Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4624: you swear

Shuffled there, without saying a word.

But with his fingers, he put his hands in his arms, tapping on the samsara jade tiles lightly, with a special rhythm.

Ling Qihai let out a bleak laugh: "I have been used, and all the spiritual plants in the Xuanming Seven Seas realm have been used!"

"It's been tricked! It's tricked!"

He was totally devastated.

But suddenly, as if thinking of something, he suddenly raised his head.

Staring at Chen Feng, he yelled, "Chen Feng, you treachery! You are not moral!"

When Chen Feng heard this, he suddenly laughed.

This Ling Qihai had calculated it on himself as before, but now he still has the face to say this?

He tweeted twice, walked up to Ling Qihai, and smiled jokingly: "I really like your shameless appearance!"

"I'm calculating you, and you're also calculating me, but I'm better, you're not as good as others!"


Ling Qihai was blocked and speechless.

Chen Feng walked to Ling Qihai, stretched out his hand, and lifted him up.

He patted his face lightly, smiled and said, "But don't worry, I won't kill you."

Chen Feng's action was extremely insulting.

But Ling Qihai couldn't take care of that much anymore. Chen Feng's words immediately made his heart tremble and he saw hope.

"What? You won't kill me?"

Chen Feng's small child is particularly brilliant: "Yes, not only does not kill you."

"Our two previous agreements are still valid."

"What agreement?"

As soon as the Lingqihai dialect was spoken, he suddenly felt: "That agreement?"

Chen Feng nodded.

Ling Qihai took a deep breath, and suddenly understood something: "Chen Feng, you really are smashing the bones and sucking the marrow, not even the last trace of my use value!"

He knew Chen Feng's plan.

The agreement Chen Feng said was of course meant that he used the spirit plant essence of those spirit plant puppets of the Profound Ming Seven Seas Realm in exchange for the agreement of the treasures of the Middle Thousand Worlds.

Now, the two have torn apart their faces.

But Chen Feng also said that the agreement was effective, just because he wanted to use him to obtain those powerful spiritual plant essences.

It can be said that this is to use the last trace of Lingqihai's value.

But, can Ling Qihai not agree?

He found sadly that he could only agree.

You are the overlord of the heavens, but now he has nothing under him.

It is conceivable that soon, he will be swallowed by the other six heaven overlords!

The only way to keep from being swallowed is to cooperate with Chen Feng!

Improve your strength through the treasures of Zhongqian World!

"But well!"

Chen Feng smiled brilliantly: "In order to prevent you from treachery, you have to swear."

Ling Qihai quickly nodded: "I swear, I swear."

For him, swearing is nothing.

It's just a homely meal.

After swearing, he didn't do anything less of treachery.

He even laughed at Chen Feng's innocence secretly.

At this time, Chen Feng smiled and added: "Swear in the name of the Lord of Heaven!"

"Heaven dominates? What is that?"

Ling Qihai was stunned for a moment.

But the voice still calmly said: "Heaven is the ruler, and my soul is here..."

When these words were spoken, he suddenly felt a burst of green light shining by, slamming on his body.

It made him feel like an electric shock, and his whole body twitched violently.

He suddenly felt that his body seemed to be shrouded in coercion.

This coercion watched him, and at this time he swore every word and deed in the oath, if he violated anything, he would be directly burned and crushed into pieces!

This coercion is so huge.

It is countless times stronger than the previous sword light!

He was shocked and exclaimed: "This, what is this?"

"This is the rule of heaven."

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Okay, let's swear!"

"The Lord of Heaven already knows your vow, if you dare to break it in the future, you will directly..."

Chen Feng slowly pressed down with his right hand: "Dominated by heaven, crushed to pieces!"

Ling Qihai knew that Chen Feng had not lied to himself.

He could feel how terrifying that power was.

He shook his head and pointed at Chen Feng: "You play with me?"

Chen Feng smiled: "Yes, I'm just playing with you."

Ling Qihai laughed sorrowfully, but did not dare to defy anything, and obediently swore an oath.

Chen Feng felt that there was a line of cause and effect between himself and him, quietly connecting.

Obviously, this is the Lord of Heaven upholding justice for their contract.

The Great Emperor Crazy Sabre next to him, his eyes flickered slightly: "Is this the Lord of Heaven?"

"Is this the top of the sky?"

Chen Feng smiled: "Happy cooperation."

Ling Qihai smiled bitterly: "Happy cooperation!"

He knew that in the future, he would be completely controlled by Chen Feng.

Give Chen Feng everything that is valuable in the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm in exchange for a little benefit that leaked from his fingers.

But in fact, for him, this is not a bad thing.

At this moment, suddenly, a cold voice sounded behind everyone: "Are you happy to cooperate?"

"You have to ask, I can't answer!"

Everyone looked back in shock!

I saw that Snake Seventeen had already stood up!

On the surface of his body, the wound has healed.

And his whole body, originally distorted and slender body, has become distorted countless times.

Just as the shadows are elongated as the sun slants west, there is a bit of vain in the sky, unlike real existence.

At this moment, those eyes above his forehead suddenly opened!

The third eye of Snake Seventeen has never been opened!

The eyes on his forehead were opened at this moment!

A thrilling blood red!

The next moment, his eyes suddenly burst open!

Then one after another came out of the black glass-like light and shadow,

Ling Qihai was stupid.

Looking at Snake Seventeen, he lost his voice: "You, aren't you going to die? Why are you still alive?"

"How do you feel? I feel your breath..."

It turned out that everyone clearly felt that although the aura of Snake Seventeen was misty, it became extremely powerful.

Moreover, it is still improving!

Snake Seventeen Jiejie laughed strangely: "This is all you forced me! This is all you forced me!"

"especially you!"

He glared at Chen Feng, and shouted wildly: "This is all you forced me!"

The next moment, with his broken third eye as the source, suddenly there were countless black lights that lit up.

These countless black lights overflowed from his body.

Void and vague, if true and illusory.

After a while, it actually condensed into a huge figure directly in the air.

This huge figure, about seventy or eighty meters in height, quickly became extremely condensed.

The whole body is pitch black, like an obsidian sculpture.

And his appearance is extremely hideous and evil.

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