Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2221: Wait for me to slap you in the face!

Compared with the giant's fist, his fingers are so small that they can be ignored.

But it was such a white and slender finger that actually withstood the huge fist like a mountain, causing the fist to freeze in the air, unable to advance.

The desert giant showed a look of anger on his face, screamed in anger, and urged his fists one after another.

But his fist was unable to advance a point.

Chen Feng looked at him with a smile and said softly, "It seems that I can kill your brother not by conspiracy!"

This desert giant was wild and violent, and felt that he lost face and face in front of everyone.

He let out a violent roar, and at this time, he also realized that he seemed to have hit a hard hand.

"This boy is definitely not easy to deal with! If you want to deal with him, it is absolutely impossible with my palm alone!"

So he took a step back, then raised the giant stick in his hand and slammed it down at Chen Feng.

The dark golden cudgel in his hand is about 10,000 meters long, like a giant pillar one after another, and its weight is unknown.

When this stick was smashed down, that power almost split the entire world.

Everyone is changed for it!

When this stick was shot, the world changed color, the wind and clouds stirred, and even dark clouds condensed in the sky.

The people around yelled in exclamation: "Even if this young man is strong, he will definitely not dare to take this stick!"

"That's right, the power contained in this stick may reach tens of millions of catties or even hundreds of millions of catties, how can this young man be able to catch it?"

Mr. Zhuang, who had spoken before, thought he had lost face. At this time, his eyes flickered and he said flatly: "Even if he is strong, he is a flesh and blood body, he will definitely be turned into meat sauce by this stick!"

"is it?"

Chen Feng suddenly looked at him and smiled coldly: "Wait for me to slap you in the face!"

The next moment, Chen Feng laughed loudly, and greeted the giant stick directly.

At the next moment, everyone shouted in shock!

It turned out that Chen Feng was surrounded by a strong dark golden light, his palms slapped fiercely on the dark golden giant stick.

With a bang, Chen Feng remained motionless in the air, while the huge desert giant screamed bitterly, his hands were directly shocked with blood, and the dark golden cudgel was directly shocked to fly. Going out and hitting the ground, it actually hit a small river above the ground!

Chen Feng laughed and said: "Refreshing, comfortable! Really refreshing!"

This desert giant is completely stupid: "How is it possible? My giant stick has a power of hundreds of millions of catties, how can you take it down?"

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "Now it's your turn to take my hand!"

His body flashed sharply and came to the desert giant, his palms shot out.

King Kong pushes the mountain!

The desert giant waved his palm to resist, and was immediately shattered with his arm, screamed screamingly, and retreated several steps.

Chen Feng was not forgiving, and moved forward again, King Kong played the pipa!

This time, the desert giant could no longer block this move.

Chen Feng swiftly blasted on his head.

Bang, bang, bang, the head of the desert giant shook one after another, and every time he shook, he vomited blood crazily.

The blood arrow shot out from his seven orifices like a river.

And when Chen Feng's diamond playing pipa popped for the last time, the desert giant let out a screaming cry like a beast on the verge of death: "Ah..."

The next moment, his body trembled, standing still, motionless.

And the next moment her body fell heavily to the ground, smashing the earth into a tremor!

He didn't have the slightest aura anymore, he was directly killed by Chen Feng!

It was quiet outside the city, and everyone was shocked watching this scene.

The next moment, a huge exclamation broke out: "This giant was actually killed by this young man? This young man is too strong!"

Those people who looked down on Chen Feng before were all dull!

Chen Feng looked at Mr. Zhuang, smiled and said, "Does your face hurt?"

Mr. Zhuang's face was hot, he didn't dare to stay for a moment, and walked away desperately.

Chen Feng looked at the corpse of the desert giant with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Next time you send a strong point to be my opponent, you are really not enough!"

Looking at the huge desert giant corpse lying on the ground, Chen Feng said softly to Uncle Dao: "Uncle, I have to bother you to disperse this miscellaneous people."

Uncle Dao understood, nodded, and said loudly: "It's all gone, all gone, don't watch the excitement here."

Many people were dispelled by him, and there were a few who didn't want to leave, and they were all high-fiveed by Uncle Dao, screaming and screaming.

Soon, only Chen Feng remained here.

Then, Chen Feng came to the corpse of the desert giant, took a deep breath, and slowly stretched out his palms, pressing on the body of the desert giant.

The next moment, in the deepest part of Chen Feng's body, in that hidden corner, a light suddenly appeared.

Then, Chen Feng's blood all lit up.

In his blood, there is a dense red gold color like cow hair, but these red gold colors have not truly integrated, and all his blood has not been turned red gold.

As Chen Feng's thoughts arrived, the giant blood of a giant like a golden gem in the deepest part of Chen Feng's body suddenly appeared in a vortex.

In the next moment, there were countless vortices in Chen Feng's blood, all of them spinning like crazy.

A huge suction force quietly poured out from Chen Feng's body, and in an instant, there was a reaction from the body of the desert giant.

Numerous golden light spots seeped out from the blood of the desert giant, and then these golden light spots turned into a golden torrent to surge towards Chen Feng.

This is the most original giant bloodline of the desert giant!

These golden light spots soon poured into Chen Feng's palm, and then penetrated into Chen Feng's body along his palm.

As a result, Chen Feng's body instantly shined brightly.

The golden color in his bloodline became more and more shining.

After Chen Feng is now at a high level, his absorption speed has also changed. It took about an hour to finally absorb the last trace of the giant's blood in the desert giant!

Then, Chen Feng stood with his palms in his hands, looking at the corpses of a desert giant in front of him that had become rotten, like a corpse laid for thousands of years, he sighed softly and whispered to himself:

"After I have absorbed the blood of this desert Juren, the level of the blood has not improved, and it remains the same as before."

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