Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4435: died! It's all dead!

They were actually lost by that palm!

No bones left!

Even the screams didn't have time to make the sound, it was directly dead and thorough.

Except for their deaths, everything else after the ruins was safe and sound.

Even the corpses were not destroyed!

What kind of terrifying power control is this?

Everyone looked up at the sky.

Then, they saw a huge azure ship, slowly falling from the sky.

Everyone was silent, but a thought surged in their hearts: "Who is here? Is it the strong man on that ship? He killed so many people with one palm?"

What a powerful strength this is!

What a terrifying state this is!

The emperor of Tianyuan Dynasty originally sat by the window drinking tea.

At this moment, he stood up suddenly, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

The big ship slowly descended and hovered at a height of about 100 meters.

And a figure walked in front of the big ship.

After seeing his appearance, someone in the crowd suddenly exclaimed!

"It's Chen Feng, God, it's Chen Feng who is back!"

"It has only happened a few days ago? He actually came back?"

The sound of exclamation, one after another.

Almost instantly, everyone knew the news.

That is, Chen Feng is back!

Chen Feng stood on the bow and looked down, his eyes cold!

He had just arrived here when he saw that Qianyuan Villa was turned into ruins.

Inside, there is no half-life!

Obviously, there is no living person inside!

Chen Feng instantly felt a great pain in his heart!

What he foreseeed, the worst happened!

At this time, I saw these people breaking into the ruins, wantonly snatching the treasures and medicines they gave to Baishanshui.

Up to this time, Chen Feng was furious, and his murderous intent was extremely strong.

However, this did not give Chen Feng the idea of ​​beheading them all!

However, their attempt to desecrate the bodies of Bai Shanshui and others caused Chen Feng's eyes to crack!

An instant hatred surged, almost crazy!

Just now, he saw with his own eyes that the bodies of Bai Shanshui and others were almost torn to pieces and completely destroyed!

This is something Chen Feng absolutely cannot tolerate!

He shot these people directly with one palm!

At this time, Chen Feng's eyes swept across everyone's faces.

Everyone who was in contact with his eyes trembled in their hearts and bowed their heads, not daring to look at him.

After a while, a faint voice came from the big ship: "Who dares to go in?"

Following these eight characters, the Qing Luan Ruyi Zhouzhi above the sky uploaded.

Suddenly, everyone was silent.

The people who were so arrogant and clamoring to enter Qianyuan Villa just now all lowered their heads, remained silent, and shrank their heads.

No one dared to say something arrogant!

A joke, who doesn't know now, this Qianyuan Villa is the place Chen Feng used to house his relatives?

Who doesn't know, the person on the Qingluan Ruyi Boat is Chen Feng!

Even if it is Tianyuan Imperial City, it is a remote place in a poor country, but Chen Feng's reputation has already spread here.

Everyone knows that Chen Feng is the first person in the younger generation!

The power is terrifying to the extreme!

Before, they did not have an intuitive understanding of this strength.

Today, I have seen it all!

"A palm! Just a palm, hundreds of people were directly beheaded!"

This kind of strength is already so strong that they can hardly understand it, completely beyond their imagination!

They just bet that Chen Feng would not come.

Now that Chen Feng is here, who dares to make trouble!

Chen Feng was so angry that he could not get rid of it.

Standing on top of the cloud, he shouted again: "Who wants to die?"

When these four words are spoken, they are different from just now.

The four words crashed down, and the four powers surged out fiercely.

Everyone felt that these four words were like four sledgehammers, striking in their own hearts fiercely.

The four characters fell fiercely, and those who were clamoring to enter were all hit hard.

Screaming one after another, spurting blood and falling to the ground!

Tens of thousands, all of them!

Tens of thousands of people were seriously injured by the four words Chen Feng!



Everyone was stunned.

Suddenly, this world was extremely quiet.

Looking at the Qingluan Ruyizhou above the sky, and watching the young man in white standing on the bow of the boat with his clothes moving in the wind, someone finally muttered to himself:

"Is this the horror of the Six-Star Emperor Wu? Is this the strength of the first person in the young generation of Dragon Vein Continent?"

"It's like a **** and Buddha descending to the earth! It's too strong!"

Even the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty that day, as well as all the masters of the Tianyuan Dynasty, were full of horror.

They finally saw the fame of Chen Feng, who shook the mainland!

"This is the real warrior!"

After a long time, the emperor of Tianyuan Dynasty sighed softly: "Compared with this, my generation is nothing but ants!"

Just in the shocked eyes of all these people, just in this dead silence, Qing Luan Ruyi Boat slowly fell.

Falling in this rubble!

Chen Feng looked at the ruins.

Finally, his gaze fell on the bodies of Bai Shanshui and others.

In fact, just now I saw those corpses.

Even for this, and Thunder is furious!

However, after taking a look, he quickly deviated his gaze!

He didn't even dare to see or think about it!

But now, Chen Feng abruptly forced himself to watch!

Present this most painful reality, bloody, before yourself!

Chen Feng forced himself, one by one, to look over!

Look at these corpses, one by one!

In the ruins, a figure is standing proudly, but it has no life.

This is Baishanshui!

There are two women, a girl with a beard, and a gentle and gentle.

Looking at each other and smiling, covered in blood, go back hand in hand.

This is Jiang Yuechun and Hua Ruyan.

A tall young man laughed proudly and seemed to die quickly!

This is Shangguan Lingyun!

And Yue Linglong!

And Wei Qingyi!

They seem to be still calling themselves ‘Senior Brother Chen’, ‘Senior Brother Chen’, ‘Young Master’, and ‘Master’!

They were so clear and vivid in front of them.

But now, it's dead!

All dead!

It's all dead!

Chen Feng was in shock in an instant!

At this moment, the grief and hatred in his heart is almost beyond control!

At this time, the emperor of Tianyuan Dynasty greeted him quickly.

When he came to Chen Feng, he whispered: "Master Chen, are you back?"

He is extremely respectful.

Chen Feng glanced across his face, and he naturally knew what his identity was.

However, now the Emperor of Tianyuan Imperial City, how could Chen Feng see him in his eyes?

For forces like this, apart from anything else, there are more than a hundred under the Xuanyuan family.

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