Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4337: Where is this place?

"If you use your full strength to reach the six-star Wudi early stage, you may be able to break free, but you have to do your best!"

"And if the sleeve is not a treasure but a martial skill, it is definitely a very high level!"

Chen Feng's eyes flashed: "I have to think about it, destroy this thing!"

At this time, the soul slave was rushing in no way.

And after confirming that the soul slave’s attention disappeared from him, at this moment, Chen Feng’s face was full of frustration, and full of anger, hatred, unwillingness, anger, murder, and other complex emotions suddenly. A change!

His expression suddenly became calm, and a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

He even sighed softly.

No matter how you look at it, there is a taste of getting what you want!

"I expected it, you didn't kill me."

"I expected it to be correct, you will take me to a place."

"I expect one thing that will not be wrong, that is, the three of us will be of great use to you!"

"So, in that case, my plan was more than half successful!"

Chen Feng wanted this scene to happen!

Chen Feng turned around and looked at Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang beside him.

His eyes blinked suddenly.

In that gaze, there was no heavy meaning at all, but a little relaxed.

Seeing Chen Feng's look like this, Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang were stunned.

The two of them knew Chen Feng quite well, so naturally they all knew what Chen Feng meant.

The two looked at Chen Feng blankly.

Chen Feng pointed out with his right hand, slowly drew across the air, and wrote two lines.

Those two lines caught the eyes of Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yao, and they almost jumped up.

It turned out that the two lines written by Chen Feng were: "Don't worry, everything is under my control!"

If it was someone else, Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang would only think that each other was bragging.

But they are full of trust in Chen Feng.

When Chen Feng said that, he must have such a certainty and ability!

Suddenly, all the anxiety, pain, and despair in their hearts disappeared.

Yes, just joy.

Chen Feng was in this big sleeve at this time.

He didn't know how strong the soul slave was, and he didn't know if he could see or hear what he said.

He didn't even communicate with Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang.

The soul slave is a veteran who plays with the soul, and this mental fluctuation will definitely not hide his perception.

Therefore, Chen Feng did nothing, just blinked at the two and smiled.

There was a look of "you are at ease".

Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang have been with him for so long, seeing this scene, their hearts are instantly settled.

No more despair, no more anger, and even the mood becomes calm instantly.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand, gathered the two into his arms, and gently patted their backs.

Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang, in his arms, felt the strong heartbeat and his body temperature.

Suddenly, I was crazy.

The two did not know how long they stayed in this sleeve or how long they swayed.

Suddenly, a bit of light lit up.

Then, the light got bigger and bigger, as if the world had opened a hole.

Chen Feng knew that the ground had already arrived.

Then, the three of them felt like they were falling into the sky.

The next moment, it fell to the ground with a bang.

Chen Feng glanced at it and saw that it was a stone platform with a radius of about a kilometer.

He raised his head, above the cloud, the soul slave was standing on the cloud head and looking down at them, like a fairy.

He shook the right sleeve, and the sleeve looked nothing unusual.

Chen Feng's eyes were deep: "If you have a chance, you must learn about this treasure."

At this time, as soon as Chen Feng came here, he felt extremely hot when he was in use.

It seems to be in the stove.

In an instant, her mouth was dry and her hair was dry.

Even in just a moment of effort, the skin has burst open, revealing blood-colored holes.

Chen Feng's heart jumped: "With my cultivation base, even so, ordinary warriors below the Martial Emperor realm, I am afraid that they will be roasted into flying ash when they come here!"

Chen Feng felt that the temperature here had reached at least tens of thousands of degrees.

He looked at Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang, and saw both of them pale and extremely uncomfortable.

And that sweat, even as soon as it leaked from the forehead, it was directly evaporated.

The faces of the two were white and red, and countless blood holes appeared on their faces.

Chen Feng felt a great pain: "No, I have to hurry up!"

"What the **** is this place? I can bear the temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, but Senior Sister and Yaoguang can never bear it!"

Thinking of this, Chen Feng faltered and stood up.

It seemed that the body was unable to support it, and it shook for several times before he stood firm.

Seeing this scene, Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang, if they had been before, would definitely be extremely worried for him.

At this time, they all endured a laugh.

They knew that Chen Feng had pretended to be.

Chen Feng looked around, even with his insight, his heart trembled fiercely!

What a place is this!

It turned out that at this time they turned out to be on a floating platform.

This floating platform is about a kilometer high, with a large upper and a small bottom, and a platform with a radius of about a kilometer at the top.

And below the floating platform, there are several giant volcanoes!

To be precise, there are nine huge volcanoes!

Every volcano has a height of hundreds of thousands of meters.

Volcanoes are different from others, like volcanoes of this size, above the Dragon Vein Continent, they all belong to the largest level.

It is usually difficult to see one, but at this time there are nine volcanoes concentrated here!

The nine volcanoes are not distributed in a ring shape.

Instead, they are scattered, seemingly chaotic.

But Chen Feng took a closer look, only to find that it contained heaven and earth.

It seems that these nine volcanoes actually form a huge formation!

Chen Feng was awe-inspiring: "If these nine volcanoes have formed this formation naturally, they can be said to be the creation of Zhong Tiandi."

"But if they weren't here in the first place, but were used by soul slaves with great mana, they were moved here and arranged here!"

"Then, this soul slave is too terrifying!"

But when Chen Feng thought about it, he knew it was impossible.

"If the soul slave really has such strength, Xiahou Jiuyuan is definitely not his opponent."

"I'm afraid his strength has already surpassed Jiuxing Wudi!"

"What kind of power is this? This is a power that surpasses moving mountains and reclaiming the sea!"

"Then why is he still stuck here?"

Thinking of this, Chen Feng felt a little at ease.

But he also knew the terrible soul slave better.

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