Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4436: It's you! Chu Shaoyang!

"Tell me, what happened!"

Chen Feng forcibly stabilized his mind, his voice was cold, without any emotion.

The emperor of Tianyuan Imperial City trembled in his heart, did not dare to conceal anything, did not have any nonsense, and said carefully the things of that day.

When the emperor of the Tianyuan Dynasty spoke of that day, suddenly there was a strong attack.

Speaking of Bai Shanshui and others, fighting the mysterious powerhouse.

Speaking of other people, in order not to be captured by this mysterious powerhouse, they committed suicide.


And the more he talked, he felt that the atmosphere here became more and more solemn and cold!

He glanced at it and saw that Chen Feng's expression was also extremely cold, Sen Han extremely cold.

The murderous intent in that eye is even more anxious!

The emperor of Tianyuan Dynasty felt cold, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look again.

After he finished speaking, he quickly stepped aside.

For a long time, there was no movement here.

Chen Feng stood still and said nothing.

Everyone didn't dare to say a word, even the atmosphere didn't dare to breathe, and let the breath light and light.

Just now, when Chen Feng saw Bai Shanshui's body, he could hardly control his emotions.

At this time, when he heard the words of the Emperor of the Tianyuan Dynasty, his emotions were almost out of control.

Chen Feng folded his hands inside his sleeves, but the sleeves trembled slightly.

Finally, he could no longer restrain his emotions, his eyes were sore, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes!

Chen Feng was already in tears.

The man does not flick when he has tears, just because he has not reached the point of sadness!

I heard that I have so many friends who died in battle, I heard that they desperately killed the strong man, I heard that they would rather commit suicide than fall into the hands of the strong man, thus implicating themselves.

Chen Feng, how can he not be moved?

How can he not cry?

"Who did it?"

Chen Feng's voice does not contain the slightest emotion.

The emperor of Tianyuan Dynasty whispered: "This person calls himself Chu Shaoyang."

"Furthermore, he also erased himself from the stone stele of Qianyuan Villa, leaving two sentences."

"What? Chu Shaoyang?"

Chen Feng listened, and there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes: "How is it possible?"

"Isn't Chu Shaoyang already beheaded by me, with no bones left?"

"How could he still be alive? Can he still do such things? Chu Shaoyang is not dead?"

At the next moment, Chen Feng's figure flashed and came to the boulder.

Three sentences were carved on the boulder.

"If you want them to survive, at noon after March, Chaoge Tianzi City!"

And the inscription below is surprisingly three characters: Chu Shaoyang!

When Chen Feng looked at it, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He could feel a familiar breath from these writings, it was indeed Chu Shaoyang's breath!

"Really Chu Shaoyang? He is not dead?"

Chen Feng's heart suddenly moved.

He suddenly thought of that powerful and terrifying existence behind Chu Shaoyang.

Chen Feng showed bitter hatred in his eyes, gritted his teeth and sneered: "Chu Shaoyang is not dead. I'm afraid I can't get rid of you, right?"

"After March, is it outside Chaoge Tianzi City?"

"good very good!"

Chen Feng sneered and said, "Chu Shaoyang, since I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time!"

But Chen Feng is more concerned about another matter: "Who told him?"

He even knew the information of Bai Shanshui and others?

Chu Shaoyang, it is impossible to know the news of Bai Shanshui and others for no reason!

How did he know?

"Don't let me find you out!"

In Chen Feng's eyes, murderous awe-inspiring!

He walked slowly among the ruins.

Although Chen Feng felt that there was no more life in the ruins when he was just above the sky, he still didn't give up at this time.

He still wanted to find out the trace of the person who was born.

But in the end, Chen Feng was disappointed.

Chen Feng only felt sullen in his heart, as if a big rock was pressing in his heart.

He suddenly opened his arms and let out an earth-shaking roar!


The roar shook the four wilds.

Everyone felt their eardrums buzzing, and they were almost dizzy.

Chen Feng's roar, it took a long time for a stick of incense to stop.

Everyone listened to it in silence.

What complex emotions are in it, anger, hatred, and unspeakable pain!

The fact is also true.

At this time, Chen Feng's heart was extremely painful.

However, when the roar became more and more backward, the pain in Chen Feng's eyes became less and less.

That murderous intent, that anger, that heart of revenge, is getting deeper and deeper!

Finally, when the roar stopped, Chen Feng had no pain in his eyes.

Yes, it's just the blazing flames!

That is the flame of revenge!

Chen Feng straightened abruptly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and slowly uttered a word:

"Chu Shaoyang, you kill my best friend and take my friend!"

"Don't worry, I will let you, as well as those hidden in the dark, die from the pain in my hands!"

Chen Feng's words were light, not very strong.

But the murderous intent inside, can't be hidden, even can't be hidden!

His eyes are even more firm.

If you say this, you will do it!

The emperor of Tianyuan Dynasty heard it behind him, and he couldn't help but shudder.

At this time, Chen Feng wiped away all his feelings of hesitation, worry, pain, etc.

This emotion was brewing on the way he came, and it reached its extreme just now.

But now, Chen Feng knows that Bai Shanshui and the others are dead.

Knowing those other people, they have been looted and left.

This emotion was instantly dumped and empty!

What's the use of this kind of emotion? Can you revive them? Can you save them back?

There are two things to do now.

First: Revenge.

Second, it is...

Chen Feng strode suddenly to Jiang Yuechun, Bai Shanshui and others.

He stared at their faces as they were before they were alive: "Don't worry, I will be able to save them!"

"I must be able to save you guys!"

He patted his shoulder heavily with his hand: "Brother Bai!"

"Now, I will call you souls!"

Chen Feng looked at the emperor of Tianyuan Dynasty, and said solemnly: "I hope you will prepare something for me."

The emperor of the Tianyuan dynasty was overjoyed and hurriedly replied: "Just give your orders."

But he knew that if someone like Chen Feng had a good relationship with him, he would show a little benefit at will, and he would not be able to enjoy it.

The next day, in the evening.

It's cold winter.

Everything in heaven and earth. It was bleak.

The sunset that is about to fall is a bleak white with no vitality.

A cold wind blows across the world, making people tremble with cold.

The woods in the distance were withered, and the whole world was filled with the meaning of killing the cold.

In the middle of the ruins, a high platform has been established at this time.

It is ninety-nine meters high and round.

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