top of the sky.

Only the most original power is left.

Therefore, they are the power of the stars, yes, they are just the power of the stars.

There are no other characteristics.

But the flame wind that he refined was different.

Flame Gangfeng is located at the outermost periphery of the Dragon Vein Continent, and is also the essence of the Dragon Vein Continent.

It is not only the power of the stars, but also brings the unique characteristics of the world of the dragon vein continent

And the phantom of the ancient Buddha has become invisible.

The breath is also very weak.

Obviously, all that just now was extremely wasteful to him.

Even the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is directly closed, and it disappears with one swipe.

Obviously, being able to conquer this flame and wind has already exhausted the current power of the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.

Chen Feng sighed softly, feeling awe-inspiring.

"With the strength and level of the Golden Sutra of the Great Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, you can only tame this flame wind!"

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