Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4541: Golden reincarnation jade card!

After the tower of trial is opened, all samsara immortals can enter it.

Enter the world of ordinary trials.

The difficulty of this kind of trial world is not high, but the gain is minimal.

The world of death trials is different.

There are huge treasures in it, and they can often be harvested quite richly. There are even some people who have entered the world of death trials. After they came out, their financial resources suddenly became more abundant than some heavenly immortals.

That is, in the world of death trials, great benefits have been obtained.

What is even more exciting is that people who enter the world of death trials are very likely to be favored by the Lord of Heaven.

It is possible to be given something extremely powerful by the ruler of heaven!

It may be a treasure, or it may be a powerful magical power!

Therefore, as long as it can successfully pass the death trial mission, it can be said to be: one step to the sky!

The death trial mission is not something that anyone can pick up.

If you want to reach the sky in one step, you have to have a step-up order!

One-step ascent to the sky is extremely rare. In the past year, the Beidou team exhausted their minds and even killed a few people before they received three one-step ascending orders.

The day when the trial tower opened, just a month later.

Now, the twelve reincarnation immortals in the Beidou team are all staring at the three one-step ascending orders.

As a result, I didn't expect Chen Feng and others to take two of them when they came.

How can they tolerate it in their hearts?

Jin Yuxie suddenly grinned and pointed to the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave: "You brought this newcomer who doesn't know what kind of race, he is extremely talented, and is suspected of being a beast god."

"If you say, give him a step-by-step order, but he!"

As he said, he pointed to Chen Feng, extremely disdainful: "What is he? Why can he take one?"

"Something with no eyes."

Who is Fairy Yuheng? He had always said nothing, and immediately cursed mercilessly: "You have been on the top of the sky for so many years, but you don't even have this vision?"

Jin Yuxie made him faceless, his expression froze, his eyes fixed on Chen Feng, and he looked a little bit.

I want to see something special from him.

Everyone knew that in the Beidou team, the Yuheng Fairy had always been known for his good vision.

What he said was basically verified later.

So hearing what he said, Jin Yuxie suddenly felt a little timid in her heart.

However, he really couldn't see what was special about Chen Feng.

"Why can't I see what is special about Chen Feng?"

"Maybe it's especially good-looking. Fairy Yuheng is happy when she sees it, so she naturally wants to support everything."

Among the many reincarnation immortals, one made a joking laugh.

This person speaks very viciously.

The meaning of the words is that Chen Feng eats soft rice.

Suddenly, everyone burst into laughter.

Fairy Yuheng instantly turned cold and patted casually.

Suddenly, a scream came from among the many reincarnation immortals.

A man covered his face and took a few steps back, his face muscles twitched.

This person is a burly man with fierce and sullen eyes. At this time, his left face is high and bulging, and there are several powers entrenched on his face, biting like several red poisonous snakes there.

These forces buckled together and bit his face directly, revealing the red gums and white teeth below.

Chi Chi Chi smokes!

Make him scream.

The burly man was slurred, and said repeatedly: "Fairy Yuheng, forgive me, forgive me, I dare not!"

Ruo Kuliu also spoke to persuade him: "Yu Heng, he is certainly rude, but he is always the first person among our reincarnation immortals, so don't be too insulted."

"Somehow give him a face."

It turned out that this burly man was the Big Dipper team, the first strongest among many reincarnation immortals.

Fairy Yuheng smiled coldly and stretched out his hand.

The five powers, like a viper, just disappeared.

The burly man covered his face and said nothing, but his eyes were cold, staring at Chen Feng, his face full of murderous intent.

Obviously, he was so angry that he didn't dare to send it to Fairy Yuheng, but he took the account to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at it and smiled faintly, not caring at all.

Jin Yuxie said lightly: "Yuheng, it's useless for you to be so powerful."

"Unless you can convince me, there is absolutely no place for Chen Feng for this one-step ascending order."

Fairy Yuheng said: "There are some things, it's useless to say more, you only need to know, two steps to the sky, I must get it!"

This is no explanation at all.

In an instant, Jin Yuxie's face became extremely gloomy.

If the withered willow suddenly said: "Yuheng, at this time, I also feel that you should explain it."

He doesn't talk much, but he has a lot of weight.

At this moment, Fairy Yuheng was also lost in thought.

In fact, Chen Feng was also quite curious, why Fairy Yuheng would take him so seriously.

Fairy Yuheng was silent for a moment: "You follow me."

After that, they took Jin Yuxie, Ruokuliu, Xieying, and Chen Feng forward and came to a hall in the center of the valley.

Entering this hall, suddenly, the outside voice can no longer come in.

There was dead silence inside.

This hall with a radius of about 100 meters is extremely quiet.

Fairy Yuheng flicked his fingers, and a cyan light spread out, pressing against the inner wall of the hall.

"What we are saying now, you can't hear it outside."

Jin Yuxie sneered and said, "Yuheng, you can rest assured to say anything now!"

He still doesn't believe that Chen Feng will be surprising.

Xie Ying still had a cold and cruel face.

If the withered willow is smiling.

Fairy Yuheng looked at them, but slowly spit out a word: "Chen Feng, let the golden reincarnation jade card, drip blood to recognize the master!"

It was just a word, but it was like a huge mountain that was smashed down, causing countless waves.

Suddenly, the expressions of the three Jin Yuxie became extremely exciting, revealing an expression of shock that could not be concealed!

Fairy Yuheng motioned to Chen Feng to take out the jade card of reincarnation.

Chen Feng took out the jade card of reincarnation.

The moment the samsara jade card was taken out, it touched the surrounding power, and suddenly, the jade quality outside began to shatter.

Then, on the jade plate of reincarnation, a light golden light came out.

The countless fine golden light spots undulate around the samsara jade plate, adding a bit of dreamlike color to it!

Chen Feng was surprised: "How could the reincarnation jade card become like this?"

He looked at Fairy Yuheng thoughtfully.

"Fairy Yuheng, I have known for a long time that I have the golden reincarnation jade medal, so that's why I am particularly green eyes.

"So, what is so special about me?"

Even Chen Feng didn't know where he was special.

However, he finally knew now why Fairy Yuheng would find himself.

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