Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4617: Violent snake seventeen!

Not only was Chen Feng not depressed, but rather excited in his heart.

Because his goal has been achieved.

Chen Feng had known for a long time that with the strength of Snake Seventeen, with his staying on the top of the sky for so many years, with Cthulhu Valley's importance to him, how could Snake Seventeen not have a few cards in his hand?

How could it be killed so easily?

What Chen Feng asked for was just to be able to force Snake Seventeen's hole cards out!

Even, there is no need to force the most important hole cards!

Forcing out the second most important can also be regarded as achieving the goal.

After all, Chen Feng still has infinite back players, and the pieces that have never been dropped are waiting for Snake Seventeen!

Suddenly, in the scarlet blood, Chen Feng seemed to see the green and misty light flashing past.

He is so familiar with this green light!

That is the aura of heaven dominating, the aura of the top of the sky!

"Sure enough, as I expected, his supernatural power must have been obtained from the top of the sky."

Then, a thought came into Chen Feng's mind: "If this is the case, is it possible for me to get this ability?"

This is **** rebirth!

This almost means that after learning this supernatural power, you will become immortal!

But Chen Feng also understood in his heart that this magical power definitely cannot be reborn with infinite drops of blood. You can use it as many times as you want!

There are definitely great limitations!

Heaven ruled, it was cruel, but it was also fair.

How much you pay, you can get much magical powers.

Chen Feng believes that the powerful magical power of infinite blood rebirth is definitely there.

However, it is definitely not the level of Snake Seventeen.

It is absolutely impossible for the Dementor Immortal to be able to obtain such a magical power after selling their entire Cthulhu Valley!

After all, Ling Qihai is a person who is older than experience, and soon pressed down the shock and fear in his heart.

A stern shout: "Kill him!"

After all, kill first.

Those spirit plant puppets also shot one after another.

But it's useless!

In this huge drop of scarlet blood, a faint blood gas filled the surrounding area.

The blood came out, easily blocking the offensive of Ling Qihai and all Lingzhi puppets.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed and it was clear.

Obviously, he can't be attacked during the rebirth of the spirit seven seas of blood!

Ling Qihai and the others were helpless to Snake Seventeen and could only helplessly watch.

And Snake Seventeen did not take long.

It only took ten breaths!

That's right, after ten breaths, his entire body came out of that drop of blood.

Then, with a bang, the drop of blood exploded directly.

It turned into a black mist of blood, permeating all over his body.

Snake Seventeen clenched his fists and opened his arms, his whole body tensed, fully stretched!

Ah, a violent roar!

The whole momentum, gushing out, frantically suppressed, making everyone out of breath!

At this point, Snake Seventeen has been completely reborn!

And it feels so many times stronger than before! Terrible!

Snake Seventeen laughed wildly, turned around suddenly, stared at Chen Feng and others, and said coldly, "You forced me!"

"You forced me to become stronger!"

"You forced me to be reborn with this drop of blood!"

"But now, I'm so powerful, it's not something you can fight against!"

He pointed at the crowd and spit out five words contemptuously: "You all have to die!"

However, Snake Seventeen suddenly seemed to think of something, and a tingling color flashed deep in his eyes.

It turns out that his magical power is indeed reborn from a drop of blood.

It's just as Chen Feng guessed.

He, and even Cthulhu Valley, has no ability to obtain a true blood-dropping rebirth magical power.

And Snake Seventeen was the person they focused on training, so they spent a huge price to exchange a magical power for Snake Seventeen.

This magical power is a simplified version derived from an extremely powerful rebirth magical power.

It is not as powerful as a blood rebirth, nor is it as difficult to practice as a blood rebirth.

The magical power they exchanged is an infinite simplified version of blood rebirth.

Instead, he took the blood of a very high-level demon **** and parasitized it.

For a long time, maintain the relationship, and slowly penetrate with your own blood.

Then, he included all the power of his whole body cultivation, causing his own vitality to be greatly injured.

Then, re-train the strength.

When it is in danger, relying on that drop of blood of the demon **** who pays attention to all his strength, he can be reborn, which is equivalent to one more life!

In this way, there is one more hole card and one more so-called blood rebirth.

In fact, this is not a real rebirth at all.

A true blood rebirth, brilliant and grand, with countless drops of blood all over the body, any drop of blood can be reborn.

However, even this infinitely simplified blood rebirth is extremely difficult to achieve.

The first condition alone is extremely difficult to achieve.

A drop of demon spirit blood!

That is a demon god, the equivalent of a human martial artist's star soul martial arts mirror!

What level of power does that have to be?

The strength of the low-level demon gods is not much different from that of Fairy Yuheng and Immortal Desire.

And the high-level demon gods are so strong that they don't know where to go.

Moreover, this is the heart and blood of the demon god!

A demon god, with countless blood all over his body, but no more than nine drops of blood in his heart!

Cthulhu Valley spent a huge price, only to obtain a drop of the demon god's heart and blood, so that Snake Seventeen could cultivate his entire cultivation base.

So that he is equivalent to one more life.

Therefore, the blood rebirth of Snake Seventeen looks scary, but in fact it has done countless preliminary preparations, and only used it once!

This trump card, Snake Seventeen wanted to use it as a killer move when he was waiting to enter the next mission.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng was forced out now.

This made him hate Chen Feng and others very much.

"You all have to die!"

He repeated it again.

At this time, the fear in Ling Qihai's eyes dissipated, and it turned into unspeakable perseverance again.

He coldly spit out a word: "Kill!"

He knows that today is a life and death situation!

Now, there is no retreat.

Those spirit planted puppets, without any hesitation, roared forward and killed them!

Ling Qi Hai is at the forefront.

At this time, he was extremely brave and fierce!

In the next moment, his body directly turned into nothingness and disappeared.

In the void, nine lotus flowers suddenly appeared.

The colors are different.

The nine lotus flowers blended together in an instant, forming a spiritual plant puppet about nine meters high.

This Lingzhi puppet, no, to be precise, it shouldn't be called a Lingzhi puppet.

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