Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4704: no way no money?

So in an instant, the formation that was already shaky and on the verge of shattering suddenly shone brightly!

The entire Ruyizhou, all the final strength, was also excited in an instant.

The speed soared dozens of times in an instant, and went crazy upward!

Chen Feng's purpose is to stimulate the last bit of Ruyizhou's strength and let it go as high as possible before it collapses!

Finally, when he was about to reach the top of the seventh floor, Ruyizhou trembled violently again.

Then, there was a loud bang.

Chen Feng felt a shock in his feet.

In the next moment, the Ruyi Boat Line broke directly into countless pieces.

After the Ruyi Boat collapsed, the endless scorching wind rushed towards Chen Feng.

The extreme heat almost burned Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng had already prepared, and with a wild roar, the second layer of the Donkey Kong Arhat Immortal Body suddenly started!

The whole body is instantly turned into the color of bronze!

Like a demon made of bronze!

In an instant, the hot wind was shielded from the outside.

With the strength of Ruyizhou's collapse, he slammed his feet and shot out like a sharp arrow.

With a bang, it penetrated the top of the seventh floor and came directly to the eighth floor!

Chen Feng let out a sigh of breath.

"Now, I'll walk through these last two floors!"

Donkey Kong Arhat's immortal body, supporting Chen Feng abruptly broke from the seventh to the eighth floor of the Gangfeng layer!

But the role of Donkey Kong Arhat's immortal body ends here.

It can only support Chen Feng from the seventh floor to the eighth floor.

After Chen Feng came to the eighth floor, he found that it was not just the wind that turned golden red.

It's like entering the inside of the sun.

The place where you enter the eye is full of endless red clouds.

Void and vague, it seems that there is no real thing, but it happens to be hot to the extreme.

Almost for an instant, Chen Feng felt that the scorching heat hit him fiercely from everywhere.

In the endless scorching heat, Chen Feng saw that the bronze color on the surface of his body began to become disorganized and then softened.

Then, like water flowing, it actually started to melt.

Chen Feng even felt endless pain gushing from the surface of his body.

Not only the skin, but even the muscles and bones, seem to be starting to melt!

Even the internal organs are burning!

Between each breath, there is a fire burning.

Chen Feng was shocked: "The eighth layer of wind, even my jade bones and golden muscles are enlarged and the King Kong Arhat immortal body can't be stopped at all?"

A crash across the board!

After Chen Feng's body entered this eighth layer, it was almost on the verge of collapse!

Chen Feng sighed softly: "Donkey Kong Arhat is immortal. Until now, the level is too low."

"It can't match my strength at all."

"It seems that after going to the Xuanhuang Middle Thousand World, one thing to do is to find another strong enough bodybuilding exercise!"

Of course, that's a story.

The most important thing for him now is how to deal with this situation.

But Chen Feng did not panic, he had already thought of this possibility.

And, for this purpose, reserved for the future.

The next moment, Chen Feng let out a low growl and raised his arms.

Suddenly, behind him, star veins suddenly appeared.

However, this time Chen Feng did not use thirty stars.

Instead, only one star vein was used.

That star vein, like an entrenched dragon, protected Chen Feng.

In the star veins, there are the rising and falling of the sun and the rising and falling of stars.

Unspeakable magnificence!

With star veins circling around the body, the incomparable flame wind hit, and it was immediately blocked by the star veins.

Can't penetrate into Chen Feng's body.

The extreme heat on Chen Feng's body surface was also slowly dissipating.

Chen Feng sighed softly: "Sure enough, it is feasible to use star veins to resist this gang wind."

It turned out that this was Chen Feng's hole card.

Star veins are formed by the power of stars, with extremely high levels, enough to resist the wind.

However, this star vein is constantly being consumed.

Strength is declining.

Chen Feng estimated that this star pulse could only withstand a quarter of an hour.

After a quarter of an hour, all of a sudden, the star veins that had become faint and invisible disappeared with a snap!

Of course, it was not that the star veins disappeared, but the power in it was exhausted.

A look of regret appeared on Chen Feng's face.

"If the power of my thirty star veins is exhausted here, then I don't know how long it will take to replenish it!"

Then, another star vein appeared, and Chen Feng continued to move upward.

Because of the eighth layer of Nine Heavens Wind, it is extremely powerful and huge, and it is everywhere.

Chen Feng was always in that huge wind, and the strong wind made Chen Feng a little unstable.

The rate of ascent has also become slower and slower.

Finally, Chen Feng successfully broke into the ninth floor.

At this time, his star veins have been exhausted.

And Chen Feng just reached the ninth floor.

There is still a whole layer of Nine Heavens Winds that he needs to face.

As soon as Chen Feng entered the ninth floor, he immediately felt something was wrong.

If we say that from the first floor to the eighth floor, the intensity of the wind on each layer has risen ten times ten times.

Now, it is a hundred times stronger.

The extreme heat made Chen Feng feel that his blood was about to burn in an instant!

It was like being thrown into the inner core of the sun all at once.

It seemed that even his sight was burnt clean.

He managed to open his eyes, only to see a red ocean like a huge wave rushing in the distance.

It is an extremely huge flame wind!

At this time, Chen Feng had no star veins available.

Chen Feng seems to run out of cards!

And it can be concluded that this ninth layer of Nine Heavens Wind is something he cannot bear at all!

If it weren't for the Star Vessel Bodyguard, he wouldn't even be able to finish the eighth floor!

It seems that Chen Feng has reached the end of his life, and will even be directly destroyed on the ninth floor by these nine days of wind!

But even so, Chen Feng still did not panic.

Facing the boundless waves of red flames that hit, Chen Feng's mind became extremely clear.

In an instant, a number flashed in his mind!


That's right, three breaths.

"I have three breathing time to prepare."

"After three breaths, this monstrous wind drowned me."

"This temperature is not weaker than the temperature inside Da Ri, and it instantly burns me into nothingness."

"Not even the dead body will be left."

"I only have three breathing time!"

In Chen Feng's mind, it was like electric light spinning.

In an instant, all his treasures and hole cards flashed past.

At the same time, in his hands, various treasures constantly appeared in rotation.

The sapphire bodhi branch flicked across without any response.

The Heavenly Emperor's evergreen light flashed across, but there was no response...

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