Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2222: 400 million catties of huge force!

"However, the concentration of blood is higher than before, stronger and stronger than before."

"Moreover, what I feel most deeply is..."

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and a punch came out. It was just an ordinary punch, but it left a thunderstorm-like hum in the air!

Chen Feng clenched his fist, and there was a burst of creaking sound all over his bones.

Among his jade bones and golden muscles, a light gold color quietly flowed.

After that, the bones in Chen Feng's body were all pushed outwards, and the airtight gap between the bones was enlarged in an instant, and Chen Feng became more than three meters tall at this time, like a little giant. All the joints were a very rough and loud noise, which could even be heard around a hundred miles, which made Chen Feng feel very comfortable.

There was an extremely refreshing feeling in the body.

Chen Feng clenched his fists and said softly: "Now, my bloodline power has increased again, from 300 million catties to 400 million catties!"

"A full 100 million catties increase in strength is extremely powerful!"

Then, he was suddenly blessed, and naturally he put up a gesture of strong vajra palm.

Then, King Kong pushed the mountain, but this time, Chen Feng's King Kong pushed the mountain more powerfully than any time before.

It was another move of King Kong to break the tablet, and then King Kong played the pipa again.

Dali Vajra Palm was hit continuously, and soon, Chen Feng hit it again, then again, and then again for the third time.

After a full fifteen strokes of vigorous vajra palm, Chen Feng felt that the feeling of almost alive and swelling in his body finally disappeared.

Chen Feng's figure suddenly stood still, standing still for a long time.

Suddenly, the dazzling dark golden light on his body surface was released suddenly, and then it contracted sharply, and all returned to Chen Feng's body.

Then, he shouted, King Kong pushed the mountain, his palms shot out again!

There was a bang, as if there really was a King Kong who didn't know how tall it was, pushing it towards a mountain.

I saw that in the ground in front of Chen Feng, a huge crack appeared in an instant, reaching a depth of several kilometers.

In the next moment, the soil walls on both sides squeezed towards the middle, exploding an unprecedented sand wave of several kilometers high.

Chen Feng stood up with his palm, and laughed: "My strong vajra palm has now broken through to the realm of entering the hall!"

"Now, my strong vajra palm can exert ten percent of its power!"

"The next level is perfect!"

This time, all the blood of this desert giant was absorbed by Chen Feng, and it was already worthless. After losing his blood power, his corpse was like a mass of rotten wood.

Then, Chen Feng's bones shrank and returned to a normal state.

He turned his gaze and saw the big lake next to him that had been smashed out forcibly.

It was originally a barren area, but now it has been smashed into a large lake with a radius of 10,000 meters, and even the Tongtian River has quietly penetrated in.

And of course he also saw the dark golden giant stick in the big lake like a huge pillar from the sky.

Uncle Dao asked, "Little Master, what should we do with this thing? It would be a shame to lose it like this?"

Chen Feng nodded, walked forward, and tapped lightly on the material.

This material seems to be a fusion of gold and jade, the color of the whole body is dark gold, but when viewed inside, it is somewhat translucent, but it is not completely visible.

"Extremely hard, round and smooth jade, it is an excellent casting material at first glance." Chen Feng said: "This golden giant stick is very heavy, and the material is also very special. Of course, there are so many precious casting materials. Throw it away."

"But my golden dragon ring can't be placed inside!" He was a little embarrassed.

Uncle Dao shook his head, also somewhat unthinkable. The three of them looked at each other, and they all felt helpless.

And at this moment, watching them worry about it, the eyes of Blood Wind suddenly turned around a few times, and then he ran to Chen Feng with his mouth open, his tongue kept spitting out. He made a whistle, his eyes gleamed.

The buttocks swayed very cheerfully, like a puppy asking the owner for credit.

Chen Feng understood, touched his head and scratched his soft chin.

Bloodwind immediately became very enjoyable, squinting his eyes.

Chen Feng smiled: "Why, you little guy, is there any way?"

When Xuefeng heard this, he nodded desperately. Then, he bit Chen Feng's trousers and dragged him to the side of the lake, and then flashed out like a silver arrow.

I saw that his figure grew in the wind, and in a blink of an eye he changed from a silver little wolf about a foot in size to a huge demon wolf that was several kilometers long.

At this time, the lovely color on him was gone, replaced by domineering and hideous, but what has not changed is that he looks at Chen Feng and the others, still full of admiration.

Then, he came to the golden cudgel, and with a twitch, he directly carried the golden cudgel on his shoulders.

The next moment, with a sigh, disappeared directly, and flew in the direction of Sky Splitting Island!

His speed was extremely fast, Chen Feng and the others just waited for a stick of incense before the blood wind returned.

It's just that he didn't come back alone. A large swarm of monster beasts crushed behind him were killed, all of them were monsters in the Tongtian River.

All of them were full of shame and anger, yelling again and again, chasing the blood wind frantically, and before the blood wind was about to be overtaken by them, it fell dangerously and dangerously to the bank of the Tongtian River.

The big monsters in the Tongtianhe were full of anguish, so they had to curse a few words before they were on the wave, and they returned angrily.

The blood wind flew towards Chen Feng and the others, the huge body became smaller and smaller in the air, and soon turned back into the one-foot-sized cute little wolf, and then directly rushed into Chen Feng's arms.

He raised his face, his eyes were round, full of appeals for credit, and he said, "Come on and praise me!" Come and compliment my expression.

Chen Feng laughed, stretched out his hand and rubbed his body a few times, and said with a smile: "Bloodwind, you are awesome!"

With this kind of praise, Bloodwind seems to be satisfied!

Chen Feng and the three people soon arrived before the soldier's weapon shop.

Seeing Chen Feng's arrival, the deacon at the door already knew Chen Feng. He immediately greeted him with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Master Chen, are you here?"

Chen Feng looked at them and said lightly: "You get out of the way, I don't want to hurt you."

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