Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4696: Xuanhuang in a thousand worlds! Yuxu fairy gate!

Chen Feng felt that his chest was about to explode, and his anger was almost uncontrollable!

He almost squeezed out three words between his teeth: "Why?"


The yellow bird looked at Chen Feng and slowly uttered six words: "Xuanhuang in the world!"

Xuanhuang in a thousand worlds!

Chen Feng's heart trembled: "Could it be that this is the Zhongqian World to which the Dragon Vein Continent belongs?"

Below every Zhongqian world, there are starry small thousand worlds.

Xuanhuang in a thousand worlds!

When these six words were uttered, a dreamlike expression appeared on Huang Bird's face.

She whispered softly in a dreamlike tone:

"That is a magnificent, magical, and unimaginable world of cultivating immortals!"

"Incomparably huge, incomparably vast, the size of the Dragon Vein Continent is not even as large as one-billionth of it!"

"In this world, there are powerful gods and demons, shattering the world! There are Jindan cultivators who can pick the stars in their hands! There are sword cultivators who can cut the sun and the moon with one sword!"

When Chen Feng heard this, his heart was throbbing!

It is even more so!

Gods and demons break the world!

The monk picks the stars!

The sword fairy cuts the sun and the moon!

How magnificent!

How powerful!

How can people not, blood is surging!

Chen Feng keenly caught a key word: "The world of cultivating immortals!"

"Yes, it is the world of cultivating immortals."

"The Dragon Vein Continent is very low-level, it's just martial arts."

"At the level of Xuanhuang Zhongqian World, then it is cultivating immortals!"

The yellow bird whispered: "The ultimate martial artist is the Star Soul Martial God, and the Star Soul Martial God is just a starting point for cultivating immortals."

Chen Feng nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

She went on to say: "The sect I was born into is named Yuxu Xianmen."

Yuxu fairy gate!

Chen Feng listened, and his heart moved slightly.

For some reason, when these four words were spoken, he felt a sense of emptiness, ethereal, and ethereal.

More importantly, the indescribable closeness surged in his heart.

Huang Niao glanced at him, his eyes flashed slightly: "You really have a relationship with my Yuxu fairy gate."

She continued: "The Yuxu Immortal Gate is one of the top sects in the Eastern Desolate Immortal Territory."

"Although it is not the most powerful sect, it is the most potential sect."

"At the time, the founder of the school was shocked and brilliant. I don't know what the ancient inheritance was. He became the top genius in the world of Xuanhuang Zhongqian."

"One sword glorifies nineteen continents, and the world is powerful."

"Even, robbed another sect of another family's top cave, and forced that family's sect to flee thousands of miles away!"

"Forcibly created the foundation of Yuxu Immortal Gate!"

"After that, the ancestors of successive generations were upright and stubborn, and they were most uncomfortable with such nasty things."

Chen Feng sighed.

He suddenly guessed the reason for the destruction of the Yuxu Immortal Gate.

"Presumably, you Yuxu Immortal Sect has many enemies, right?"

The Yellow Bird nodded and said softly: "However, this is just a small matter."

"For each family, this kind of thing is quite common, and it is not this that really makes them determined to kill the killer."

Her gaze changed suddenly, with indescribable surprise.

"Later, from my Yuxu fairy gate, a great genius came out."

"This super genius is talented and possesses three innate spiritual roots, and they are all rare and rare in ten thousand years."

"The condensed Star Soul shocked the world, even not losing to the founder of the Patriarch!"

When Chen Feng heard this, his heart was shaken.

This kind of talent can really be regarded as shocking.

The Yellow Bird sighed slightly, and then said:

"Being Xuanhuang in a thousand worlds, I am the first person in a hundred years."

"and so……"

Chen Feng sighed softly: "He has also become the biggest reason why your Yuxu Immortal Gate was attacked and killed by everyone?"

"No, not yet."

Huang Niao shook his head: "These sects have existed for so many years, and they are extremely cautious when it comes to major issues."

"Even the existence of such a genius does not make them truly determined."

"It really made them determined!"

Yellow Bird's body, the expression on her face suddenly became weird at this time, and she pointed at her feet.

"because this!"

"because this?"

Chen Feng was taken aback.

At the feet of the yellow bird, it was just a big rock.

But then, Chen Feng suddenly contracted his pupils and suddenly thought of something.

His pupils shrank, and his eyes showed disbelief.

"Because of this?"

Chen Feng's hand also pointed to Huang Bird's feet.

Huang Niao knew that Chen Feng had understood what he meant.

She smiled and nodded.

Just now, Chen Feng realized it!

At the feet of the yellow bird is the big rock!

Under the big rock, there is a cliff!

Under the cliff is a huge mountain!

Under the huge mountain, there is the fertile field of thousands of miles, the entire dragon vein continent!

This is the world!

"Could it be that the destruction of the Yuxu Immortal Gate was caused by the Dragon Vein Continent?"

The yellow bird looked into the distance: "You should know that there are countless small thousand worlds under each middle thousand world."

"These small thousand worlds are connected to the middle thousand worlds, and some belong to the sect families of various intermediate worlds, etc."

"Some of these small worlds are under the long-term rule of Zhongqian World, while others are newly discovered and conquered by people in Zhongqian World."

"Therefore, finding a small world in the middle thousand worlds and putting it under the rule of one's own family sect is also a very hot business."

"The Dragon Vein Continent is somewhat special."

The yellow bird seemed to be lost in thought:

"That day, outside of Xuanhuang Middle Thousand Worlds, a huge star suddenly appeared, which had never appeared before."

"At that time, the people of Xuanhuang in the thousand worlds were also shocked."

"This is a brand new Little Thousand World."

Chen Feng said, "This is the Dragon Vessel Continent?"

"Yes, it is the Dragon Vein Continent!"

"just like……"

Her gaze was a little blurred: "The Dragon Vein Continent has been wandering in the void of the universe for many years, but it happened to come to the edge of the Xuanhuang Middle Thousand World by chance!"

The yellow bird whispered.

"Thousands of people in Xuanhuang will naturally not let go of such an existence."

"After a brief stun, the top sects of the Xuanhuang Zhongqian World immediately sent ten young talents to the Dragon Vein Continent!"

Chen Feng listened attentively.

"Soon, the results will come out."

The yellow bird's gaze suddenly became weird: "Three days later, the people who went there came back, but only one came back!"

"The first group of strong men who came to the Dragon Vein Continent are all dead!"

"What? All dead?"

Chen Feng shouted out of voice.

He was really surprised.

According to the division, the Dragon Vessel Continent is just a small world!

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