Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4695: Finally learned! The truth about Longmai Continent!

He didn't explain the reason, and no one dared to ask.

Everyone was only committed and obeyed.

And after the people of the nine major forces left, everyone also dispersed.

They are still a little bit confused and unbelievable, only to feel that today's affairs are in a trance, like a dream!

People like this have witnessed it, can it be said that the biggest event happened on the Dragon Vein Continent?

After the confusion and disbelief, there was an unspeakable excitement.

This will be their talk of life in the future!

Tiancun Beast Slave and Mei Wuxia took a deep look at Chen Feng, and they also left quietly without disturbing Chen Feng.

The original endless hustle and bustle disappeared instantly.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth are high, vast and lonely.

In the world, it seems that only Chen Feng and Huang Bird are left.

With a flash of yellow bird's figure, he came to a cliff with a thousand feet.

There are big rocks here, white as jade.

The yellow bird gently walked up and opened his arms as if to embrace the world.

When the wind blows, the goose-yellow clothes are hunting and hunting, soft and unspeakable.

A pair of barefoot, white as jade, gently stepped there.

She squinted her eyes and looked into the distance, as if she was enjoying the freedom that she hadn't gained for tens of thousands of years.

The Yellow Bird's body looked into the distance, his eyes faint, like nostalgia and thought.

I haven't spoken for a long time.

Chen Feng also didn't speak, but stood quietly beside him, watching the clouds and clouds in the distance.

After a long time, the Yellow Bird's body only spoke quietly.

"Do you know how many years I have been in the Dragon Vein Continent?"

Chen Feng shook his head: "I don't know."

Yellow bird stretched out a finger: "It's been more than a million years!"

More than a million years!

What a shocking number this is!

Chen Feng's heart jumped fiercely, "Yellow Bird has lived for so many years?"

"For more than a million years, doesn't she have witnessed countless years of vicissitudes in this Dragon Vein Continent?"

The yellow bird turned his head slightly and appeared in front of Chen Feng with a beautiful profile face, and said slowly: "I have been in the Dragon Vessel Continent since the last time of the Great Tribulation."

"So far, it has been more than a million years."

Chen Feng's heart beat fiercely, blood flow accelerated, and unspeakable excitement and anticipation surged in his heart.

She felt that she was about to touch a big secret.

And this may be a big secret involving the deepest root level of the Dragon Vein Continent!

Chen Feng took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and slowly asked, "What is the great disaster of heaven and earth?"

The yellow bird whispered slightly sarcastically: "This catastrophe of heaven and earth, to be precise, is not a catastrophe of heaven and earth in the true sense."

"It's completely different from the great tribulations of the Great Thousand Worlds."

"This so-called catastrophe is nothing but a catastrophe created!"

She raised her head and looked at Chen Feng, with a strange light shining in her eyes.

"Millions of years ago, the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and all the connections between the Dragon Vein Continent and other worlds were closed."

"Since then, I was sealed in a closed cage."

"From then on, there will be no fairy spirit spilled from the upper realm!"

"From then on, the warriors of the Dragon Vein Continent have been trapped in this cage, and there is no hope anymore!"

When Huang Bird said these words, Chen Feng held his breath.

After saying this, there was a breath of air in his heart echoing!

Almost breaking through his chest, rushing out!

In Chen Feng's heart, a voice yelled frantically: "That's it, that's it!"

A bright light flashed in Chen Feng's mind, and he finally knew the secret of the Dragon Vessel Continent!

He had similar guesses before.

But now, this idea was confirmed instantly!

Chen Feng gestured with both hands to look like a sphere: "You mean, the Dragon Vein Continent is just sealed in a shell?"

"To be precise, it's like an egg."

The Yellow Bird said lightly: "The Dragon Vein Continent is the egg yolk inside."

"Outside the Dragon Vein Continent, there is egg white, and that egg white is the endless void outside."

"Outside the endless void, there is an extremely strong eggshell!"

"This eggshell is an extremely heavy barrier and a seal!"

"Forcibly, the Dragon Vein Continent was sealed in it! It was darkness!"

Chen Feng stopped breathing and was cold all over!

The blood all over the body seemed to freeze abruptly!

That's it!

That's it!

No wonder no one can break through the Dragon Vessel Continent in these years!

It's no wonder that in the past few years, the aura of the Dragon Vein Continent has become thinner and thinner, and the strength of the martial artist has become lower and lower!

With such a barrier there, who can break it?

How can the spirit of the fairy come in?

His eyes suddenly opened up, and he understood everything!

In the next moment, there was an extreme resentment and anger in his heart, suddenly rising!


"Why does the Dragon Vein Continent suffer such bad luck!"

"Why do my generation of dragon vein mainland warriors suffer such bad luck!"


Finally, full of anger, all turned into these three characters!

He seemed to know what Chen Feng was thinking, but Huang Bird didn't say much, just raised his eyebrows and looked at him, and said lightly: "Do you know why, this is called the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth?"

"This robbery, where is the robbery?"

Chen Feng took a deep breath and calmed down: "I don't know."

The Yellow Bird said faintly: "As the Dragon Vein Continent is completely locked in it, all the powerhouses in the Long Vein Continent whose strength exceeds the realm of the Nine-Star Martial Emperor died almost overnight."

"All the monsters whose talents can make their bodies surpass the realm of the nine-star monster emperor are almost completely wiped out overnight!"

"Even, a big mountain collapsed and a big river dried up!"

"If there is no tree spirit plant, it will die!"

"From that day, the upper limit of the strength of all martial artists in the Dragon Vein Continent has been locked at the peak of Emperor Martial Realm!"

"Their life span is also locked to this number!"

The Yellow Bird looked at Chen Feng with a plain but cruel voice: "Three thousand years!"

"Since then, none of the warriors on the Dragon Vein Continent can live more than three thousand years!"

This sentence made Chen Feng tremble all over.

The ultimate anger flashed in his eyes! Hate! Killing!

He can imagine the despair of those seniors!

Obviously, all of them are amazing talents, and if they are in other worlds, they all have a lot to do.

However, he was born on this dragon vein continent!

For millions of years, the Dragon Vein Continent has been like a pitch-black prison!

No matter how wonderful you are, you can only see no hope in this cage, and you will die in trouble!

The strength cannot be advanced!

Life must not increase!



Old dead!

Before he died, he was full of unwillingness, anger, and despair!

Not everyone has their own chance to go to the top of the sky and see the yellow bird!

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