Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4636: Young Master, I finally found you!

"Just to make you both lose and lose!"

Snake Seventeen smiled sorrowfully: "You know everything!"

"Chen Feng, you are terrible! You are terrible!"

At this time, endless regret was in his heart!

"Why should I provoke Chen Feng? Why should I be an enemy of him?"

"Although he is far inferior to me in strength, he has played me to death!"

Snake Seventeen suddenly felt dizzy in front of him, angrily attacked his heart, and he vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

Almost swallowed directly.

Chen Feng laughed, "Snake Seventeen, you can't die now."

"It's still useful for me to keep you!"

"I can't die if I want to die!"

Snake Seventeen stared at Chen Feng and roared in despair!

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Sorry, without my permission, it would be hard for you to die!"

Snake Seventeen laughed again and again.

He was really calculated to the extreme by Chen Feng today!

It can be said to be smashing the bones, and even the last use value was squeezed out by Chen Feng!

Chen Feng is equivalent to using him to kill countless spirit plant puppets and obtain those spirit plant essences.

Using him again, he destroyed everything in Ling Qihai, forcing Ling Qihai to cooperate with Chen Feng for a long time.

It even forced out his hole cards, even his ultimate hole cards!

Forcing him to become a half-step martial god, and then used him to enter the valley of the valley of fallen stars, and fight with the great demon of the sun, causing the great devil of the sun to suffer severe damage!

As a result, all benefits were taken away by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng is here, using everyone!

He used him, the Seven Seas of Spirits, and all the puppets in the Seven Seas Realm of Xuanming. Even the Great Demon of the Sun was counted by him!

All existence, no matter how strong, has become Chen Feng's pawn!

Chen Feng recklessly placed the pieces, put all the power of the pieces off, and then reaped the rewards!

Snake Seventeen looked at Chen Feng at this time, and suddenly felt a sense of extreme fear in his heart!

"Is this person still a human?"

"How deep is his calculation? How deep is the city?"

However, neither Chen Feng nor Snake Seventeen had noticed the emotional change of the Great Demon of the Sun at this time.

It turned out that Chen Feng appeared, the moment the Great Demon of the Sun saw Chen Feng.

His face was full of anger at first, then the anger on his face disappeared, turning into a trace of stunned.

In the next instant, that glimmer of astonishment turned into an incomparable shock!

The whole person shuddered, with a face full of disbelief!

As if he saw something absolutely impossible to exist here!

His trembling and disbelief continued for a while!

Then, it turned into ecstasy in an instant!

The ultimate, unparalleled, intense to the ultimate ecstasy!

He looked at Chen Feng, and he seemed to jump up with joy, his excitement was extreme!

He felt his own magic heart beating wildly, and the lava-like plasma in his body was flowing wildly!

Even his eyes were countless times redder than usual, and his whole body was shaking with excitement!

He looked at Chen Feng, as if looking at some huge treasure!

The whole person was completely overwhelmed by ecstasy!

Suddenly, if Chen Feng felt something, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the Great Demon of Yanyang.

At this moment, the Great Demon Yanyang could no longer conceal the joy in his heart!

He stood there, laughing wildly!

"The sky does not kill me, the sky does not kill me!"

"Hahaha, God, you are not thin to me!"

"Holy Sovereign Lord, bless me, it actually gave me this line of life!"

He laughed wildly, and at the same time let out a roar of excitement!

"I unexpectedly found the Young Master here, I unexpectedly found the Young Master here!"

When Chen Feng heard this, he was taken aback.

He also discovered the strange emotion of the Great Demon Yan Yang just now.

And now, upon hearing these words, he was stunned: "What does this mean? Who is this young master? Is it me?"

But the next moment, Chen Feng's heart suddenly set off a stormy sea!

He knew that his life experience was absolutely extraordinary.

The clues Yan Qingyu left behind also indicate that his so-called life experience before, is very likely to have another inside story.

But Chen Feng could not find Yan Qingyu, nor could he open the clues that Yan Qingyu left behind.

He couldn't find any clues about his life experience!

But at this moment, it seems that the Great Flame Demon in front of him knows some ancient secrets!

He seemed to recognize himself!

"What is my life experience?"

"Where did I come from?"

"Yan Qingyu, what kind of identity is my uncle and my master?"

"How did he and I get to this point?"

Chen Feng had already had infinite questions in his mind.

Now, when he heard that sentence, his heart was overwhelmingly excited, and he was not inferior to the Great Demon of the Sun!

Snake Seventeen and Pei Muyu were also stunned, their eyes fell on Chen Feng!

Here, it seems that only Chen Feng can be called the Young Master!

The next moment, the Great Demon Yanyang stared at Chen Feng and gave out a grin: "Young Master, you can make the old slave look so hard!"

And at the moment when he said the words "Young Master"!

There was a sudden shock in Chen Feng's mind.

The spiritual world shook violently, as if the strongest seal was beginning to quietly collapse.

In the next moment, countless images flashed through Chen Feng's mind.

In his mind, a huge garden appeared as if it could accommodate dozens of worlds!

Unlimited stretches!

The river inside is tens of millions of miles long.

There are countless lakes, oceans, and mountains inside.

There are countless suspended fairy mountains, huge rivers flowing like a sky, and countless sandbar islands inside.

And on a random island, there are tens of thousands of powerful monsters.

The strength of many monsters is not even inferior to that of Snake Seventeen!

Above the sky, there are rainbows across from time to time.

If you look closely, you will discover, where is this rainbow?

This is clearly a god-like existence in golden armor, as high as a mountain.

Driving the huge beast in front of him, dragging the incomparably gorgeous chariots, passing through the air!

All of this is like the fairy heaven in the legend.

Before these scenes were very similar, Chen Feng listened to the human emperor Ziwei Xingyuan depicted by Xuanjin Nine-Headed Jiao!

However, he could clearly feel that even if it was the Royal Purple Star Garden, it seemed to be inferior to the garden in his memory!

At this time, Chen Feng finally knew why he felt that familiar feeling when he first entered here!

Because in that huge garden, there is this place, there is also a huge lake, there is a white tower.

"That white tower, among that white tower, there seems to be a particularly interesting person. I always go there to play."

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