Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4585: See you poorly! Enter the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm!

The expression in Jin Yuxie's eyes instantly became extremely cold.

He stared at Chen Feng: "Chen Feng, are you sure, are you talking to me?"

Chen Feng pointed to his ear: "When were you deaf? Want me to repeat it?"

Tiancun Beast Slave and Mei Wuxia laughed directly.

Many of the strong people around are also laughing.

"Jin Yuxie, why are you going back? Can't suppress the newcomers in the team?"

"Haha, Jin Yuxie, I haven't seen you in a few days, the more you live, the more you go back."

Jin Yuxie's face became extremely embarrassing.

In front of so many people, he instantly lost his face. He knew that if the matter was not handled properly, it would have a great impact on his prestige.

He suddenly laughed, with a cold smile on his face: "Okay, Chen Feng, you are very bold!"

"I also gamble with you, I bet, when you come out of the world of death trials, you will kneel in front of me, please don't kill you!"

After all, murderous eyes passed over Chen Feng.

As soon as he turned around, he was ready to leave.

At this moment, there was a commotion, and several people entered the huge trial tower.

Their arrival also caused a small commotion.

The person who came was the Cthulhu Valley where the Snake Seventeen and others were located.

In addition to him, there are Desire Immortals and so on.

Cthulhu Valley is not a small reputation on the top of the sky, and the Dementor Immortal, who is extremely good at using mental attacks, is even more fierce, and many people are jealous.

Their arrival also made everyone speculate.

"I haven't heard of any newcomers in Cthulhu Valley this year!"

"Yes, Snake Seventeen, the lowest strength among them, is already a Trial Immortal."

Desire Xianweng and others looked around without squinting.

Soon, I found my goal.

There was a strange expression on Snake Seventeen's face, and he pointed towards where Chen Feng and others were.

Then, a few people hurriedly came to this side, and soon they came to the **** bronze fangs giant gate in the middle.

The deep voice of the Dementor Immortal sounded from under the black robe: "Yuheng, coincidence, I met again."

Chen Feng and others, of course, know that this is a bunch of nonsense.

They simply came after Chen Feng and others.

Their goal is Chen Feng. Where is the coincidence?

Snake Seventeen looked at Chen Feng with a bloodthirsty smile, his white teeth bared, full of killing intent:

"Chen Feng, you are going to die soon."

Chen Feng and others were not surprised by their arrival.

Fairy Yuheng looked indifferent, while Jin Yuxie looked at Immortal Dementor, but his eyes flickered, a little frightened.

The Dementor Immortal said miserably: "I said, I won't let Chen Feng live out of the world of death trials."

"He will die very miserably, and I will do it forever."

Seeing this scene, many people were immediately excited.

"There is a good show!"

"Yeah, Cthulhu Valley actually started fighting with the Beidou team, it's interesting!"

"How many enemies did this new man named Chen Feng have?"

"In the end, Jackie Chan, these people who are destined to become the arrogant of the future will kill him and then quickly! The Cthulhu Valley will also kill him!"

Someone shook his head and sighed, "I'm afraid, eventually Jackie Chan will not wait for Chen Feng to return."

"Yes, Snake Seventeen said that Chen Feng will be killed. With his strength, treating Chen Feng is completely crushing! How could Chen Feng be his opponent?"

"Not necessarily, Chen Feng will enter the world of death trials next, and no one can touch him!"

"Yes, if you have any grievances, I will come out of the world of death trials."

Many people were watching around, wondering what the Dementor and the others would have to deal with Chen Feng.

Not to mention that the Seventeen Snake is already a trial immortal, even if he is a reincarnation immortal, he still has to enter the world of reincarnation. It is completely impossible to enter a world with Chen Feng.

The world of trials that everyone enters is random.

Moreover, the Lord of Heaven will deliberately control and prevent two people from entering the same trial world.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon everyone looked up, as if feeling something.

Then, a huge and extreme coercion came crashing down.

As if the sky is falling down!

The huge voice of the dominion of the heavens suddenly sounded: "Trial world, now open!"

The next moment, it was originally pitch black, among a total of 108 giant bronze fangs, suddenly there were countless red lights rising up.

Then, inside each giant fangs gate, there are bizarre pictures that change rapidly.

If you look closely, you will find that this bizarre picture seems to be the silhouette of one world after another, flashing by.

In the end Jackie Chan laughed wildly and said first: "I'll come first!"

After all, he walked to a huge gate with bronze fangs.

Taking out the samsara jade card, one step is to step into the giant bronze fangs gate and disappear instantly.

Cen Ruiyi and others also entered one after another.

Everyone stepped into the giant bronze fangs gate.

Tiancun Beast Slave and Mei Wuxia looked at Chen Feng and nodded lightly.

Then, the two left here, went down to the ninety-nine ordinary bronze fangs below, and stepped into it.

Chen Feng calmly walked to the huge **** bronze fangs gate.

Suddenly he whispered in his heart: "Master of Heaven, I want to use the key of trial, I want to specify, the world of trial that I enter!"

His voice is so subtle that no one can hear it clearly.

Heaven dominates, and there is instant silence.

At the next moment, in Chen Feng's heart, the majestic voice of the dominion of heaven came suddenly: "The key of trial, I have recognized Chen Feng as the master!"

"Chen Feng, the saint of reincarnation, can use the key of trial to designate the world of death trial!"

Chen Feng was ecstatic: "It really works!"

He pressed his joy in his heart, and slowly uttered a word: "I'm going, Xuan! Ming! Seven! Sea! Realm!"

That's right, Xuanming Seven Seas Realm, this is Chen Feng's destination!

When this sentence came out, Chen Feng instantly felt a sense of despair!

See you poorly!

This is the real picture!

He has planned for so long, he has made so much effort, he has laid so many flags, he has collected so many treasures!

For this purpose!

That's why I want to go to the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm!

The Xuanming Seven Seas Realm is the world of death trials that Chen Feng has envisioned long ago!

Before Chen Feng had reached the top of the sky, he had just formed the Liangzi of Snake Seventeen, he even vaguely had this idea in his heart.

And when I came to the top of the sky and knew so many things, this idea was formed.

Next, it is constantly preparing for it!

Chen Feng's subsequent efforts were actually for this goal.

After the words were spoken, they waited.

But the Lord of Heaven didn't let him wait long, and then the voice sounded: "Allow Chen Feng to enter the Xuanming Seven Seas Realm!"

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