Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4693: The end of Xiahou Jiuyuan

He took a deep breath and forcibly held it back.

This time, he used only one-tenth, or even one-hundredth of the power of the Taishang Zhutian Sword Formation.

But even so, his body was almost unbearable.

After all, it's too high to kill the Heavenly Sword Formation!

Chen Feng now, apart from this too ridiculous Heavenly Swordsman formation, there is nothing that can deal with so many people at the same time.

There is no way to deal with so many people at the same time.

For this, he did not hesitate to pay a great price, but he also killed all these people in an instant.

"Xiahou Jiuyuan, I just said that you can't kill Sister Huangniao."

Chen Feng shook his head, looked at Xiahou Jiuyuan, and said lightly:

"Xiahou Jiuyuan, you might think that you have all sorts of methods, and you have this kind of ability."

"But unfortunately, in my eyes, you are just an ant jumping up and down."

"It's annihilated at will, not worth mentioning!"

At this time, Xiahou Jiuyuan finally showed a touch of despair on his face.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand to lift Xiahou Jiuyuan up high.

This generation of heroes is finally approaching the end.

Seeing the blazing flame in Chen Feng's eyes, the hatred and murderous intent that rose from the sky!

Xiahou Jiuyuan also shuddered involuntarily.

No matter how strong he is, when he is actually facing danger at this time, and even possibly being killed, he also feels indescribable fear.

He looked at Chen Feng and his voice trembled: "Chen Feng, what are you going to do?"

"What am I doing?"

A sneer was outlined at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "You are afraid, are you? You are afraid that I will kill you!"

"You are afraid that what I just said will make you regret coming to this world!"

"Then, when you tortured Sister Yellow Bird!"

"When you want to kill me!"

"Have you ever thought about today?"

Xiahou Jiuyuan was silent.

Suddenly, he shouted wildly: "All sergeants in God of War Palace, listen to my orders!"

"Kill Chen Feng, do whatever it takes!"

This time, Chen Feng did not stop him or interrupt him.

Let him speak this sentence.

When this sentence was spoken, the ten million army suddenly became agitated.

The ten-faced killing **** array slowly moved, and began to approach Chen Feng.

However, because the dragons have no leader, they are obviously not very unified.

Therefore, the action is rather slow.

Chen Feng sneered: "Do you really think that I dare not kill?"

He suddenly waved his hand.

Suddenly, the army of millions of monster beasts roared under the leadership of ten powerful monster emperors, and slowly approached the ten-faced killing **** array.

Under this effective threat, the ten-faced killing **** array froze there even more.

Xiahou Jiuyuan's face changed drastically, and he shouted sharply: "Do you dare not listen to my order? The God of War Mansion is so kind to you, are you going to betray me like this?"

Chen Feng shook his head, chuckled, not paying attention.

"You should be here too."

The next moment, a sudden roar came: "Do you think the God of War Mansion is your plaything?"

"Do you think the God of War Palace will shed the last drop of blood for your own selfish desires?"

The voice rolled, full of anger and majesty.

After hearing this voice, many experts in God of War Palace were shocked.

Because of this voice, they are very familiar!

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth hooked slightly.

A figure appeared from the Mansion of the God of War, and instantly came to the front of the Ten-faced Killing God array.

The exclamation sounded one after another!

"General Pu Xingzhou! General Pu Xingzhou unexpectedly?"

"Didn't he be imprisoned by the General Marshal for linking with Chen Feng? How could he appear?"

Xiahou Jiuyuan's complexion changed drastically in an instant, and he let out a low growl: "Pu Xingzhou, you rebellious, you colluded with Chen Feng?"

"Yes, I am rebellious, but I am only the rebellion of you Xiahou Jiuyuan alone! Not the rebellion of the God of War Palace!"

"Because everything I do is to save the God of War Palace!"

Pu Xingzhou said coldly.

He turned around and looked at the many powerhouses in the God of War Mansion: "Everyone, God of War Mansion is the God of War Mansion for all of us, not the God of War Mansion of Xiahou Jiuyuan."

"If Xiahou Jiuyuan was generous and dying for the God of War Mansion, it is incumbent for me to work hard for him!"

"Don't say anything else, I will be the first to serve him in Pu Xingzhou!"

"But now?"

"Xiahou Jiuyuan went against him, and the damaging War God Mansion is about to perish!"

"Is he still worthy of us? Answer me!"

The roar of Pu Xingzhou reverberated between the world.

Xiahou Jiuyuan roared: "Don't listen to him, kill Chen Feng for me."

But compared with Pu Xingzhou's words, it looks extremely pale and weak!

No one moved!

Chen Feng said lightly: "Okay, you don't have to be in vain."

With Pu Xingzhou, now, the overall situation has been decided, those people will no longer fight for Xiahou Jiuyuan.

Chen Feng's goal today is not only to kill Xiahou Jiuyuan.

He wants to conquer the entire God of War Palace, and even integrate the nine forces for his own use.

Therefore, he wants to convince the strong in the God of War Mansion, rather than full of resentment, ready to take revenge at any time.

Chen Feng Tiandi's repetitive reincarnation magic power suddenly started.

The secluded blue pupils flickered, and in an instant, Xiahou Jiuyuan became a little desolate, and there was nowhere.

After a while, he came back to his senses.

It seems unharmed, but I always feel that something is missing, and it feels very uncomfortable.

The fact is indeed the case, Chen Feng has already sucked away his remnant soul.

Xiahou Jiuyuan has dominated the Longmai Continent for many years, and he knows a lot about the secrets of the Longmai Continent.

Even if Chen Feng asked, he wouldn't say, and Chen Feng simply sucked away his remnant soul.

From now on, just look slowly in the heaven and earth repetitive reincarnation magical space.

Then, he raised Xiahou Jiuyuan in his hand and looked at the Yellow Bird's body: "Sister Yellow Bird, are you interested?"

The Yellow Bird's body was startled first, and then his eyes showed bitter hatred.

She opened a mouth, actually spit out a small sapphire gourd from her mouth.

It seems inconspicuous, but it is full of quaint meaning.

The yellow bird smiled coldly: "I don't have any long objects. After they captured me, they wanted to torture me where the treasure was, but they didn't know that my only treasure was in my womb!"

She stared at Xiahou Jiuyuan, and smiled coldly: "Xiahou Jiuyuan, you should really cut my heart!"

Xiahou Jiuyuan trembled, and there was a touch of extreme fear in his eyes.

Before he spoke, Huang Bird stretched out his hand, and Xiahou Jiuyuan immediately disappeared.

At the next moment, Chen Feng clearly heard an extremely miserable cry from the green jade gourd.

One can imagine what he encountered inside.

Chen Feng didn't care about this, he turned around and looked at the people of the nine forces.

Suddenly, the right hand was raised high, and the Heavenly Emperor's Evergreen Lantern gleamed in it.

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