Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4692: Too Shang Zhutian Sword Formation reappeared!

Suddenly, several people on the Ruyi Boat gave a low growl and pressed both hands!

In an instant, on the wishful boat, the light shines.

Before, the formation was only looming, but now it all appeared at once, becoming extremely bright.

The entire cage seemed to have life, and with one twitch, the seven chains inside instantly tightened.

The chain that draws power from the yellow bird's body is also instantly thickened several times!

In an instant, the power in the yellow bird was madly absorbed.

Her face was pale, she let out a muffled grunt, and her face was full of pain.

Obviously, what Xiahou Jiuyuan said was not a false statement.

Since he dared to let the yellow bird appear at this time, he must have enough confidence to let the yellow bird die before Chen Feng does it!

This is also where he has no fear.

"Chen Feng, if you want to attack, there is no chance."

Chen Feng shook his head and said lightly: "Xiahou Jiuyuan, you have lost the last bit of life."

"Besides, to deal with you, why sneak attack?"

"I will tell you plainly, how shall I deal with you, and what are you using to resist?"

He pointed to Xiahou Jiuyuan's left cheek: "I want to hit you on the left cheek."

Xiahou Jiuyuan's face changed, and his figure quickly retreated.

Above the body, there is also a light shining, trying to resist.

But the next moment, with a crisp sound, his left cheek suddenly swelled up.

Five fingerprints emerged.

Xiahou Jiuyuan's head was severely skewed, and a mouthful of blood mixed with a few broken teeth sprayed out.

He covered his face in disbelief, looked up at Chen Feng, his face full of shock.

At this time, Chen Feng was still standing in place.

Just shook his right hand slightly and smiled slightly.

It is as if he has been standing here and never left.

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces were filled with awe.

They didn't even see Chen Feng's movements clearly.

However, everyone knew very clearly that Chen Feng had already slapped Xiahou Jiuyuan in a swift and incomparable slap, and then backed away.

Chen Feng smiled slightly and pointed to Xiahou Jiuyuan: "This time it's the right face."

This time, Xiahou Jiuyuan's defense was even tougher.

But it's useless!

There was another crackling sound, and his right cheek also bulged.

The incident of the yellow bird made Chen Feng lose the last bit of patience, and he was not going to save any face to Xiahou Jiuyuan!

At this time, Xiahou Jiuyuan's spirit was like a breakdown, and his heart was filled with extreme fear, and he became even more angry.

He screamed: "Kill me..."

Before saying the word yellow bird, Chen Feng let out a long smile: "You, can't kill her!"

Just when Xiahou Jiuyuan said the word to kill, the few people on the Ruyizhou had already moved.

There is a light in the hand, which is ready to be launched.

The strength of the cage just now was only urged to 30%, and now they are ready to urge it to 100%!

In an instant, you can dry the whole yellow bird soy sauce.

At this time, Chen Feng showed a sense of solemnity on his face, shouted wildly, and raised his arms: "Come on, go too far!"

In an instant, behind him, an infinite sword intent surged crazily.

Turn into a huge long knife directly in the air!

In general across the world, the brilliance is brilliant, and the power is extremely powerful!

And when this giant sword appeared, the entire void instantly trembled violently.

Around the giant knife, there were countless spatial cracks, spreading more and more.

Forming a huge canyon in the sky, it feels like the entire sky has been shaken away!

After everyone saw this huge long knife, their bodies couldn't help but tremble slightly.

They felt that just seeing this knife, they were almost torn apart!

That extreme coercion and extreme fear suppressed them fiercely!

Everyone is shaking!

But then, they found that it was not that they were trembling, but that this space was void, and the world was trembling!

The sky was shaking, and numerous huge cracks appeared.

The earth cracked and magma gushed.

Even the huge mountain range where the God of War Palace is shook violently!

Countless rocks rolled down from above, and in an instant, large tracts of mountain slopes collapsed, cliffs appeared, and valleys were filled!

A scene of apocalypse!

Chen Feng sighed slightly, seeing this scene, and he understood.

This move he issued surpassed the scope of the strength that the Dragon Vein Continent can withstand!

There must be a quick fight, otherwise, this world will collapse!

And the next moment, as Chen Feng waved his hand, the long knife that stood between the sky and the earth fell fiercely!

In an instant, it turned into a majestic and terrifying sword formation!

This sword formation is extremely fast, but with a flash of light, it is rowing across that wishful boat.

In the next instant, after the sword array passed the Ruyi Boat, it disappeared into the void again.

The huge long sword standing between heaven and earth also disappeared!

In an instant, everyone felt the pressure lightened, and the shaking between the world and the earth stopped!

This world is finally stabilized!

Chen Feng's move appeared extremely fast and disappeared extremely fast, as if it had never appeared before.

But everyone sees it clearly, and will never forget it in this life!

This terrifying knife made everyone feel lingering at this time!

At this moment, the wishful boat, the chains, the cage, and the masters on the wishful boat.

Still standing blankly, without injury.

It was as if the swords had just passed by, and it hadn't caused any influence on them.

Everyone was surprised when they heard a soft pop.

Everyone followed the sound, and saw a small lock on one of the chains, with a snap, quietly broken!

Turned into countless stars and light spots disappeared.

And this shattering sound was like opening a prelude.

Boom boom boom...

After the chain was broken, the cage was also shattered! Those huge pillars are also broken!

Then, the entire Ruyizhou and everything on the Ruyizhou shattered and disappeared into countless spots of light!

Disperse with the wind.

In almost an instant, everything on this wishful boat disappeared!

They have been shattered into nothingness by the terrifying knife formation just now!

In place, only the yellow bird was left.

The yellow bird hovered in the void, staring blankly at everything happening around it.

Seeing everything that trapped me, I broke into pieces and my face was filled with unbelievable words!

In the next moment, she recovered.

Suddenly raised the sky, and let out a long cry of excitement and joy: "I'm out of trouble! I'm out of trouble!"

Clear and beautiful.

Then, he trembled and covered his face with his hands.

Tears rolled down between the fingers, big drops!

Everything that trapped the yellow bird at this time disappeared.

She returned to freedom.

Chen Feng shook slightly, and blood surged in his body, almost violently spurting blood again.

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