Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4616: Rebirth!

Everyone's movements were frozen, and then dumbfounded, looking in the direction where the laughter came from.

Then they saw that the laughter came from Snake Seventeen!

Obviously, Snake Seventeen appeared to be dead.

However, the voice seemed to sound from everywhere, so that everyone could hear it clearly!

It seemed that Snake Seventeen suddenly changed from the anger just now to the ultimate calmness now.

His voice was cold and quiet, calm and gloomy.

Chen Feng suddenly felt excited: "Snake Seventeen's tone at this time is absolutely no panic, no fear!"

"It seems that he is confident, it seems that he is not afraid of encountering this situation now!"

"It seems that he has a hole card!"

Chen Feng seemed to be able to feel Snake Seventeen's gaze, and he seemed to be watching Chen Feng: "Chen Feng, it turns out that these spiritual puppets are your real trump card!"

"I didn't expect it! I really looked down on you!"

"Unexpectedly, your real trump card is not these trash warriors above the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, but these powerful spiritual plants!"

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect you to pull these Lingzhi to your side."

"They are much better than those trash warriors."

Chen Feng said calmly: "Thank you for the compliment."

As Snake Seventeen said, this is Chen Feng's ultimate move, and this is the hole card he planted.

These spirit plant puppets are the ones who really dealt with Snake Seventeen!

These human warriors are just a cover.

The significance of their presence here is to convince Snake Seventeen, and think that Chen Feng's reliance is these human warriors and Lingzhi killers!

So relax and be careless!

And at this moment, those Lingzhi puppets suddenly got into trouble!

The human warrior was Chen Feng's first step, and the Lingzhi puppet was Chen Feng's second step.

These powerful puppets naturally have their own set of methods to hide their tracks.

Like them, the natives of the Seven Seas Realm of Xuanming, almost integrated with the environment of the Seven Seas Realm of Xuanming.

This is a trap. Of course Chen Feng wants to lead Snake Seventeen to this trap.

However, Chen Feng must also put a goal on the bright side.

Because Chen Feng knew very well that Snake Seventeen was both smart and suspicious.

If you only fight here by yourself, and then lose a move, run away directly and run towards the place where the Lingzhi puppet ambushes,

Snake Seventeen is definitely not fooled!

He must be able to guess that there is an ambush.

But when Pei Muyu shouted so, it was different.

Those words, of course, were taught to Pei Muyu by Chen Feng.

Because Chen Feng knows how to anger Snake Seventeen best.

Although he knew Snake Seventeen for a short time, but after several confrontations, he understood the mentality of Snake Seventeen best.

Snake Seventeen was full of disdain for himself before, and he gave him a huge surprise.

Now Snake Seventeen hates Chen Feng, anger, and jealousy.

So what I am most afraid of hearing is that he is not as good as Chen Feng's words.

Pei Muyu's words made him extremely angry and hated!

With his indispensable temperament, he would definitely attack Pei Muyu and others in a rage.

And when he came to the front, the Lingzhi puppet ambushing behind the cliff suddenly got into trouble.

This is equivalent to the 17th Snake throwing himself into the net!

He will not have any defense, because he is active, he wants to go, and has no scruples to attack the cliff.

In this way, instead of tempting him to attack, he made him want to attack.

In this case, his defense is the lowest.

I have to say that Chen Feng is really smart, and he knows the best of Snake Seventeen.

Grasping his psychology to the extreme, Snake Seventeen stepped into his trap.

Moreover, it is voluntary!

At present, Chen Feng seems to have achieved the ultimate he can do!

"It's just a pity..."

Snake Seventeen let out a low smile: "The pearl of rice, dare to compete with the sun and the moon?"

"You, never know how strong I am!"

"Never know how many hole cards I have!"

The voice is extremely heavy, like a mountain, hitting everyone's heart!

"This is you, forcing me!"

The next moment, suddenly, a drop of his blood lit up.

This drop of blood is shocking, scarlet, bloody, and pure!

But inside, it contains extremely large and terrifying power.

In the next moment, the essence and blood of Snake Seventeen was turned into countless black smoke with a thud!

Only one drop is left!

The black smoke curled up and was directly sucked in by this huge and terrifying drop of blood.

After absorbing it, at that moment, this drop of blood was frantically struggling and twisting.

Then, the essence and blood expanded rapidly, and soon became the size of a wine jar.

Then, the surface of the blood suddenly twisted and trembled, and a protrusion appeared.

It's like something is going to come out of it.

Then, with a bang, something came out of it.

It was actually a head!

The head of snake seventeen!

It is exactly the same as the snake seventeen just now.

Then, one of his slender and twisted arms was also struggling to stretch out from inside.

Then, the body began to struggle to get out.

He, in this drop of blood, was reborn!

Chen Feng suddenly thought of four words: "Blood rebirth!"

When everyone saw this scene, they were all stunned, dumbfounded, and their faces were full of disbelief!

"This, what kind of exercise method is this? What kind of magical power is this?"

"Obviously, I've been beaten to a broken body, and I'm about to die, so I can be reborn with a drop of blood?"

And after the shock, it was extremely fearful!

Everyone felt cold all over, as if a heart fell into the endless abyss.

The deeper and deeper, there is no hope at all.

Many people wailed in their hearts: "How can you fight this?"

"Desperately working hard, costing a huge price, and finally beheading it! As a result, he was reborn with a drop of blood?"

"How to fight this?"

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was also shocked.

However, it was not very accidental and not very panic.

On the contrary, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Snake Seventeen, rebirth from a drop of blood!"

"It turns out that this is your hole card, right?"

"At least, it's also an extremely important hole card that you don't want to show easily!"

He laughed in his heart: "I have finally forced one of your hole cards out!"

"After all, I made you pay a huge price!"

"This has already achieved my goal!"

"Consuming you step by step! Your hole cards will become less and less!"

"And this should be the most important or second most important hole card!"

"Open this hole card, what else can you have?"

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