Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4336: Everything is under control!

"This, it saves me a lot of trouble."

There was a little relief in his eyes.

Obviously, if Chen Feng is a six-star Wudi, then I am afraid he will have to spend a lot of money.

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Feng still closed his eyes, motionless, as if his heart was ashamed.

But in fact, a voice in his heart was roaring: "Sure enough, what I guessed was right!"

"I concealed my strength before, but I did the right thing!"

"This step of mine has already caused the soul slave to relax his guard against me!"

"Relax! It's a foundation!"

"It is the most basic foundation for all my plans next!"

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and whispered in his heart:

"Soul slave, do you see why I only show the strength of the five-star Wudi peak? Look at me, why do you panic? Look at me, why is it so unbearable?"

"All this is to make you look down on me!"

"Soul slave, don't worry, you will pay the price for today's contempt! An extremely heavy price that you cannot bear!"

It turned out that Chen Feng had expected everything now.

He knew that this time, the soul slave must be in the layout and will definitely appear!

Therefore, he deliberately concealed his strength in the previous battle.

Chen Feng knew very well that he could never be the opponent of the soul slave, so he simply concealed his true strength.

In fact, since Chen Feng fought Kong Yangyu just now, he suppressed his strength to only 60% of his own strength.

Probably the peak of the five-star Wudi.

Because he knew that he didn't have to do his best anyway, he could defeat Kong Yangyu with only 60% of his strength, so why not do it?

Sure enough, Chen Feng's worries are useful.

When Chen Feng hit the soul slave with a fist, he was still suppressing his own power.

"Anyway, I can't be your opponent, so I will simply suppress my strength."

"I simply failed a little bit worse, making you more contemptuous of me and despising me a little bit more!"

"In that case, when the time comes, the counterattack will come more fiercely and even more off guard!"

Chen Feng sighed softly: "Sure enough, my previous disguise has worked now."

It turned out that for these high-level warriors.

The Six-Star Wudi is an extremely important boundary.

Beyond the Six-Star Emperor Wu, you can master many tyrannical offensives, which is a complete qualitative leap in strength.

Six-star Wudi and Five-star Wudi were not even considered to be on the same level.

If Chen Feng showed the strength of the Six-Star Martial Emperor or above, then the soul slave's evaluation of him would be greatly improved, and he would be regarded as a serious confession, and he must be treated extremely harshly and carefully.

At this time, seeing Chen Feng fail to break through to the Six-Star Emperor Wu, he relaxed a lot.

The six-star Wudi and the five-star Wudi are only the first level, but they are worlds apart.

Chen Feng is a six-star Wudi, which may pose a great threat to him.

Chen Feng is a five-star Wudi, which is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

For example, some treasures in Chen Feng's bag would be useless if he were not Six-Star Emperor Wudi.

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and stared at the soul slave, saying word by word, "You, what is the purpose of doing this?"

In fact, Chen Feng already has an answer to this question!

He guessed that the soul slave was laying out, this time, it might be a trap.

Chen Feng also took advantage of this trap to make plans. Next, he has a great plan.

So he took the initiative to step into the game.

But Chen Feng knew that he needed to ask this question.

If you don't ask, soon tell the soul slave clearly, do you already know everything?

I need to ask this question myself.

The soul slave did not answer.

He just smiled slightly: "This is not a good place to talk."

"Let's go, you guys, what do you want to know, I will tell you later."

"Rest assured, we have time."

He grinned, his half-human, half-skeleton face was full of hideous meaning.

Then, the gray robe suddenly rolled.

As the robe swept over, it rapidly increased in the air.

In a blink of an eye, it was already tens of hundreds of meters wide.

Then, Chen Feng and the others saw that the black cuffs were like a huge mouth of a demon.

A huge suction force passed from inside, directly sucking in the three of them.

The three of them felt dizzy, and there was a flower in front of them.

Then, the scenery in front of you changed,

This place is like a huge cave.

However, all sides of the cave are gray.

Obviously, they are inside the gray sleeves at this time.

Moreover, among the gray sleeves, there are countless turbulent air currents.

Those air currents surged wildly, forming a huge and closed space, locking them in.

At this time, the three of them couldn't stand up.

The air surging makes them unable to maintain their balance at all.

As soon as he entered here, Chen Feng frowned.

It turned out that he felt that all his power was imprisoned at this time.

It's so uncomfortable that I can't use it at all.

Chen Feng was shocked: "This soul slave is indeed extremely powerful."

"The hole cards are emerging in endlessly, we must be in his sleeves at this time."

"Is his sleeve a treasure, or is it a special spatial martial skill that he cultivated?"

"This alone, I am not his opponent!"

Chen Feng felt even more fortunate: "Fortunately, fortunately, I had already anticipated what happened today."

"If you are caught off guard and try hard, I'm afraid that you will die now!"

Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang glanced at each other, their faces full of shock.

At this time, this scene has exceeded their cognition.

In their eyes, this soul slave is no different from a deity.

Then, a huge and condensed voice suddenly rang above their heads.

That voice seemed to come from above the sky!

The soul slave is like a world creator, looking down at the world, talking to three tiny beings in the world.

"Three little guys, you have to sit down."

"Bumps on the road!"

The next moment, the three of them felt like the sky was spinning.

Those air currents surged crazily, and the gray walls surged crazily.

Obviously, the soul slave was on his way at this time.

But the three of them were wrapped in the sleeves by the soul slaves.

Chen Feng sighed softly: "Space-like treasures, the storage volume is larger than this sleeve, there are many."

"So it's not uncommon for this sleeve to store things."

"However, there is no treasure that can store living people, and they are three living and powerful warriors!"

"If his sleeve is a treasure, it is definitely the top!":

"Furthermore, this trick can be used to trap the enemy. I entered here with the strength of my five-star Wudi peak, and they were all locked tightly, unable to move!"

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