Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4372: Practice heaven and earth repeatedly reincarnation magic!

Moreover, Chen Feng even saw that in the power of the yellow earth veins, there were even more strands of dark green, which was full of vitality.

The absolute amount of these strong life powers is much smaller than that of the Dragon Vein Continent.

But it is extremely important.

It is this kind of strong green power that brings infinite vitality to this Qibao Yuanyang Shendou, making it last.

If the Qibao Yuanyang Shendou is compared to the human body, then the power of this yellow earth vein is his power.

And this green vitality is the basis for him to survive!

Chen Feng suddenly felt something, his body leaped up and looked around.

Although this huge basin with a radius of 30,000 miles is a little barren due to the eruption of the volcano all the year round, there is no large tract of forest.

After all, those forests have long been burned down.

But it does not mean that there is no grass here.

On the contrary, due to the accumulation of volcanic ash here, the land here is extremely fertile.

Therefore, there are a lot of vegetation and species, growing vigorously, and lush.

It can be described as vibrant.

There are large tracts of vines, low shrubs, moss and so on.

There are many flowers blooming quietly, making oneself appear as glorious as possible in a limited time.

But at this time, these plants are beginning to wither, turn yellow, and wither.

Even the death of blockbuster movies began!

Their vitality is losing!

All their vitality has been extracted, and with the force of the earth veins, they are transmitted here.

Was absorbed by this Qibao Yuanyang Shendou.

Chen Feng couldn't help sighing: "Qibao Yuanyang Shendou is really domineering!"

"The power on the entire earth, whether it is the power of the veins or the vitality of these plants, don't let go!"

Suddenly, Chen Feng felt something in his heart and looked carefully.

Sure enough, he saw that the earth-yellow strong earth vein power was actually mixed with colorful bright power.

Chen Feng immediately understood that this was obviously the power of various precious minerals hidden in the veins.

These precious minerals have different power attributes, and they are all based on platinum.

But the specific power cannot be subdivided, but now it has been absorbed by all the brains.

"You really are not picky eaters."

Chen Feng smiled slightly.

Even, he saw that the power of the dark and misty ghost was drawn over.

It seems that many strong men have been buried under this land, and the power of the ghost has also been absorbed.

But Chen Feng knew that this Qibao Yuanyang Shendou was certainly not rejected because it could absorb all the power, and every power could make him stronger!

Now, Qibao Yuanyang Shendou is completely different from just now.

Just now, the ground was smooth, and if you didn't even feel it carefully, you wouldn't even notice what happened below.

But now, on the ground, there is a bulge of soil, with a height of more than ten meters!

There are boundless vitality surging inside, with powerful force surging up!

It seems that a very strong monster is brewing in it.

Chen Feng was looking forward to how powerful the existence brewed after the Qibao Yuanyang Shendou matured!

This Qibao Yuanyang Shendou is so powerful that it does not need any special soil for cultivation or watering.

Because, by itself, it can absorb enormous aura and power in that earth, in an earth with almost infinite power!

What kind of treasure is its power comparable to this vast land?

The whole world is connected behind this piece of land!

Seeing it, Qibao Yuanyang Shendou needed several hours to mature, and Chen Feng was no longer anxious.

Instead, he sat cross-legged beside Qibao Yuanyang Shendou.

Now he has to do a big thing: practice the magic of reincarnation in heaven and earth!

That's right, in Chen Feng's original plan, practicing heaven and earth reincarnation magic is an extremely important part.

Before Chen Feng, he didn't know that he could get the God Stealing Pill.

What he thought was that he had to do at least two items to have the capital to fight the soul slaves!

The first is to raise his Ba Snake Martial Spirit to the level of a Heavenly Ninth Grade Martial Spirit.

Second, it is the practice of repetitive reincarnation of heaven and earth!

And the first point is the second point.

It was not his ultimate goal to raise his martial soul to the ninth rank of heaven.

It's just one of his methods.

The reason why Chen Feng wants to upgrade his martial soul is to practice the magic of reincarnation of heaven and earth!

Of course, the Ba Snake Wuhun became the Candle Nine Yin Wuhun, with so many magical abilities, it was an unexpected joy.

In fact, when Chen Feng didn’t know the existence of the God Stealing Pill, didn’t know that he could break through to the Five-Star Martial Emperor, or didn’t know that he could have such a chance, he relied on a trump card to deal with soul slaves. !

It's the magic of reincarnation of heaven and earth!

Heaven and earth repeatedly reincarnation magic, high level and needless to say, more importantly, it has extremely strong damage to the soul body!

He must practice this exercise!

Chen Feng took out the white bone fragment and put it in his hand.

At this time, the white bone fragments did not respond.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, and summoned the Nine Yin Martial Soul of Zhu Yin.

After the Jiuyin Martial Soul of the Zhuo Yin appeared, he immediately raised his voice and let out a roar.

His voice is not very loud, and the roar is not very violent.

However, an inexplicable and powerful coercion spilled out instantly.

The moment the Nine Yin Martial Soul of the Candlestick was summoned, Chen Feng felt as if the world was shaking.

At this moment, in the ghost forest not far behind, the ghosts who were sneaking towards this side were all knelt on the ground, shivering, and didn't even dare to lift their heads!

Putting his body on the ground as much as possible, showing incomparable awe and surrender!

The little demon beasts that originally existed here all froze in place for an instant, afraid to move, for fear of being discovered!

Even as powerful as the Qibao Yuanyang Shendou, it suddenly stopped growing and absorbing, and didn't dare to make any more moves!

Even the wind and the spinning clouds above the sky were stopped at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was also dumbfounded.

Then he understood what was going on.

They were frightened by the appearance of the Nine Yin Martial Spirits!

Chen Feng knows why this is!

Because, the level of the Nine Yin Martial Soul Soul is much higher than this world!

Yes, he is not a creature whose level is much higher than that in this world.

It is higher than the entire world including the entire Dragon Vein Continent!

This feeling, how can I say, is like a tiger and beast, suddenly broke into an ant nest.

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