Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4296: Dragon vein continent! Just a cage!

"Even if they can't see me, they should be able to perceive my existence. The perception of these great demons is extremely sensitive!"

"Unless you say..."

Chen Feng's eyes flickered: "From my side, it's a crystal barrier, while from their side, it's just a void of ordinaryness."

Chen Feng sighed softly: "This Dongyang Emperor, really powerful, actually inlaid this small space into the edge of the demon world."

"It makes it impossible for them to detect, and it is convenient for observation."

"Just, what is the purpose of Emperor Dongyang doing this?"

"Does he often go in and out of the Demon Realm? Or is he to observe these great devils?"

Chen Feng no longer knew what the purpose of Emperor Dongyang was.

He is now more concerned about himself.

Because, at this time, a voice suddenly sounded in this space: "Young man, are you here?"

Chen Feng's heart trembled and immediately turned around.

Then I saw that countless points of light gathered in the void in front of him.

These cyan light spots finally condensed into a huge figure.

This huge figure wore a blue robe.

The Eguan Bo belt is extremely ancient, just like people who came out of the ancient barbaric period millions of years ago.

And his robes are clearly imperial robes!

On top of his head, he is wearing a blue sky crown!

Chen Feng's heart was shocked.

Emperor Dongyang, this is Emperor Dongyang!

The emperor of Dongyang, born from the spirit of Zhong Tiandi, crushed the dragon vein continent and ruled the king.

It's no exaggeration to say the emperor!

He looked like about thirty people, his face was a little pale, his eyes were a bit blank and out of focus.

It feels like a major blow has been suffered, and the whole person is a little erratic and desperate.

"This is the emperor of Dongyang! Dongyang emperor's remnant spirit!"

Chen Feng's eyes showed a scorching heat: "This will also be the biggest harvest of my trip!"

Emperor Dongyang's voice slowly sounded: "Let me think about it, you are the first few people here in these years!"

"Junior Chen Feng, I have seen seniors!"

Chen Feng arched his hands and raised his voice.

"Oh, your name is Chen Feng?"

Emperor Dongyang lowered his head and looked at Chen Feng carefully.

The expression on his face was still indifferent, without much change, he just nodded and said: "I'm less than 27 years old, and I have six-star Wudi strength."

"Not bad, at least I have the qualifications to see me."

Chen Feng is less than 30 years old and possesses the strength of the Six-Star Emperor Wu. He is the top powerhouse of the young generation in the Dragon Vein Mainland.

In the eyes of Emperor Dongyang, it turned out to be just a passable thing.

However, Chen Feng changed his mind: "What kind of character is Emperor Dongyang like a wizard of heaven?"

"He is in an era when the strong are born in large numbers. It's normal to have this idea."

Chen Feng was not dissatisfied at all, instead he was full of longing and yearning for that era.

"If I was born in that era, I would definitely be the most dazzling star!"

As if he knew what Chen Feng was thinking, Emperor Dongyang showed a smile at the corner of his mouth and nodded slowly: "Although his strength is average, I still appreciate your spirit."

"Just like me back then!"


He paused, the expression on his face suddenly changed, and the gentle smile disappeared completely, turning into a touch of hatred:

"It's a pity, it's not a holiday!"

"It's a pity, God didn't treat me kindly! I was born in the Dragon Vein Continent!"

Born in Longmai Continent!

As soon as these words came out, Chen Feng's eyes flashed: "What does Emperor Dongyang mean?"

But he didn't interrupt, but waited quietly, listening to Emperor Dongyang.

Chen Feng trembled even more in his heart.

Because, he vaguely felt that Emperor Dongyang seemed to uncover a great secret!

And this secret is also of great benefit to oneself!

The next moment, Emperor Dongyang uttered something shocking!

He roared wildly, raised his arms, his face was full of anger and unwillingness:

"The Dragon Vein Continent is just a big cage!"

Dragon vein continent!

Just a cage!

As far as Chen Feng is concerned, this sentence is shocking!

His head was humming, and the whole person was a little dumbfounded.

Before Chen Feng could digest these words, Emperor Dongyang roared like a madman.

He was so excited, his hands swayed, and even the crown of the sky above his head broke free.

A long cyan hair spread out in the wind: "You know, the dragon vein mainland warrior, the strongest and strongest, can only reach the nine-star Wudi!"

"When Emperor Wu Xing arrives, he will never break through hopelessness!"

"Because this is the limitation of the Dragon Vein Continent!"

"This is the rule of the Dragon Vein Continent!"

A look of hatred appeared in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said:

"If it's because the Dragon Vein Continent is a small thousand world, so it can't break through the nine-star Wudi, that's all! The old man will recognize it!"

"But by the way, although the Dragon Vein Continent is only a small world, it is an extremely special existence, and countless extraterritorial powers are vying for the first..."

Having said this, his voice suddenly stopped and stopped directly.

He trembled violently, opened his mouth, but made no sound.

Just as if there was a mysterious power in the darkness to stop him from speaking!

This force is so terrifying that Emperor Dongyang couldn't resist it!

Chen Feng listened to the moment of excitement.

There was a voice in his heart roaring wildly: "It turns out that the Dragon Vein Continent is limited in strength!"

"It turns out that Dragon Vein Continent is really just a small world!"

"And the most important thing is that the Dragon Vein Continent is an extremely special little thousand world, even given by many extremely terrifying beings..."

As for what to give, although Emperor Dongyang didn't say it, Chen Feng could roughly guess it.

"What kind of secrets are hidden in the Dragon Vein Continent? Why is it so special?"

However, Chen Feng knew that Emperor Dongyang couldn't tell.

Sure enough, Emperor Dongyang seemed to calm down a bit at this time.

He changed his head and said softly: "This special Little Thousand World was originally very extraordinary, but it has undergone some changes later."

"Because of a certain power, the rules have been changed."

"The martial artist here can only reach Jiuxing Wudi, this is what I hate the most!"

Chen Feng trembled fiercely in his heart:

"Great power, change the rules!"

"What kind of power? Can it change the rules of a world? Just raise the hand and limit the Jiuxing Wudi as the strongest in the Dragon Vein Continent?"

At this moment, a scene suddenly appeared in Chen Feng's mind:

A human being walking in the wilderness may be distracted, so he raises his feet and settles at will.

Thus, an ant nest was crushed!

The ants inside were naturally all dead.

That ant nest is the Dragon Vein Continent.

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