Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4302: Devour the remnant soul of Dongyang Emperor

Ba Snake Wuhun began to circulate slowly around Dongyang Emperor.

Seems to be looking for an opportunity to swallow!

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said in a low voice: "If you don't have my help, you can't swallow it. Don't go around there!"

The huge body of Ba Snake Wuhun rubbed against Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's eyes narrowed and he shouted sharply: "Senior, you are offended!"

After all, the body shape flashed, and the Donkey Kong Arhat was immortal and activated instantly!

He came directly to the side of the remnant soul of Emperor Dongyang, and pressed his palms down!

Like the sun and the moon!

Suddenly, the vast and vast power directly enveloped the remnant soul of Emperor Dongyang.

The remnant soul of Emperor Dongyang raised his head fiercely, a vicious and vicious color flashed in his eyes, and his eyes were blood red.

Obviously, at this time, he was already controlled by the power of that evil chaos.

The long sword in his hand pierced out, and a sword pierced Chen Feng fiercely.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, not evasive, but directly faced the long sword!

This long sword, although it was a condensed soul body, was condensed on the basis of the weapon used by Emperor Dongyang during his lifetime. It was extremely sharp.

Chen Feng turned slightly, avoiding the point!

But this long sword also stabbed Chen Feng's shoulder blade!

With a soft sound, it pierced Chen Feng's shoulder until the end!

Chen Feng felt a sharp pain coming, but instead he let out a burst of laughter; "Good job!"

Chen Feng tightened his muscles and directly clamped the long sword!

With a bang, he hugged the remnant soul of Emperor Dongyang directly in his arms.

Suddenly, the King Kong Arhat's immortal body, the immense and immense power rushed out, and the Emperor Dongyang was firmly hugged!

Emperor Dongyang roared again and again, struggling frantically.

But how do you struggle to open?

At this time, Emperor Dongyang could not break free.

However, his strength is also extremely terrifying, even if it is just a ray of remnant soul at this time, but every time he struggles, Chen Feng is hit hard.

Bang bang bang!

His Donkey Kong Arhat was indestructible, and it was swayed one after another.

With every impact, Chen Feng almost spit out old blood.

Chen Feng couldn't help but feel shocked: "This is just a ray of remnant soul, all so powerful!"

"It's hard to imagine how powerful Emperor Dongyang was back then!"

And at the moment Chen Feng acted, the clever Ba Snake Wuhun directly pounced on it.

The huge mouth swallowed the two of Chen Feng directly into the mouth.

Then, a huge force gushed from his body.

This force pierced Dongyang Emperor's body like a sharp needle.

Suddenly, Chen Feng clearly saw that one after another extremely large and extremely high-quality soul power was extracted from the body of the remnant soul of Emperor Dongyang.

A steady stream, pouring into the Ba Snake Wuhun.

Without Chen Feng, the remnant soul of the Emperor Dongyang could beat the Ba Snake Wuhun into a smash.

But at this time, he was suppressed by Chen Feng and could not move.

The attack weapon and long sword could not be used, only the Ba Snake Wuhun could extract it.

This extraction is the time for a whole cup of tea!

The remnant soul of Emperor Dongyang became weaker and weaker.

Chen Feng felt that his breath was already less than half of what he had just now.

However, he felt that he was about to die, he also became more and more crazy, let out a roar that was not like a human, struggling and crashing wildly!

Above Chen Feng's Donkey Kong Arhat Immortal Body, the dark golden light rippled and shattered, and he could hardly hold it!

Chen Feng felt that he could hardly suppress the remnant soul of the Dongyang Emperor!

This is also a normal thing.

After all, Emperor Dongyang was the pinnacle of Emperor Wu Xing before his death.

Although there is only a ray of remnant soul now, how can it be underestimated?

Chen Feng was shaking all over, cold sweat oozing out of his forehead, and his eyes flushed.

He felt that his strength had almost reached a limit!

Finally, after another five breaths, with the remnant soul of Dongyang Emperor, another crazy impact!

His eyes were dizzy, his throat was sweet, and with a wow, a mouthful of blood finally spurted out!

Chen Feng's Donkey Kong Arhat Immortal Body was almost broken by the remnant soul of the Dongyang Emperor!

This is something he has never encountered before!

Chen Feng's body even flew out involuntarily.

At this time, the remnant soul of the Emperor Dongyang screamed sternly and stretched out his hand frantically to directly cut off the veins that the Ba Snake Wuhun swallowed him!

Once cut off, all previous efforts will be lost!

Chen Feng was completely powerless to stop at this time.

But he didn't have any panic, just shouted sternly: "Aren't you showing up yet?"

Following Chen Feng's stern shout, suddenly, a small bone fragment flew out of Chen Feng's arms.

This bone piece was exactly what Chen Feng had gained that day.

Inside, it records that powerful and unpredictable magic: Heaven and Earth reincarnation magic.

This bone fragment itself has the ability to suppress the soul body.

On that day, the four ten thousand-year-old ghosts of the Daoist Agni were directly absorbed.

Sure enough, as soon as he appeared, he immediately hovered directly above the head of Dongyang Emperor's remnant soul.

A vast and inexplicable, at the same time extremely weird power radiated from this bone fragment.

Suddenly, Emperor Dongyang showed a touch of pain on his face.

Shaking all over, but unable to move.

Seeing this, the Ba Snake Wuhun immediately began to absorb it frantically.

It is faster than the absorption rate just now!

With the suppression of this bone fragment, the remnant soul of Emperor Dongyang never turned any waves.

His figure is getting weaker and weaker, and his strength is getting weaker and weaker.

In the end, his power was only less than one thing left.

At this time, the blood in his eyes disappeared with a single brush, and his eyes became clear again.

The look in his eyes became gentle!

He has regained his sanity.

He looked around, as if he understood his situation at this time.

Sure enough, he seemed to feel that he was about to dissipate at this time, and Emperor Dongyang didn't have any reluctance on his face.

Instead, there was a touch of joy at the corner of his mouth.

He turned his head to look at Chen Feng, and said softly, "Thank you, young man!"

His figure is getting fainter and may disappear at any time.

The remnant soul of Emperor Dongyang paused, seeming to hesitate for a moment.

But then, it seemed to let go of everything.

Looking at Chen Feng, with the last trace of strength, he said in a deep voice: "Young man, for the sake of your relief, I will tell you a secret."

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows: "What's the secret?"

Dongyang Emperor Remnant Soul smiled slightly: "If you have time, you can go to the deserted ancient ruins."

"There, but there are some interesting things!"

Desolate ancient ruins!

The four words slammed into Chen Feng's heart.

He had naturally been to the deserted ancient ruins, and he also knew that there was a very mysterious place with countless great secrets.

But Emperor Jiuyang said that it was very interesting, and it was obvious that the level of mystery there was beyond his imagination!

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