Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4625: Cthulhu descends! Snake Seventeen's ultimate trump card!

The huge body is quite slender.

He is completely dark and sitting cross-legged. He has three heads. Looking in three directions, his eyes are as gray as a dead fish.

Just like the third eye of Snake Seventeen.

And above his body, there are nine arms raised.

On each arm, a weapon was taken.

That weapon, or golden light shining, or precious light shimmering, reveals an extremely powerful breath.

He sat cross-legged there, as if receiving worship from countless believers!

And the most important thing is not his image, nor his aura.

But the breath he revealed!

That kind of aura, in the midst of extreme evil, but with a bit of indescribable holiness.

It has awe-inspiring power!

It seems that he has countless believers enshrined in him, so that he has his own world under the power of incense!

Chen Feng had never seen this kind of breath in a big demon.

Even the most powerful Yanyang Demon he had ever seen, Chen Feng didn't feel such a breath.

This kind of breath has already made him a completely different creature, raising him to another level!

It can be said that it is beyond the ordinary!

At this moment, the Great Emperor Crazy Sabre next to him took a deep breath, and there was a tremor in his eyes.

He slowly said: "This is a foreign evil god!"

"Exotic Cthulhu?"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows: "What is a foreign evil god?"

The voice of Emperor Crazy Blade is extremely capable, and his words are concise and concise: "The universe, in the infinite world, has countless powerful existences."

"These powerful beings can become gods if they are enshrined by others and incense by countless believers."

"The upright is the righteous god, and the evil one is the evil god."

"Look at him like this!"

He said lightly: "It should be one of the evil gods in the evil foreign land, and it seems to be the kind that can't be on the stage."


The Great Crazy Blade added: "No matter how weak the foreign evil **** is, it is beyond imagination!"

Powerful beyond imagination!

Chen Feng's heart jumped!

This passage can be said from the mouth of the Great Sword Emperor, which shows how strong this foreign evil **** is.

"Unexpectedly, you, a mortal in the Little Thousand World, still have some knowledge."

Snake Seventeen said miserably: "Yes, this is my evil god!"

He straightened up suddenly: "Our Cthulhu Valley has a method."

"It is to cultivate the evil god's art!"

"Everyone, when they first entered the top of the sky, they began to cultivate the evil god."

"In the body, a seed of the Heretic God was planted. The greater the power of this Heretic God, the stronger the strength, so that when it breaks into the Star Soul Martial God Realm and condenses the Star Soul, it will gain more terrifying strength!"

"Even, the Cthulhu and Star Soul can be combined into one! Get the Strongest Star Soul!"

His voice became high-pitched: "And I, the Wizard of Heaven!"

"The Cthulhu that I have induced is the most powerful among all the Cthulhu that disciples have sensed in the history of Cthulhu Valley!"

"The Dementor, once told me that in the future, my evil **** does not know how strong it will be!"

"Even him, feels trembling!"

"Do you know? Do you know the feeling of knowing that you have infinite possibilities in the future?"

He raised his arms and his face was drunk!

Suddenly the tone became gloomy, staring at Chen Feng, his eyes showed immense hatred: "All of this has been ruined by you!"

"To deal with him!"

He pointed to the Great Knife: "I have to release the evil **** that I have not yet condensed and comprehend in advance!"

"I have to choose and merge with him now!"

"Because if I don't do this, I will die!"

"In this way, when I break into the Star Soul Martial God Realm, I can't reach the original height at all!"

He roared loudly:

"Even, it would be nice to be able to reach half of the original!"

"This will directly lead to the fact that I will not be able to go smoothly on the top of the sky in the future, my great prospects!"

He gritted his teeth and roared: "It was all ruined by you! It was all ruined by you!"

He has a general mental breakdown.

Obviously he chased and killed Chen Feng to enter this place, but now he put all the blame on Chen Feng.

"I want to kill you, I want to kill you!"

He didn't seem to say anything else at this time, he just wanted to kill Chen Feng.

The next moment, his third eye suddenly shined brightly.

The **** light passed by, and the phantom of the foreign evil **** turned into a black light, which was directly absorbed by his eye.

And as the alien evil **** phantom was absorbed in, the body of Snake Seventeen instantly grew up.

Black rays of light visible to the naked eye rushed across his body.

Even these powerful black rays overflowed his body.

His whole person was suffering to the extreme, his body was twisted, and he was beating his body constantly.

His body gradually swelled. Although it was extremely painful, he could see that his breath was constantly getting stronger and stronger!

"A good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

The Great Sword Emperor suddenly smiled and said.

Chen Feng laughed: "I am always optimistic, so I should listen to the good news first."

The Great Emperor Crazy Blade said: "Fortunately, this alien evil **** is a phantom of the alien evil god."

Chen Feng nodded.

Rightfully so.

This is a Cthulhu, a foreign Cthulhu, not an ordinary existence!

His body of this foreign evil **** is many times more powerful than the Great Demon of Yan Yang.

Not to mention the Great Knife, it is estimated that even the Destroyer Immortal, or even the entire top of the sky, can't find a few masters that can compare with it.

If this Cthulhu body really descends, then naturally everyone will be dead, and there is no possibility of alive.

However, this foreign evil **** is just a phantom!

The Great Crazy Blade whispered again: "But the bad news is that he, the Evil God phantom, is also extremely powerful."

"How powerful is it?"

Chen Feng asked.

"So powerful, after Snake Seventeen has integrated it..."

Emperor Crazy Blade said solemnly: "I am not an opponent either!"

Before the words fell, Snake Seventeen roared crazy!

At this moment, the black rays of light lingering around Snake Seventeen's body suddenly recovered all of his body.

Then, his body swelled to the extreme.

Then, his body exploded into countless powders.

And in the flying powder, a horror aura rose up.

There was a pitch-black existence on the spot, like an obsidian pendant, with the texture of metal and jade.

It looks warm and moist, but also extremely strong.

His body is about three meters tall, with a human body, slender, but full of explosive power.

He has only one head, but on each side of the neck, he has a huge sarcoma.

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