Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4586: The easiest and most difficult task!

"Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, trial the world for Chen Feng's death!"

Before the words of the Lord of Heaven fell, Chen Feng was just a little worried.

In fact, before he said that sentence, he was 80% sure that he could enter the Xuanming Seven Seas realm.

Because it is impossible not to be noticed by the Lord of Heaven in a weird and dangerous world like the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm.

Now, finally hearing this dream sentence, Chen Feng let out a long breath.

"Snake Seventeen, Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, is your burial place!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "I am waiting for you in the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm! Don't worry, I will prepare you a great surprise!"

That's right, in Chen Feng's view, as long as he can define Xuanming Qihai as his own world of death trials, then the fate of Snake Seventeen is doomed!

The next moment, in the **** bronze fangs door, a blood-red light rushed out crazily.

In an instant, Chen Feng will be covered!

Chen Feng's figure disappeared directly!

Chen Feng was whispering in his heart, and the key of trial was floating on his chest.

The whole, was blocked by his body.

Therefore, no one knew what Chen Feng did during the whole process.

No one knew at all, Chen Feng used the key of trial to specify the world he was going to.

In their eyes, Chen Feng just paused for a while before the **** bronze fangs door, and there was nothing unusual about it.

And the moment Chen Feng was sucked into the **** bronze fangs giant gate by that blood-red light!

Suddenly, the Immortal Dementor let out a low growl.

Like howling wild beasts, or calling out monsters, in short, after listening to it, it is uncomfortable.

Many people heard it, their ears buzzed, and their eyes turned black.

With a low growl from him, Chen Feng, who had just entered the giant gate of **** bronze fangs, suddenly felt light on his body, unspeakably awkward.

It's just awkward, but I can't tell.

The next moment, he was swallowed by the space-time channel.

At this time, the dementor immortal outside was already scratching.

A breath appeared in the palm of his hand.

Without hesitation, he immediately slapped this breath on the head of Snake Seventeen.

Snake Seventeen apparently had already prepared, and immediately took out an octagonal palace lantern with an ancient and desolate atmosphere.

This palace lantern, whose skeleton is made of animal bones and covered with animal skins, is loose and swaying with the wind.

Makes a harsh sound, both weird and evil.

Snake Seventeen shouted loudly: "Master of Heaven, I want to perform the last part of the mission of'Nine You Palace Lantern'."

The voice of the Lord of Heaven crashed down: "Now, you can perform this task."

"Moreover, this task can be completed in any world, and the world can be designated to complete."

"It takes three hundred days of chalcedony!"

The Dementor Immortal shouted: "The Three Hundred Heavenly Dao Chalcedony is here!"

After all, take out three hundred chalcedony of heaven.

Three hundred heavenly chalcedony disappeared immediately.

Snake Seventeen put the palace lantern with animal skins on top of his head and nailed it firmly there.

He didn't speak any more, but his face was distorted, not knowing what he was saying in his heart.

At the next moment, the ruler of heaven spit out a word coldly: "Quasi!"

As a result, a **** ray of light gushed out of the giant **** bronze fangs, and instantly brought Snake Seventeen into it.

Snake Seventeen laughed triumphantly: "Chen Feng, die for me!"

The voice was still curling, and the figure had disappeared.

Naturally, what happened here can't be hidden from everyone.

The bright light dazzled everyone’s eyes, and many people swallowed when they saw it.

Everyone's eyes were attracted, and everyone was well-informed, and they immediately understood what was going on.

"What the **** is this?"

"He seems to have used some method to get Snake Seventeen to chase Chen Feng in. Isn't he actually asking Snake Seventeen to chase Chen Feng in the world of death trials?"

"Is the dementor immortal going crazy? He is prying into the loopholes in the dominion of heaven, what a price it has to pay!"

"Snake Seventeen, as a trial immortal, not only enters, but also enters Chen Feng's world of trials. The price paid is extremely huge!"

"Is it worth it to hunt down Chen Feng?"

However, many people felt awe-inspiring, and suddenly thought to themselves: "Are we underestimating Chen Feng?"

Unfortunately, in the end, Jackie Chan and others had already entered the trial world before Chen Feng.

Otherwise, if they saw the Dementor Immortal paying such a high price in order to chase and kill Chen Feng.

I am afraid that they dare not provoke Chen Feng easily.

How can it be underestimated to be so valued by the Dementor Immortal?

After Snake Seventeen disappeared, Immortal Dementor coughed violently.

The whole person arched his body, like a dried shrimp, with patches of blood pouring out from under his black robe.

The blood turned out to be a pale color, burning in the air.

Like a blaze of void, pale and cold.

The aura on his body also dropped crazily, and in an instant it dropped directly to 30% of what it was before.

This kind of consumption is extremely huge for him.

Fairy Yuheng's face changed drastically: "The cost of such a big price has definitely exceeded the original intention of the Dementor Immortal!"

"Is there something different that has caused them to pay more attention to Chen Feng?"

She frowned and thought: "What the **** happened!"

Obviously, in order to allow the Seventeen Snake to track Chen Feng into the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, the price he paid was not enough to describe the serious injury!

Jin Yuxie stomped his feet severely and complained: "It's over, it's over, Snake Seventeen successfully chased Chen Feng in."

"It's over, Chen Feng must be dead now!"

It's just that the corners of the eyes and the brows are gloating.

Fairy Yuheng gave him a cold look, like a clown.

She turned around and left.

The time in the trial world is extremely chaotic.

And no matter how long they stay inside, on the top of the sky, they can only come out after a month.

After a month, you can come to see it again.

The Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, as before, has not changed.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the void, and the next moment a figure jumped out of it.

The cracks healed instantly.

The person who appeared was Chen Feng!

Feeling the familiar breath, Chen Feng slowly exhaled a suffocating breath and opened his eyes!

Looking at the chaotic, exciting but full of vitality in the world in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth.

"Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, I'm back!"

When Chen Feng appeared in the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, the rumbling voice of the heavenly ruler suddenly sounded!

"Chen Feng, your task is!"

He slowly uttered three words: "Live!"


What a heavy and naked three words slammed into Chen Feng's heart.

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