Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4542: I make you kneel down and beg me!

He suddenly thought of Snake Seventeen.

"Snake Seventeen is so anxious about this reincarnation jade card, isn't it because of this reason?"

"Chen Feng could actually make the golden reincarnation jade medal drip blood to recognize the master?"

Jin Yuxie exclaimed.

The golden jade card of reincarnation is a very special one among the jade cards of reincarnation.

Waiting for the reincarnation immortal, it is impossible to make him recognize the lord with blood.

Only those who dominate the blue eyes of the gods who think it is extremely special can do it.

Ruo withered willow breathed out a suffocating breath: "Anyone who can make the golden reincarnation jade brand drip blood to recognize the Lord can almost be determined, and the future is unlimited."

"In the past ten years, there have been only fifty people on the top of the sky that can make the golden reincarnation jade card drip blood to recognize the Lord!"

The top of the sky penetrates countless worlds, and every year there are top powerhouses who do not know how many worlds come here.

After a rough calculation, there are hundreds of people.

However, there are only four or five people who can make the golden reincarnation jade medal drop blood to recognize the master every year.

It can be seen that it is rare, but there is no one in a thousand!

The people who can make the golden reincarnation jade plate drip blood to recognize the master are the big sects on the top of the sky, vying for the object.

As long as you can step through the trial task smoothly and become a trial immortal, the future will be limitless!

This kind of genius will be scrambled by various martial arts teams.

Ruokeriu smiled and glanced at Chen Feng, and his gaze showed a few hints of approval.

Then he looked at Fairy Yuheng: "No wonder Yuheng, you value Chen Feng so much, but you still have vision!"

Jin Yuxie looked at Chen Feng, her eyes still a bit dark.

There was silence, and his face was uncertain.

Just after Fairy Yuheng uttered that sentence, his face was extremely embarrassed.

Before he blindly questioned Chen Feng, he was slapped backhand by Fairy Yuheng's words.

He was not a big-hearted person, and now he hates Fairy Yuheng, Chen Feng, and feels that the two of them have made him shame!

"But, don't forget."

The evil shadow's voice was cold and faint, as if it came from the Jiuyin Hell:

"In the past ten years, those fifty people who could make the golden reincarnation jade medal drip blood to recognize the Lord, only five survived in the end!"


Upon hearing these words, Jin Yuxie suddenly seemed to have caught Chen Feng's sore spot.

"The person who can make the golden reincarnation jade card drip blood to recognize the lord is indeed extremely rare, and future achievements are limitless."


He smiled yinly, staring at Chen Feng and said, "It's only if he can survive the trial mission."

He laughed wildly, very proud: "Who does not know, the way of heaven is harsh!"

The more people he fancy, the more difficult the task.

The difficulty of the trial task of the golden reincarnation jade plate for the person who drops blood to recognize the master is often more than three times that of the others!

He looked at Chen Feng up and down, his eyes full of disdain: "This kid is just lucky, I met you, and you were taken to the top of the sky."


He snorted coldly, "With his strength, I can't touch the edge of the top of the sky!"

"Looking at his strength, he is so humble, he is nothing more than a five-star Wudi, now go to participate in the death penalty?"

He saw that he couldn't suppress Chen Feng's talent, because Chen Feng's talent has been proved by Fairy Yu Heng to make the golden reincarnation jade card drip blood to recognize the master.

So he changed a direction and suppressed him from Chen Feng's current strength.

He looked at Fairy Yuheng and said, "I suggest you don't give him this quota this year."

"Let him exercise well on this top of the sky for a few years, so he can experience a few ordinary trial worlds first, but he can't accomplish the task deliberately."

"The next year, you can come again!"

"After becoming a senior reincarnation immortal, go to the Trial of Death Hope!"

When he said this, Fairy Yuheng thoughtfully.

Ruo Kuliu nodded and said, "I think Jinyu's heresy is justified."

Evil Shadow also nodded solemnly.

Even Fairy Yuheng was a little shaken.

Chen Feng is now in the realm of the five-star Emperor Wudi and the mid-term strength of the seven-star Emperor Wudi, is he really capable of dealing with a trial task that is three times more difficult than normal?

She looked at Chen Feng and had not yet spoken.

Chen Feng seemed to guess what he was trying to say, and smiled: "Yuheng, I will definitely participate in the death trial mission in a month!"

The voice is firm, there is no room for doubt!

Jin Yuxie sneered: "I can't help myself!"

He stared at Chen Feng and looked down coldly and said, "You came from a small thousand world, right? At first glance, it is an unseen **** from the countryside!"

"You should be considered a genius in your small and weak world, right? From small to large, everything goes smoothly without any disadvantages!"

"But do you know how terrifying is this top of the sky?"

"Unseen soil buns, you will regret it then!"

"Since you believe in yourself."

Yu Hengxian looked at Chen Feng with a serious face: "Then I will choose to believe in you!"

She turned and walked out.

"That's the end of the story, there is nothing left to say, a month later, I must get two places."

Chen Feng also walked out.

Jin Yuxie smiled coldly: "Boy, I see how you die by then."

"If you are embarrassed to recover from the death trial mission, even Yuheng will not be able to protect you, I will let you go ashamed! Become a bereaved dog!"

When he arrived at the door, Chen Feng suddenly turned around and looked at Jin Yuxie: "Jin Yuxie, I know you cannot understand me."

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be like Fairy Yuheng, who is also born in the Middle Thousand World, and you should have brought many years to the top of the sky."

Jin Yuxie was cold and arrogant, and slowly uttered three words: "Twelve years!"

"Twelve years, it really is not short."

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "In these twelve years, you have changed from a reincarnation fairy to a trial fairy, and then into a sky fairy."

"You are very strong and powerful, and there may be many people who follow your orders."

"You've seen a lot, so naturally you look down on me, a visitor from this little world!"

"But I want to tell you!"

Chen Feng said word by word: "After a month, I will let you kneel on the ground, crying, and beg me to stay!"

Without looking at Jin Yuxie, he turned and left.

Only the three of Jin Yuxie were left, dumbfounded.

Ruo Kuliu shook his head, with unpredictable eyes: "This newcomer is incredible!"

After a while, Jin Yuxie reacted and let out a frantic roar: "Chen Feng, I want you to die!"

Chen Feng pushed the door out.

The bright sunshine outside made him feel a little uncomfortable, and slightly narrowed his eyes.

Tiancun Beast Slave and Mei Wuxia cast their eyes, full of worry.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Don't worry, everything has been resolved."

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