Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4373: Jiu Yin Shenwei! Realize instantly!

It seems that a dragon has broken into a valley where there are countless yellow sheep and rabbits.

Compared with the Jiu Yin Wuhun Soul, compared to the Jiu Yin Wuhun Soul, which is even the highest in the world, the level of these creatures on the Dragon Vein Continent is too low!

They and Zhu Jiuyin Martial Souls were not at the same level.

For them, the Nine-yin Zhu Yin Wuhun really has a dimensional crush!

Chen Feng smiled slightly, knocked the cerebellum of the Jiuyin Wuhun Wuhun, and said, "Okay, don't scare people, come and work."

Zhu Jiuyin Martial Spirit smiled happily, walked over Chen Feng's arm, came to the little white bone fragment, and looked at the white bone fragment.

After sensing the Nine Yin Martial Soul of the Candle, the white bone fragment immediately reacted.

There was a ray of light immediately above it, slowly revealing it.

Chen Feng nodded: "That's right."

"Next, presumably the profound meaning of repetitive reincarnation will appear that day, and I will be able to practice."

But the next moment, Chen Feng unexpectedly appeared.

Zhu Jiuyin Martial Soul looked left and right at the white bone piece, seemingly curious.

At the next moment, he even opened his mouth and swallowed the white bone fragment directly.

Swallow it!

Just swallow it!

Chen Feng's eyes straightened suddenly.

This bone fragment was swallowed directly? How to practice this?

If you are an ordinary person, I'm afraid that you will get anxious at this time, and maybe you have to clean up this candle.

But Chen Feng did not.

He just gave a wry smile and knocked Zhu Jiuyin's head: "You little guy, but you have a big problem for me!"

There was a burst of crisp laughter from Zhujiuyin Martial Soul.

Suddenly, the laughter stopped.

Then, there was a shock in Chen Feng's mind, and an extremely vast consciousness was directly transmitted into his mind.

That torrent of will, like a stormy sea, crashed into Chen Feng's mind.

So that Chen Feng was blinded in an instant.

However, he was Chen Feng after all, and soon recovered.

Close your eyes and observe carefully.

Then, Chen Feng was amazed to see that the torrent of consciousness that surged like a turbulent wave was actually mixed with countless golden characters.

And each big golden character is, a difficult and obscure profound meaning, is a mysterious method!

And the first few big characters are absolutely exactly: Heaven and earth reincarnation magic!

Heaven and earth reincarnation magic!

Chen Feng was overjoyed in his heart: "This heaven and earth repeated reincarnation magic art was directly passed into my mind by the Nine Yin Martial Soul of the Candle?"

"I understand!"

"It turns out that the Nine Yin Martial Soul of Candles swallowed the heaven and earth's recurring reincarnation magic art for me to practice."

"It's just that cultivating in this way is more advantageous than cultivating directly than me?"

Chen Feng immediately closed his eyes and realized it carefully.

The next moment, he was extremely surprised to find that when his mind moved, the golden characters in the torrent of consciousness suddenly disappeared.

After that, the boundless meaning of the heaven and earth of the repetitive reincarnation magical power contained in the big golden characters was directly integrated into his consciousness, and in his memory, it became part of Chen Feng.

Truly blend with ye.

Those profound meanings didn't even need to be understood by Chen Feng, they were directly integrated into his mind.

, The moment Chen Feng saw those words, he understood naturally.

It turned out to be an instant comprehension of the magic method of heaven and earth reincarnation!

Chen Feng was taken aback first, then his face was full of excitement, and then he let out a burst of laughter.

"Hahaha, that's it! That's it!"

"With this Nine Yin Martial Soul Candle, it has become so easy to cultivate the Heaven and Earth Reincarnation Magic Technique!"

"He swallowed this white bone piece directly, and I can easily understand the mystery of heaven and earth's repeated reincarnation magic!"

"It would take three or five years to break through the repetitive reincarnation of the world, but I learned it in no time!"

Chen Feng looked at Zhu Jiuyin Martial Soul with joy.

"Nine-yin candles, nine-yin candles, how many secrets are there in you? How powerful are you?"

Then, Chen Feng focused on practicing the magic of reincarnation in this world.

The profound meaning of heaven and earth's repeated reincarnation magic tricks flowed into Chen Feng's mind, allowing him to instantly understand.

Chen Feng didn't have the long and difficult understanding link at all, but directly began to practice.

His understanding of the repetitive reincarnation of heaven and earth continued to deepen, and his understanding became more and more profound.

Even the power in the body is running slowly along with it.

At the same time, there was a scene happening in the Emperor Honglu that day.

Time moves forward several hours.

Just at the moment when Chen Feng and others disappeared from the edge of the Emperor's furnace, disappearing into the sight of the soul slave.

The soul slave glared at the backs of Chen Feng and the others, and uttered a fierce roar that was extremely irritable and collapsed to the extreme!

No wonder he collapsed!

He planned for hundreds of thousands of years, countless calculations, countless calculations, endured for so many years, and paid such a big price.

As a result, the bamboo basket was completely empty.

Not only was the medicine gone, the captives were lost, but he was also trapped in the furnace of the emperor, life and death were unpredictable.

If you change a character with a little bit of experience, I'm afraid you will go crazy on the spot and become mentally ill.

But the soul slave is a soul slave after all. He is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years and has experienced many disturbances.

Although he was robbed of the **** pill for stealing the heavens, coupled with the words that Chen Feng said, anger attacked his heart, his whole person was almost insane and mentally broken.

But he is a soul slave after all!

The soul slave closed his mouth suddenly, without saying a word.

Just standing still, gasping for breath.

With every deep breath, his expression becomes peaceful.

After more than a dozen breaths, the whole person calmed down instantly.

He no longer had the irritability and anger he had before, and soon he recovered.

He forcibly suppressed the killing intent in his heart and the incomparable irritation, and his eyes flashed with a vicious and cold light.

"Chen Feng, do you want me to die like that? It's not that easy!"

He gritted his teeth: "Chen Feng, wait for me. Not only will I not die! I will escape from here! I will!"

He raised his arms and let out a frantic revenge: "Kill your life!"

He laughed sharply: "Seven hundred years ago, I was a soul slave for that old thing."

"Before he died, he saw little lifespan and wanted to refine me and extend his life!"

"At that time, I was far from his opponent!"

"Faced with that situation, I managed to survive, but instead killed him, sucking all his power into my body!"

"Compared with that time, what's the hardship today?"

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