Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2256: Then, let's die together!

And now, Chen Feng, a person who can only use a little bit of Wu Huang's power, has encountered a genuine one-star Wu Huang!

As a result, the world under Chen Feng's control was instantly shattered.

Then, this punch hit his blood-stained giant knife.

The blood-stained giant knife let out a stern hum, and it was directly beaten into numerous cracks, almost breaking.

And Chen Feng was shocked to spit blood, I felt like my heart was being held by someone, and countless blood was squeezed out alive.

Chen Feng could hardly control his body and slammed heavily on the ground, smashing the ground into a big hole.

Chen Feng was vomiting blood crazily, feeling that there was no pain in his body, and he almost couldn't help screaming.

However, Chen Feng gritted his teeth and held back, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes: "The gap is really too big. One-star Martial Sovereign, the strength is completely above him, I am not even at all. Fight back!"

At this time, after Chen Feng used a knife, the power of **** broke out in his palm.

I saw that Chen Feng's entire right hand turned into a piece of black, and the black continued to spread upward.

The wrist turned black, the elbows turned black, the entire forearm was completely demonized, and the black thread was still rushing towards Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng hurriedly tried his best to suppress, Lie Yangsheng let out a crazy laugh: "Hahaha, Chen Feng, you bastard! Do you know how good I am?"

"With my strength, I want to kill you, it is extremely easy!"

"Now, I will avenge my son!"

As he said, he gritted his teeth and let out a violent roar, and he swiftly moved forward, stamping a fist on Chen Feng's chest.

At this time, Chen Feng was doing his best to suppress the power of **** in his body.

This fist hit his chest, and immediately, Chen Feng's bones all over his body were shattered by the shock, and his meridians were almost completely broken, and he was vomiting blood crazily.

And he couldn't suppress the power of **** in his body.

So for an instant, the power of **** spread wildly, and Chen Feng's entire right arm turned into pitch black.

Then, the shoulders turned black.

Then, even his right chest was stained black.

As long as the black rushes into Chen Feng's heart, then even Da Luo Jinxian can't save him!

At this time, Chen Feng felt completely dark in front of him, as if a group of ghosts were howling, and he even saw the scene in that **** again.

A voice in Chen Feng's heart said: "Am I going to die today? I will definitely not be his opponent!"

"And this power of **** also makes me near death!"

Chen Feng felt extremely tired in his heart, and it was easier for a voice full of temptation in his body to whisper: "Die! Die! Don't worry about anything! Just go to sleep like this!"

"That way, you will be especially relaxed, and you won't have any troubles!"

And Chen Feng was almost completely bewildered by this sound, and fell asleep completely!

But suddenly, at this moment, a golden light in Chen Feng's heart suddenly lit up.

As a result, his mind was instantly transparent and clear for a moment.

Then, a voice in Chen Feng's heart roared: "How can I die? How can I die!"

"Chen Feng, you still have so many missions that have not been completed, and you still have to save your mother. You have not yet proclaimed eternal life, and you have not yet known the true mystery of this world. How can you die?"

As a result, that bit of aura has not been extinguished, but has become brighter and brighter, illuminating Chen Feng's mind.

Chen Feng's whole body, his thinking became extremely clear in an instant.

Then, Lie Yangsheng saw that Chen Feng's mouth showed a hideous smile, and he suddenly grinned, his face covered with blood, which looked terrifying.

Then, he looked at Lieyangshengsheng, and said slowly: "The Lieyangguangsheng, if you don't let me live, then, die together!"

While speaking, Chen Feng let out a fierce roar.

The sun beats instinct and feels a burst of extreme danger.

He hadn't put Chen Feng in his eyes at all, thinking that Chen Feng could not pose any threat to him, but now he realized that he was wrong.

He shouted sharply: "Boy, do you dare?"

He originally wanted to torture Chen Feng again, but now he wanted to kill Chen Feng immediately.

So, he attacked frantically.

He knew that he only had to hit Chen Feng with a punch.

One punch, that's it.

However, it was too late.

Because, at this time, Chen Feng was no longer restraining the force of resistance from attacking his body, but completely let go of the power of hell.

So the next moment, with a boom, Chen Feng felt as if he was in the fire of hell, being burned by others, and his whole body was suffering to the extreme.

Black energy permeated outside his body, and the power of **** madly attacked Chen Feng's heart.

However, Chen Feng opened his eyes in the red lotus industry fire.

It hurts, it hurts to its extreme, but Chen Feng didn't scream Fan'er, and a chuckle appeared at the corner of his mouth, because something in front of him became clearer and clearer.

That thing is indeed a pattern of formation.

It turned out that after Chen Feng killed Mo Ke Luo and absorbed his **** power, he also absorbed some things in his memory.

And this pattern, this formation, is engraved in the deepest part of the soul of every **** demon, and it is also inherited following the strength of the region.

Even, this formation is extremely simple and not profound at all. Anyone who has a little exposure to the power of **** and a little bit of the power of the demon will know how to use this formation.

Because this formation is the formation of the soul-calling **** demons.

The demons in **** are thinking about opening up territories all the time. What they like most is to conquer one world after another they have never explored.

Therefore, there is the supreme existence among the **** demons, and this forbidden is set in the power of eating hell.

When Chen Feng first absorbed the power of hell, he had already understood this setting, but he had never been useful.

And now, Chen Feng is going to use it.

"If you don't let me live, then die with me!"

In the palm of Chen Feng's palm, a six-pointed star suddenly appeared.

Then, with a sigh, the pattern suddenly became extremely large.

Almost only one thousandth of an instant, almost before Lieyangshengsheng hadn't reacted, this huge six-pointed star array pattern was already dispersed in the air, reaching a radius of several thousand meters!

The characteristics of this formation fully reflect the intention of hell.

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