Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4534: Fortunately

"What bet?"

Fairy Yuheng stared at Duan Xinglan, saying word by word: "Enter, a chance on the third floor of the Tiandao Tibetan Scripture Pavilion!"

Hearing these words, Duan Xinglan's brows instantly condensed, and a hint of hesitation appeared on his face.

You know, the Tiandao Buddhist Scripture Pavilion is one of the most critical locations on the top of the sky.

In order to enter it, not only needs strong enough strength to be recognized by the Tiandao Jingjing Pavilion, but also pays a huge amount of Tiandao Chalcedony.

Moreover, as long as you enter it, you are qualified to choose a volume of scriptures and jade books to take away at the third floor of the Tiandao Buddhist Scripture Pavilion at will!

To put it bluntly, this is actually not an opportunity to enter it, but an opportunity to get a book of Scripture.

Like their level, generally to complete a task, the benefits of the entire Zongmen team, everyone received, may be worth more than the jade book in the third layer of a volume!

He will naturally hesitate.

"Why, dare you?"

Fairy Yuheng raised an eyebrow and said.

Duan Xinglan looked gloomy and looked around.

Seeing everyone's eyes are on his face, there are all kinds of looks.

Suddenly, my heart became tensed, knowing that it is not that I dare to do it.

On the contrary, if you don't agree to it, then the prestige of your business for so many years will be severely suppressed by Fairy Yuheng!

This is something he cannot bear.

He is able to do what he is today, one is relying on his brother's remaining prestige, and the other is relying on his own reputation.

Duan Xinglan laughed suddenly: "Why don't you dare? Then let's take a gamble!"

"I bet that Chen Feng will win! Come out, or die, or be forced to sign a war slave contract by the crazy tiger!"

Fairy Yuheng said loudly: "Okay, then I will bet, Chen Feng will win!"

Above the sky, black light faintly!

A thunder sound rang, and then a battle flag fell fiercely, falling between the two!

Above the battle flag, a huge word ‘gambling’ was flying.

Obviously, their gambling has been sensed by the Lord of Heaven.

Now it is already in effect.

But before the voice fell, a thunderbolt fell in the void.

Then, among the countless black lights lingering, a portal slowly appeared.

Everyone suddenly became excited: "The two of them are coming out!"

"The gate of the duel arena is open, and now the result is clear!"

Duan Xinglan laughed wildly: "Yuheng, are you sad now?"

"The person I brought here personally turned out to be my slave now, and I have to lose a chance to enter the Tiandao Buddhist Scripture Pavilion!"

"Does the heart hurt?"

But the next moment, his smile solidified on his face.

With a bang, a heavy object was thrown out from inside.

When everyone saw it, they were all in a daze.

It turned out that it was a crazy tiger who was thrown out.

He no longer looked as aggressive and ruthless as before, and threw it on the ground like a puddle of mud.

He was covered in blood and had a weak breath.

Obviously, it is not far from death.

Fairy Yuheng showed a look of horror: "How did the crazy tiger become like this?"

"Is it?"

She suddenly raised her head and stared at the exit of the duel arena.

Not only her, but everyone's faces were filled with a touch of astonishment.

"Crazy Tiger, only one breath left after being beaten?"

"I saw clearly just now that Crazy Tiger is close to the top of the Seven-Star Martial Emperor, and Chen Feng is just the Five-Star Martial Emperor!"

"Yes, there is a two-level gap between the two in strength. Could it be that Chen Feng actually defeated this crazy tiger?"

They all believed that Chen Feng was bound to lose, and the crazy tiger could easily win.

In the scene they envisioned, it should be Crazy Tiger walking out of the Colosseum carrying Chen Feng, who had become a slave.

Unexpectedly, the situation is just the opposite.

They also looked at the entrance of the duel.

Then, he saw a long jade young man in white, slowly walking out of it.

With a handsome face, a light smile, and a calm face, who is not Chen Feng?

Suddenly, there was a low voice among the crowd.

However, after all, they are also well-informed people, and they have seen all kinds of geniuses.

Therefore, it was only quite surprised, but there was no more extreme emotion.

"Even Chen Feng won? The newcomer brought by the Yuheng Fairy had the last laugh! It's not easy!"

"Can Fairy Yuheng like someone who is simple?"

Chen Feng clapped his hands, smiled slightly, and looked at Fairy Yuheng, only to say four words: "Fortunately, not insulting!"

Fortunately not insulting one's life!

Fairy Yuheng looked at Chen Feng, his face was full of admiration.

He looked at Chen Feng's confident smile, looked at the calmness of the corner of the boy's mouth, and suddenly felt his heart touched!

"Yes, fortunately not insulting your life!"

"I found him, I brought him here, but he never failed my expectations!"

This is what Chen Feng thought in his heart.

Fairy Yuheng gave him so many things and gave him a chance to come here.

Chen Feng only felt that she did too much for herself, but she did too little for her.

And this time, after all, she was fortunate enough to live up to her life, she didn't disappoint her hopes, and she didn't drag her down because of herself.

Duan Xinglan couldn't believe it and roared: "Crazy Tiger, did you lose? Lost to Chen Feng?"

Chen Feng looked at Duan Xinglan and smiled and said, "Duan Xinglan, it seems that your people have lost miserably."

Duan Xinglan felt extremely embarrassed when he thought of what he had mocked Chen Feng just now.

What Chen Feng said at this time made him even more embarrassed.

He stared at Chen Feng coldly, but knew that this place today could not be found.

With a low growl, he tried to drag the crazy tiger away.

A cold face: "You dog, you can't handle such simple things! See how I will clean up you after I go back!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly when he heard the words, "Sorry, Duan Xinglan, I'm afraid you can't clean up the crazy tiger."

"No way to clean up the crazy tiger?"

Duan Xinglan suddenly raised his head, staring at Chen Feng, and said viciously: "Do you think this injury can hardly stop me?"

"I can just take him easily! Then he can be cleaned up miserably!"

"No, no, you misunderstood."

Chen Feng shook his finger, and said leisurely: "Crazy Tiger is already my slave. You are not qualified to clean him up!"


Hearing this, Duan Xinglan was in a daze.

He felt it, and his face changed suddenly.

It turned out that he felt that the extremely close connection with the crazy tiger in his soul had completely disappeared at this time! Shattered!

In fact, Duan Xinglan felt a little bit when Chen Feng cancelled Crazy Tiger's war slave contract in the duel and replaced it with his own death row contract.

But at that time, he was immersed in the disdain for Chen Feng and the bet against Fairy Yuheng.

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