Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4297: do not go! do not go!

The ants inside are martial artists such as Chen Feng!

The words of Emperor Dongyang made Chen Feng feel like this for no reason!

"For that mighty man, we people!"

"Our Dragon Vein Continent is really just ants!"

At this time, Emperor Dongyang's emotions became excited again:

"Why should I be born in Longmai Continent!"

"Since I was born from the spiritual energy of Zhong Tiandi, since I was born with a natural body, since I was born with your essence!"

"Why do you want me to be born in the Dragon Vein Continent?"

"You know that Dragon Vein Continent is such a rule, why do you want to **** me over?"

Chen Feng was shocked again.

There are too many shocks today.

You in the mouth of Emperor Dongyang is naturally the empty mulberry tree.

"Could it be that Emperor Dongyang actually didn't need to be born in the Dragon Vein Continent, but could choose other worlds."

"As a result, I was snatched by the empty mulberry tree abruptly and pulled to the Dragon Vein Continent?"

Emperor Dongyang continued to roar wildly: "I was born here, and in just a few years, I broke through to Emperor Wu Xing!"

"But I found that I can't go further!"

He stared at Chen Feng and screamed: "Do you understand that feeling? Do you know my pain?"

Chen Feng shrugged, and said in his heart: "I'm afraid that you are suffering like this, and countless people want to try it!"

But he also understood the idea of ​​Emperor Dongyang.

After all, the starting point of Emperor Dongyang was too high.

As far as he was concerned, Emperor Wu Xing Jiuxing was far from the end, even just the beginning.

Think about it, if you are about to reach the Tianhe Realm and find that your cultivation road has stopped abruptly, I am afraid you will be so crazy!

"I'm angry, I hate it!"

"Without any other way, I chose the most difficult path!"

"Broken Void!"

Chen Feng was highly concentrated and listened carefully, staring at him without blinking, for fear of missing a word.

Because he knew that the next Emperor Dongyang said would be the most important information.

That is, what means can be used to escape this world!

Can break through the boundaries of Jiuxing Wudi!

Emperor Dongyang opened his arms, raised his head, and trembled in a dreamlike tone:

"On the same day, I opened the sky with a sword, and I came outside the dragon vein continent."

"Outside the mainland, it turned out to be..."

When he said this, his eyes suddenly showed extreme fear, and his whole body was violently moved.

Suddenly, he was curled up on the ground.

Holding his head, he let out a cry of collapse, and then let out a scream.

His expression was full of panic and full of regret!

For a time. Only his roar echoed in this space.

Chen Feng was taken aback first!

Then shocked!

Then, there was a deep chill in my heart!

"What happened to Emperor Dongyang? What did he see after Shattered Void? Why was he so scared?"

"Why is this!"

Chen Feng couldn't help but cried out, "What did you see? What did you see?"

Emperor Dongyang suddenly raised his head and looked at Chen Feng.

However, his gaze was confused.

Just shouted three words: "Don't go! Don't go!"

He looked at Chen Feng and yelled frantically!

Apart from that, I couldn't say a word.

Just yelling "Don't go, don't go" there!

Chen Fengru falls into the ice cellar.

The whole person stood there blankly, feeling that his thoughts seemed to freeze.

"Don't go, what do you mean?"

"Why did Emperor Dongyang tell me not to go outside of this world? What is there outside of this world?"

Next, no matter how Chen Feng urged him to ask, Emperor Dongyang only shouted those three words: Don't go!

Chen Feng's heart is getting colder and colder.

Emperor Dongyang, Jiuxing Wudi peak strength.

"With his power, he broke through this barrier and entered the void, he was so scared!"

"So, what about me? What should I do next?"

But the hesitation and confusion in Chen Feng's heart was only a moment.

Then, his eyes became extremely firm, and his fists were slowly clenched.

"Emperor Dongyang, what can I do, so what?"

"I, Chen Feng, are different from everyone!"

"What I Chen Feng wants to do, I can definitely do it!"

"This broken void, I still have to do it!"

"This outer starry sky, I want to see how terrible it is outside!"

Chen Feng had made up his mind in an instant!

After his mind settled down, Chen Feng's thoughts became much clearer.

He raised his eyebrows and asked: "Senior, if we say that there is great horror outside of our Dragon Vein Continent, then why didn't you break through outside of other worlds?"

"As far as I know, through some methods from the Dragon Vein Continent, you can enter other worlds."

"Some worlds are lower than the dragon vein continent."

Chen Feng thought of Xuanming Seven Seas Realm.

After getting there, it will be easier to cut through the void and break through!

"what do you know?"

Emperor Dongyang returned to normal at this time, and slowly stood up.

He looked at Chen Feng and coldly scolded: "Really naive!"

"You know, waiting for the martial artist to practice is going against the sky!"

Chen Feng nodded, he naturally knew this.

Emperor Dongyang said again: "What we steal from our cultivation is actually the power of the Dragon Vein Continent."

"The stronger the strength, the more power to steal the Dragon Vein Continent."

"And the more the cause and effect of the Dragon Vein Continent involved in the body, the more."

"If you choose to break through in the Dragon Vein Continent, it's fine, if you choose to stay in another world for a while, you can."


His voice was sharp: "If you dare to break through in another world!"

He smiled coldly and stretched out two fingers:

"First, the Dragon Vein Continent will never let you go. He will use the power of the entire world to chase you down to death."

"Second, you will not be able to integrate with the world you entered, and will be rejected by that world."

"At that time, when you break through, all the power of that world will squeeze you and repel you."

"That is a whole world against you! Do you think..."

He stared at Chen Feng and said slowly: "Can you handle it?"

Chen Feng knew it well, and understood the truth.

If you say that you are the Dragon Vein Continent, then Jiuyang Emperor, the top martial artist, can be compared to a divine weapon refined by his own efforts, instilling hard work, and even loss of strength.

At this time, this magic weapon had its own ideas, and wanted to go to other people's hands and use it for others.

I'm afraid I would rather destroy this magic weapon than take it away for others!

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