Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2255: The horror of Emperor Wu!

This is a skinny old man, wearing a black robe, his look is extremely sad, his face is also sad, as if there is such an upsetting thing in his heart.

However, there is still a trace of fierce murder in that sad face.

He said lightly: "Old madman, go back to your lair and practice, you can't deal with today's things."

The old madman stared at him. Although he was reckless, he was by no means a fool. He said coldly, "Li Binbai, are you here to stop me today? Are you setting up a game to kill Chen Feng?"

"Today, did you stop me from going to the rescue?"

Li Binbai squeezed a smile that was more ugly than crying, and said, "That's right."

"That's nothing to say, you can stop me, it's your ability, if you can't stop being killed by me, that's my ability!" The old madman yelled and wanted him to kill.

The sadness on Li Binbai's face at this time has disappeared, and his expression has become faint, but there is a trace of indescribable killing and resentment in this faintness:

"My old guy, I didn't want to do it at first, but Chen Feng killed my grandson. If I didn't do it, how can I be worthy of the spirit of my grandson in the sky?"

"So," he said suddenly gritted his teeth, "Today, Chen Feng will die!"

He is Li Sifeng's grandfather, Li Binbai.

The old madman screamed and used the strongest move to attack him, but Li Binbai smiled slightly and dismissed it with an understatement.

The old madman yelled in disbelief: "How is it possible? We were obviously similar in strength. Why are you so strong now?"

From this trick, it can be seen that for the two of them, Li Binbai's strength is far better than the old madman, and it can even be said that they are more than one level better than him.

If he really used his strength, the old madman would be killed by him within one move.

But for some reason, he didn't do his best, he just used a trace of strength to suppress the old madman.

The old madman roared and tried his best, but he couldn't break free.

At this time, Chen Feng was already in a great crisis.

Because, at this time, Lie Yang Sheng had already started.

He looked at the brightening sky and knew that he didn't have much time, and was no longer impatient to waste time with Chen Feng here.

So, he screamed: "Chen Feng, I will end your life now, I will let you die now!"

As he said, he slapped out with a palm.

Chen Feng immediately felt that after the palm was shot, the world in front of him was collapsing, and everything in front of him seemed to be nothing.

The whole world was pressed down against him, and the facts were exactly the same. The Sunshine won a shot, and all the vitality of the world in this area was mobilized by him.

I saw a big hand formed by a huge flame in the sky, quietly flashing, and then this big hand peeked down and grabbed Chen Feng fiercely!

With a bang, Chen Feng couldn't resist at all and was hit directly.

The Immortal Guanghua Body directly withstood this tyrannical attack, and Chen Feng clearly heard a stern cry.

Then, the Immortal Guanghua Body trembled violently, and finally could no longer resist this powerful force and disappeared.

Chen Feng's body returned to its previous state, and he was directly beaten by this claw and his whole bones were broken, and he fell heavily, showing numerous injuries and cracks on his body.

One move, just one move, Chen Feng was already severely injured.

He was shocked in his heart.

"Is this the strength of the Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse?"

"I can't resist at all in front of the martial emperor realm powerhouse, and I have no power to fight back!"

But Chen Feng didn't have the slightest fear, let alone the slightest discouragement. Instead, he staggered to his feet, a touch of blood from the corners of his mouth, gritted his teeth, and screamed: "Come again!"

As he said, the knife in his hand was raised, and it was cut crazily towards the Sunshine.

Above his right hand, the black energy condensed, as black as ink.

A dark light flashed above the blood-stained giant knife.

At the next moment, Chen Feng yelled: "The sword is in the world, I dominate!"

Eight Desolation and Silence cut the ninth knife, and cut out suddenly!

After the knife was cut out, even letting the Sunshine win the cold was involuntary, and the heart felt cold, and there was a feeling of being threatened.

Chen Feng's face was cold and stern, with a forward-looking attitude.

Almost at the same time, he had been dormant beside him, there was no blood wind to shoot, but suddenly, he let out a violent roar.

The blood wind grew wildly, and the huge mouth covered with white teeth also became terrifying, and then he bit into the Sunshine Sheng.

At this time, he watched the right time, and he and Chen Feng fought against Lie Yangguang to win!

No matter how huge the power gap between Chen Feng and Xuefeng and Lieyangguang is, this is the best counterattack they can make.

No one can do better than the two of them!

Even at this moment, Lie Yang Sheng felt a trace of death.

He laughed wildly: "You are really doing a great job. The timing is very good. With your realm, it is rare to be able to do this!"

"If you can be a stronger realm, then maybe you really have a chance to kill me!"

However, he yelled wildly: "It's a pity, it's a pity that I am a magnificent one-star martial emperor! I don't know how many times my strength is stronger than you!"

"Even if you are doing everything you can do? I can still crush you!"

As he said, he roared, and his fists blasted out.

He didn't use any martial arts, nor did he use any fancy, just so flat punches.

A punch blasted towards Chen Feng, a punch blasted towards the blood wind.

With a bang, he hit the blood wind's head directly with this fist, smashing the blood wind and let out a terrible sob.

His head was almost smashed, and all his bones were broken. He was smashed and fell heavily from the air to the ground, and his figure twitched fiercely.

And from his mouth, a huge amount of blood spurted out wildly.

At this moment, he had already beaten him to death and fell into a state of dying.

And after that punch hit Chen Feng, Chen Feng suddenly felt that the world shattered by his own knife, "I am the only one in the world," suddenly returned to normal.

The reason why Chen Fengfeng’s blood-stained giant sword can use the Eight Desolation Silence Slash Ninth Sword and kill the half-step Martial Emperor Realm expert is because Chen Feng uses the power of **** to drive this sword, and can use a trace of the Martial Emperor. The power of the environment.

And the power of the Martial Emperor Realm is to control the world, to drive the world in front of him arbitrarily.

Therefore, people who face his sword have a sense of broken world.

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