Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4378: That day three hundred years ago!

So that people can only see next to them, which is extremely small, with a radius of no more than four or five feet.

But on the contrary, I can feel the extremely grand and grandiose of this hall.

This kind of very contradictory feelings are intertwined, and it makes people feel almost uncomfortable in general.

And in the surroundings, in the endless darkness, there seemed to be countless ghosts and ghosts lurking in them.

Whispering, screaming coldly.

Even if you want to choose people and eat them, it is extremely fierce.

In that endless darkness, there are countless ghosts and ghosts.

It feels like a ghost cave here!

It's like a hell.

But none of these can move the soul slave.

What shocked him most was that he discovered that he was walking in this darkness.

In his hand, he held a plain silver candlestick.

Above the plain silver candlestick, the light was brilliant, illuminating the surrounding four or five feet.

Also discarded all those ghosts and ghosts, making them afraid to get close!

However, this is not the most important.

More importantly, at this time, the soul slave was confused and confused in his mind.

He seems to have no idea what he is doing here, or why he is here.

He was horrified to find that his body seemed completely out of control.

Just under the control of instinct, walk forward step by step.

The footsteps were heavy and low, and it seemed that there was something extremely terrifying in front of him.

The soul slave dragged heavy steps forward, step by step.

He felt that his spirit became more and more chaotic, as if he was trapped in an abyss swamp.

He desperately wanted to break free, but it was all in vain, he couldn't do it at all!

Finally, I don't know how long he walked, surrounded by the surrounding ghosts, he came to the deepest part of the hall.

At this time, a deep voice rang: "Are you here?"

The moment he heard this voice, the soul slave shivered suddenly.

Some memories in his consciousness suddenly woke up.

A voice in my heart yelled in amazement: "This, isn't this the day three hundred years ago?"

"Isn't this the day that changed my destiny three hundred years ago?"

The soul slave suddenly remembered.

At this time, this scene happened exactly on that day three hundred years ago!

Three hundred years ago, the last general of the Hall of Soul Destroying Palace was dead. Knowing that his life was over, he recruited him.

And the soul slave also knew what would happen next.

Next, as the lord of Soul Destruction Hall, he will order him to dictate himself.

Then, after he died, he was ready to absorb all his soul power and renew his life for another ten years.

And the soul slave also knows exactly how he did it!

He shuddered at the thought of his own response.

"I pretended to obey and came to him."

"Weeping and kowtow, thanking him for his cultivation grace over the years."

"Then suddenly attacked and killed him directly!"

"Not only was it not swallowed by it, but instead swallowed his lifelong cultivation base!"

"Although I was seriously injured at the time and was dying, but after getting some breathing time, not only my strength was restored, but I also improved rapidly!"

In an instant, the soul slave thought of this.

Then, he had a question: "Well, what is going on? Why am I here?"

At this moment, his mind was confused, and he couldn't figure it out clearly.

And he has no time to think.

Because at this moment, the deep voice has rang.

Heavy and hoarse, but with incomparable majesty:

"My life is near, and you are my soul slave."

"Now, you can judge yourself!"

"Die with me!"

The soul slave raised his head fiercely and met the gaze of the speaker.

The speaker, hidden in the infinite darkness, can only see those eyes.

Those eyes were full of fatigue in their old age.

Although he is old, he still carries the incomparably tyrannical coercion, which makes people shudder at a glance.

It's like a lion that is old but still extremely powerful!

The soul slave trembled, and it was too late to think about anything.

Because he knew that if he didn't deal with it right now, he could kill himself now!

As a result, he tried his best to recall his previous response, squeezing the most humble smile on his face.

There is a deep sadness in the humility.

Suddenly his legs weakened and he knelt directly on the ground, walking forward with his knees, crying loudly:

"Master, I am reluctant to leave you! But if you let me commit suicide, I will commit suicide!"

"My life is yours!"

He was crying and weeping, his voice was mournful and sincere.

As the head of the Temple of Destruction Soul, seeing his performance, he seemed to be very satisfied and nodded slowly.

His vitality has been declining and is almost gone, and the whole person is dying.

Although he still had a strong strength, he was reluctant to move. It seemed that every move was a great drain on his vitality.

He looked at the soul slave and slowly said, "You have this heart, and I didn't waste my life for you."

The soul slave sneered: "You turned me into a soul slave and gave me my life?"

"It sounds good! It's nothing more than enslaving me!"

"Now, I want to take my life back and extract my original soul power to continue your life?"

"Old stuff, stop dreaming!"

However, although he sneered in his heart, his face was extremely grateful.

Climbed forward in front of the Hallmaster of Soul Destruction Hall, holding his legs, crying loudly.

I cried very sadly, full of dismay.

But in the next moment!

The soul slave suddenly raised his head, and his eyes were full of fierce aura, and even with a strong murderous intent!

He flipped his wrist!

Although he had just occupied this body, she seemed to have been familiar with this body for many years.

He naturally knew what was hidden in his sleeve!

Flip his wrist, a plain white dagger about one foot long appeared in his hand.

The plain white dagger looked unremarkable.

It even feels like a rural child **** with stones, cast iron, and straw ropes.

Very simple and crude.

However, at the tip of the dagger, there is a tiny black hole vortex, which is constantly rotating.

There is like an infinite tide of power wafting and gushing inside!

Especially this kind of power, it gives people the feeling, as if the soul has to be absorbed at a glance!

Obviously, this dagger has extremely deep damage to the soul.

For people who specialize in cultivating souls like Soul Destruction Hall, the natural harm is extremely great.

The next moment, this dagger was fiercely pierced into the lower abdomen of the Hall Master of Soul Destruction Palace without any hindrance.

The Lord of Soul Destruction Hall was stiff.

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