Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4303: Xiahou Yinghao's plan!

Desolate ancient ruins, he planned to go again.

The words of Emperor Dongyang strengthened his thoughts.

After the voice fell, with a ‘pop’, the remnant soul of Emperor Dongyang disappeared without a trace.

As if never appeared in this world.

And the white bone flew back with a scream.

Chen Feng left from the Ba Snake Wuhun.

Before leaving, he turned his head and glanced at the place where the remnant soul of Emperor Dongyang had disappeared, and sighed slightly.

When Chen Feng came out of the Ba Snake Spirit, the situation in the Ba Snake Spirit had changed drastically.

In it just now, he couldn't see the change of the Ba Snake Spirit's Martial Spirit, but now he saw that the Ba Snake Spirit's body shape was more than ten times bigger than before?

Chen Feng estimated that his size could almost be compared to the fallen Buddha in the Buddha's space.

This space can't even accommodate him at all.

His body began to squeeze the surrounding stone walls, almost bursting here alive.

And his head hung down directly, his breath suddenly became extremely weak.

But Chen Feng could feel that, that breath was very long and not weak.

Then, the Ba Snake Wuhun fell into deep sleep.

There was even a slight snoring sound.

It can be seen that at this time, his state makes him feel very comfortable.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth.

"At this time, Ba Snake Wuhun should be dissolving the huge soul power he has obtained."

"When you wake up again, you must be able to complete the evolution!"

"Swallowing the remnant soul of a dignified nine-star martial emperor peak, your strength must be greatly improved!"

"Whether you can become a Desolate Grade 9-Rank Martial Soul, here is one action!"

Chen Feng was full of expectations.

After bringing the Ba Snake Martial Spirit into the Martial Spirit Space, Chen Feng glanced around, and then took a deep look at the existence of the Demon World or the Demon Kingdom outside.

As soon as he turned around, he stepped into the space channel!

What Chen Feng didn't know was that the flow of time inside and outside this small world was different.

Just after he entered, that is, about two hours after Xiahou Jiuyuan left.

Xiahou Yinghao also quietly left the top of the Shenglongtai.

After about half an hour, he came back again.

Sit down at the top of the Shenglongtai if nothing happened.

At this time, above the valley of the Kongsang sacred tree, people were constantly bowing their heads and talking.

And several small auctions are already being held.

Everyone will not waste this rare opportunity for everyone to get together, so it is noisy here.

No one noticed what Xiahou Yinghao did.

Waited for another hour, that is, Chen Feng entered the Dongyang Emperor's residence, about three hours later.

Xiahou Yinghao winked at the person next to him.

That person was sitting in the first row of Thanglong Terrace, right next to Pu Xingzhou, and obviously his status was quite high.

This person was named Shangguan Junfa, and he was also one of the twelve generals in the God of War Palace.

However, it was not General Tianlongwei, but General Feixionwei.

His strength is even stronger than Pu Xingzhou.

What is weak is that his qualifications are not as good as Pu Xingzhou and his influence in God of War Palace is not as good.

This person is the **** support of Xiahou Yinghao in the God of War Palace, and he wholeheartedly hopes that Yinghao Xia Hou can become the Marshal of the God of War Palace in the future.

He can, too!

After all, his current ranking among the twelve generals is only inferior.

This person is also ambitious.

So when Xiahou Yinghao told him, he immediately agreed.

There is another very important reason why Yinghao Xiahou used him. This time, the God of War Mansion has mobilized a large army of millions to be responsible for maintaining order around the entire Kongsang Divine Tree.

And Shangguan Junfa's subordinates accounted for half.

Shangguan Junfa nodded slowly and stood up.

Next to Pu Xingzhou, he clearly felt the murderous aura on him, and he frowned.

Shangguan Junfa took a deep breath!

Suddenly, raising his right hand high, the power in his body surged out frantically.

At the same time, with a snap, he lifted a golden slip.

The golden slips are about one foot long and have complex patterns carved on them.

On the back is engraved with three characters: God of War Palace!

The next moment, the power in his body surged out frantically, directly blasting the golden slip to pieces!

As the golden slip shattered, light and shadow flickered in the sky.

Then, a huge phantom appeared above the sky.

It has a height of 10,000 meters.

The huge phantom was exactly what Shangguan Junfa looked like.

Wearing a silver helmet and silver armor, extremely powerful and domineering.

At this time, not only the top of the empty mulberry tree, but also the army of the God of War mansion that was cruising around thousands of miles around have stopped one after another, seeing this scene truly.

Everyone looked up at the sky in astonishment, not knowing what was going to happen.

Among those people, those with deep thoughts and insights whispered in excitement: "Come!"

The next moment, the huge figure above the sky slowly spoke.

The voice contained a strong meaning of killing and killing: "My army of flying bear guards, all come to the top of this empty mulberry tree, listen to my orders!"

The sound is decisive, beyond doubt.


At this time, the soldiers of the God of War Mansion cruising in the sea of ​​empty mulberry roared.

Then, on the battleship, the formation was activated and the mechanism opened.

Suddenly, these warships were all approaching the empty mulberry tree.

Then, against the canopy of the sacred tree of empty mulberry, he flew straight to the top of the sacred tree of empty sang.

It is the rule of the kusang sacred tree that you cannot fly on the sea of ​​the kusang mulberry.

However, there are loopholes in this rule.

That is, it is possible to fly very close to the Kongsang Divine Tree.

These warships turned into flying warships and rose in the air.

In a flash, there were hundreds of big ships flying over the top of the empty mulberry tree, hovering above everyone.

The sun was obscured, casting huge shadows after another.

On top of these hundreds of huge warships, there are a whole 500,000 strong!

Banners cover the sky!

The breath of half a million strong people is pouring down, making people frightened!

When everyone was shocked, their faces were even more stunned, not knowing what was going to happen.

Pu Xingzhou suddenly realized something, his face changed, and he shouted sharply: "Shangguan Junfa, what are you going to do? Rebellion?"

Shangguan Junfa glanced at him obliquely, and said with a sneer: "Pu Xingzhou, you should take care of yourself!"

After all, he strode to Xiahou Yinghao, knelt on one knee, and shouted:

"Subordinates, Shangguan Junfa, lead an army of 500,000 under his command!"

"Listen to the Young Marshal's orders!"

On the hundreds of battleships, all the experts in the God of War Mansion shouted in unison: "Subordinates follow, the command of the marshal!"

The sound completely dissipated all the clouds in the sky!

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