Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4535: Down, waiting for you!

There is no such thing as thinking at all.

Now I realized that my face changed drastically, and he said in surprise: "You, what did you do?"

"What did you do?"

Chen Feng laughed and said, "It's just that you abolished your war slave contract with Crazy Tiger, and then replaced it with my death row contract with him!"

"Duan Xinglan, now Crazy Tiger is already my death row, and is no longer your war slave!"

Fairy Yuheng was taken aback at first, then laughed.

She patted Chen Feng on the shoulder: "Chen Feng, what a good job! Really what a good job!"

She looked at Chen Feng, her eyes filled with splendor.

Everything Chen Feng sat there today was completely beyond her expectation.

Even if she was the person who looked at Chen Feng the most among all the people present, the person who knew Chen Feng's details best.

However, she had just felt that Chen Feng could barely win against the crazy tiger at best!

"Unexpectedly, he beat Crazy Tiger so badly! He also forced Crazy Tiger to sign a death row contract

"How did he know the death row contract?"! "

Fairy Yuheng looked at Chen Feng with a hint of relief in his eyes.

"It seems that I was right to bring him here. It seems that Chen Feng should come to the top of the sky!"

"He adapts very quickly to this place, as if he was born for this place! I just came in and found out the rules of this place."

Duan Xinglan's face is extremely gloomy

If he was only extremely angry just now, then now he is extremely sad.

This crazy tiger, although he was the worst one among the slaves he sent to war, was not because the crazy tiger was too talented.

On the contrary, Crazy Tiger is the most talented and most talented one among the slaves he sent to war.

He even suspected that there was a great secret hidden in the crazy tiger.

Therefore, he is actually highly valued by Crazy Tiger.

The reason why Crazy Tiger is weak is that Crazy Tiger has been here for too short a time.

But there is no doubt that Crazy Tiger is the one with the greatest potential here in Duan Xinglan.

And now, this war slave with the greatest potential, the highest talent, and even hidden huge secrets, turned out to be Chen Feng's!

This made him hate it to the extreme!

He stared at Chen Feng stubbornly, his teeth almost broken!

In the eyes of everyone looking at Chen Feng, the complete contempt, neglect, and disdain before was also swept away.

Instead, there was shock and scrutiny.

There are even more people who have a bit more appreciation in their eyes.

A newcomer who has just entered the top of the sky can do this step, it is already extremely difficult, very powerful!

"This Chen Feng is not bad, he can defeat opponents two realms higher than him."

"Yes, and he is a rookie, his opponent has been on the top of the sky for so long."

"Yes, this means that Chen Feng is not only strong, but other methods are also quite impressive."

"After he maimed the mad tiger, he did not lose his calm and killed him, but forced him to sign a death row contract."

"Ha ha……"

Someone sneered and said, "I guess, the money from the death row contract was still madly!"

"Haha, of course, it was a crazy tiger. Chen Feng just came, and he is afraid that there is no chalcedony on his body."

Everyone gave Chen Feng a high evaluation.

"Good! Very good! Chen Feng, right?"

Duan Xinglan lit Chen Fengfeng with his hand: "I remember your name; uh!"

At this time, the anger on his face disappeared, and he was obviously a man of the city.

However, the hatred is not reduced at all.

He pointed at Chen Feng, and slowly uttered a word: "I won't let you live and become a fairy in the sky!"

There was a sound of discussion around.

"Duan Xinglan is so cruel!"

"Chen Feng is afraid! Duan Xinglan has a lot of problems, but he has always done what he said!"

"That's right, and he said this sentence in front of so many people, for the sake of this tone, for the sake of this face, he will hunt down Chen Feng desperately!"

"He said that Chen Feng would not survive to become an immortal in the sky. I think it is 80% possible."

"It's a pity that Chen Feng is pretty good in all aspects, but it's a pity that Duan Xinglan missed it as soon as he entered the top of the sky! There will be some good shows in the future!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Now, waiting for you!"

But it is not afraid!

Duan Xinglan kept a sullen face, turned around and left, and his war slaves also hurried away.

Fairy Yuheng raised his voice: "Duan Xinglan, don't forget our gambling appointment, I will come to ask for it!"

Duan Xinglan stiffened a bit, and shouted in a low voice, "Don't worry, I can't forget it!"

Having said that, leave angrily.

Seeing that the excitement was gone, everyone left one after another.

Fairy Yuheng gave Chen Feng two pills, which were the former Yuqing Ice Soul Pill: "One is for you, I think you are not injured."

"another one."

She snorted at the mad tiger: "Hurry up and eat it, or you, a newly-acquired condemned prisoner, will die."

Chen Feng nodded and stuffed the pill into Crazy Tiger's mouth.

Then, I also took one.

This jade clear ice soul pill is indeed the most famous healing medicine when the top of the sky is at a low level.

After the mad tiger swallowed it, it didn't take long before the injury began to recover and the bleeding stopped.

Then, consciousness began to recover.

Soon, he recovered about 40% of his strength.

He stood up silently and stood behind Chen Feng.

His eyes were still full of hatred, but they were a bit more numb.

Chen Feng meditated for a while, and he was almost recovered.

However, although the physical injury has recovered, the loss of soul and spirit has not been recovered.

Chen Feng felt a pain in the depths of his soul.

Fairy Yuheng had already seen the clues, and said lightly: "You still use this kind of martial arts sparingly. The loss of soul level is extremely difficult to replenish."

"If you continue like this, I am afraid that something big will happen."

Chen Feng nodded: "Don't worry."

"Actually, I don't blame you."

"You are also unlucky, even when you meet a bitch, every time you can't avoid a fierce battle."

Fairy Yuheng smiled bitterly: "If you continue to do this, the Yuqing Ice Soul Pill I have here will soon be insufficient."

Chen Feng laughed.

He knew that Fairy Yuheng was not joking. Although this Jade Clear Ice Soul Pill was not too expensive, it was also a rare treasure that can only be obtained by a strong newcomer to the top of the sky.

If it weren't for Fairy Yuheng, he would never get the chance.

There were only a few in Fairy Yuheng.

"Let's go!"

Fairy Yuheng smiled and said, "Let's go home!"

Go all the way and leave here soon.

In front of Chen Feng and the others, a layer of azure enchantment appeared.

Fairy Yuheng didn't hesitate and crashed directly into this enchantment.

Chen Feng and others also followed immediately.

But after entering the enchantment, the scenery before him changed drastically.

It's like changing a world!

Chen Feng and the others immediately held their breath, with unbearable surprise on their faces.

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