Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4379: Soul slave, why is it rushing?

The smug, calm, and cruel smile on his face instantly solidified, turning into extreme shock and stunnedness.

He lowered his head blankly, looking at the dagger pierced into his stomach.

At the same time, I felt a general revolving of the sky and an inexplicable pain.

That is a kind of severe pain that the soul almost has to be torn away alive!

He felt that his soul was about to be shredded, knocked apart, and sucked into this dagger!

He stared at the soul slave, his eyes were extremely fierce, and his anger was extremely furious:

"You dog! Do you dare?"

"Why don't I dare?"

The soul slave had no scruples under his tearing face.

He let out a scream of laughter: "You are going to kill me! You are going to take away my original soul power! You have to use my power to supplement your lifespan!"


"Why don't I dare! Why can't I kill you! Old stuff!"

He laughed wildly, said these words, did this thing, his heart was extremely happy.

He has been bullied for hundreds of years, suppressed for hundreds of years, insulted and beaten for hundreds of years, and all the evil spirits have been radiated at once!

At this moment, the Hallmaster of the Soul Extinguishing Hall issued a frantic roar, and slapped the soul slave with one palm!

When the soul slave swiped his palm, he knew that the palm could not hide by himself.

Because, in my own memory, I have not escaped it!

Can't hide, then can't hide! Nothing!

Didn’t I avoid that time in my memory? Am I still alive?

However, at this time, the soul slave seemed to have a very strange feeling in his heart.

It seems that I made a very wrong decision.

It seemed that some key point was quietly ignored by myself.

But he didn't have time to react, and this palm hit his chest fiercely!

Suddenly, the soul slave screamed sternly, and his body was almost broken.

This trick was to make him seriously injured!

But he gritted his teeth, screamed frantically, nailed his feet to the ground, and did not retreat!

Instead, his right hand stabbed fiercely, piercing the gray dagger deeper and stabbing more fiercely!

It stirred fiercely inside.

Suddenly, the Hallmaster of Soul Destruction Hall issued a miserable roar that was not like a human voice.

And his body suddenly moved violently.

The incomparable original soul power surged toward the gray dagger, was absorbed by the gray dagger, and then passed to the soul slave's body.

The soul slave sifted violently, and the original soul power increased sharply.

The soul slave itself has a strength close to that of the Seven-Star Martial Emperor, but the body that was hit by that blow was severely injured, and the current strength was at best the Six-Star Martial Emperor's early stage.

But his original soul power, that is, his vitality, is constantly improving.

This means that although his current combat effectiveness has not improved, after he has recovered from his injuries, he will definitely make rapid progress.

The two yelled, cursed, fought and struggled there.

Finally, after an unknown period of time, the Hallmaster of the Soul Destruction Palace twitched violently.

His body softened, no longer had any strength, and he collapsed directly there.

The next moment, he glanced at the soul slave full of bitterness.

After that, the body was broken directly!

The Lord of Soul Destruction Hall was already dead.

And the incomparable original soul power in his body was also directly sucked in by the soul slave through the dagger.

The soul slave sat down on the steps, panting heavily.

He was also seriously injured and extremely tired.

But suddenly, he stood up and cried loudly.

Crying and crying, but laughing wildly, like crazy.

However, his whole person was extremely happy, and also extremely happy.

The kind of joy that originated from the deepest heart made him unable to control his emotions at all.

He laughed for a long time before he stopped, looking at the body of the hall master of the Soul Destruction Hall, laughing wildly:

"Old stuff, thank you! It made me perfect!"

When he said this, a strange feeling surged in his heart.

"This, I seem to have said it!"

"Yes, that's right, I said that!"

"In my memory, I seem to say that!"

At the same time, a very strange feeling surged in the soul of the slave.

Obviously he seems to have done these things again, but he is still doing it now.

Moreover, it is exactly the same as before.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, his current sanity was still not sober.

This is also normal. After all, such magical powers as Heaven and Earth's reincarnation magic arts have never appeared on the Dragon Vein Continent, and soul slaves have never heard of it. How can they be prepared?

Besides, he didn't care about Chen Feng at all.

Before Chen Feng deliberately showed weakness, he was caught, and after seeing him this time, he immediately ran away.

It made him feel that he was still invincible when facing Chen Feng.

Therefore, I was directly fooled!

He didn't know that after Chen Feng was promoted to the five-star Wudi, he already had the strength of the six-star Wudi peak, and now coupled with this world's repeated reincarnation magic arts, although he could not be killed, it was enough to cause serious damage to him!

If the soul slave had been prepared for a long time, it would probably be able to react after entering.

However, he didn't have any precautions. After entering, he was not sane and faced this situation directly.

Where can I think more?

Although the soul slave's expression was still muddled at this time, he didn't know what happened.

But it does not prevent him from being full of ecstasy, full of ecstasy of killing its owner, absorbing the strength of the opponent, and dominating the Soul Destruction Palace in the future!

He stood on this throne, laughing wildly.

Suddenly, his whole body trembled violently.

With a wow, a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs was sprayed out.

Obviously, the blow of the Palace Master of Soul Destruction Palace just now caused him a severe blow.

He needs conditioning now.

The soul slave stood up holding the plain silver candlestick, staggered off the throne, and was about to leave.

But at this moment, suddenly, there was a chuckle in the darkness nearby: "Soul slave, why rush?"

Then, in the darkness, a figure walked out.

At this time, a flash of lightning flashed, illuminating his appearance.

Dressed in white, long body jade.

Not Chen Feng, who is it?

Since the soul slave entered the world of memory fragments and entered this memory of his own, he has always been ignorant, and some can't recover.

But until this moment, when the lightning flashed, and the image of the poor dagger appeared, the soul slave suddenly understood the cause and effect in an instant!

Understand everything here!

He suddenly let out a bitter scream, stared into the void, and roared:

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