Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4637: mysterious! Chen Feng's life experience!

Chen Feng whispered to himself: "It seems that this is my favorite place to play when I was a child."

The Yanyang Demon has been staring at Chen Feng's reaction!

When he saw Chen Feng in a trance, he stared at Chen Feng's eyes firmly!

Then, he saw that in Chen Feng's eyes, there seemed to be countless pictures flashing by!

Like the stars in the sky, the Milky Way is bright!

In that picture, he also saw a scene he was familiar with!

And these pictures are his memories, and even the places he dreams of going back!

At this point, the Great Demon of the Sun had no doubts, haha ​​laughed wildly: "Memory is awakened, Young Master! You really are Young Master!"

This sentence directly awakened Chen Feng from that memory!

In fact, up to now, the memories of Chen Feng's awakening have come to an end.

The memories he can recall are very few.

The memory that came to his mind was only this picture scroll, and only a few fragments.

"Such a picture, such a scene, what does it mean to exist in my spiritual world?"

"This piece of land is so huge that it surpasses the gardens of Renhuang Ziweixingyuan, what is it?"

"Young Master, Young Master, I never thought that I was so lucky that I ran into you here!"

"I ran into you here!"

The more he said, the higher his voice became!

In the end, it has become a huge roar resounding between heaven and earth!

The roar was full of ecstasy.

His sharp and hoarse laughter reverberated in this world!

"Before, when I waited to besiege Yan Qingyu, I was the weakest!"

"Destroyed by the Yan Qingyu Divine Sword, almost all forms and spirits are destroyed, only a drop of essence and blood scattered out, to this Xuanming Seven Seas Realm!"

"And this drop of my blood, before my own soul was awakened, turned into tens of thousands, and spilt it all over the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm."

"In the end, there are very few things I can take back!"

"With my current strength, it is impossible to return to the master's house!"

"Even if I go back, because I was waiting to kill Yan Qingyu and you are unfavorable before, the young master will destroy my mind and die in pain!"

"but now!"

He stared at Chen Feng as if looking at a treasure that couldn't be more big, haha ​​laughing wildly:

"Now, as long as I can bring you back, the young master will be very happy!"

"At that time, not only will I not be punished, but on the contrary!"

He raised his arms and laughed loudly: "It will recreate the golden body for me, and even help me break through the limitation of the increasingly weak bloodline, directly reach the realm of the original ancestor, and cast the six great flame demon golden bodies!"

"Young Master will definitely reward me fiercely!"

He felt so excited that he almost exploded!

The voice falls!

In Chen Feng's eyes, blood was suddenly red, and hatred rose to the sky!

He felt that when the Yanyang Great Demon said these words, when part of his memory was awakened!

I am full of immense hatred for the Great Demon Yanyang, the young master in the mouth of the Great Yanyang Demon, and everything behind them!

Chen Feng didn't know why he hated so much, but he only knew that he hated it to the extreme!

This hatred filled his chest, filled everything about him, and almost caused him to explode!

This is from the deepest part of the spirit, the hatred engraved in the blood!

However, Chen Feng is Chen Feng after all, and still has a trace of calmness.

He bit his tongue fiercely, and a severe pain came. Chen Feng took this opportunity to forcefully suppress the hatred in his heart.

After a long time, the waves in my heart calmed down slightly.

Suddenly, Great Demon Yanyang seemed to have thought of something, his face suddenly changed.

Surprised, he looked around and shouted in a panic: "Yan Qingyu! Did Yan Qingyu come with you?"

Although he has a hideous face now, Chen Feng clearly sees a look of fear in his eyes.

Obviously, when he thinks of Yan Qingyu, there is no more fear in his heart!

"Yan Qingyu? He actually knows Master?"

When Chen Feng heard these three words spit out the mouth of the Great Demon Yan Yang, he couldn't help but shocked.

I immediately understood something!

"Sure enough, Master, it is indeed as I guessed. The origin is by no means simple."

Chen Feng knew that his master was already an extremely mysterious and promising person!

"Furthermore, when you mention Master Yan Qingyu, even the powerful Yan Yang Demon is terrified!"

"So, how strong is Master's strength?"

But then, the Great Demon Yanyang relaxed.

He smiled happily: "Yan Qingyu's aura is so huge that he can't hide it no matter how he hides it! He definitely didn't come here."

He muttered again: "He must not be here!"

Then, just relaxed.

"Let me just say, he was chased by dozens of masters and besieged."

"Although his strength is superb, he still takes you as a drag after all."

He smiled lowly:

"In order to protect you, I have to be restrained and concentrated hundreds of times by an extremely powerful offensive."

"Being surrounded by dozens of super masters, after fighting for ten days and ten nights, he was seriously injured."

"Even though I escaped, I had to pay a great price. I can only say that I managed to escape."

A trace of fierceness appeared on the face of Great Yanyang Demon, completely relieved:

"It is estimated that even if so many years have passed, his injury will not recover much, right?"

Chen Feng was even more shocked when he heard this!

In these words of the Great Demon Yanyang, a lot of information was revealed!

"At that time, Master Yan Qingyu took me all the way to escape?"

"Why run away?"

"Why were you hunted down again?"

"Who am I? Who is the master? Who is the young master? Who is chasing me?"

"Is this Great Flame Sun one of the chasers?"

"Dozens of them can't help the master! The Yanyang Demon, who is close to the Star Soul Martial God, is so afraid of Master!"

"So, how terrifying is the master's strength?"

"But later, why did we reappear in that little ordinary sect of Qian Yuanzong in the Dragon Vein Continent?"

"Master, how could you die in an attack?"

Chen Feng only felt that there was a mess in his mind.

Countless questions came to my heart instantly!

"Why are all this?"

"What's the great secret hidden in it?"

There is no doubt that Chen Feng's heart is shocked, and at the same time unconcealed excitement and excitement surged.

Even more panic and sour.

Because he doesn't know what his life experience is like, and he doesn't know what happened to him in the past!

Chen Fengqiang calmed himself down.

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