Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2215: Yipin Ghost Pill, Jiuhua Dettol

Chen Feng is not afraid that the blood wind will appear before others. After all, the blood wind looks cute at this time, but it is about the size of a puppy and looks no different from the ordinary little snow wolf, and it will not cause anything. attention.

At this time, even Chen Feng did not notice.

Under the soft white long hairs of the blood wind, in his skin, there were even traces of golden light circling quietly, looking very mysterious.

Chen Feng and the others walked all the way, and as far as they could see, they saw battlefields everywhere on this cracked sky island.

Every area on Cracking Sky Island is guarded by a disciple, and the big monsters who attacked yesterday apparently didn’t know how to find out the area guarded by each disciple, and even the specific location of their cave. It is directly killed.

Usually several big monsters besieged a disciple, and that disciple didn't even have the power to fight back, so he was killed directly.

As far as Chen Feng could see, he saw the destroyed cave houses everywhere, the defense that was beaten into ruins, and the corpse of the disciple lying in it.

But the farther forward Chen Feng found, the more corpses of the big demon, obviously, because the further forward the disciple guarded here, the stronger the strength, especially in the area guarded by the true disciple.

Chen Feng saw that often the body of a disciple was surrounded by the corpses of three or four big monsters with wounds all over his body, which looked terrible!

Chen Feng estimated that after this battle, there would be no more people left, even if the inner courtyard was badly injured.

Sure enough, when Chen Feng came to the front of the Shishu Shenjian Fort, there were hundreds of people in the inner courtyard in the past. At this time, there were fewer than 30 disciples here.

And there were fewer than thirty disciples, and most of them were injured.

However, their faces are extremely fortitude, and their eyes burst into extreme killing intent.

The expressions are surprisingly similar, their lips are pressed tightly, and their faces are full of perseverance.

Chen Feng suddenly felt that he saw an aura and a high spirit in them!

So he felt something.

As long as these people do not die, as long as they survive, then these dozens of them will be stronger than the original hundreds of people, and I am afraid that there will be many powerful people out of these dozens!

This is the tempering of blood and fire!

However, Chen Feng quickly noticed that someone was abnormal.

She was different from everyone else, she still had that cold and gentle smile on her face, her eyes were still clear, her expression was still warm, and she looked no different from before.

And Chen Feng also clearly saw that she had dozens of wounds on her body, and the blood had even covered her whole body. Even on her face, a wound was slid directly from the corner of her left eye to the corner of her right mouth, almost touching her The face is ruined.

The long sword on her body was directly beaten into two pieces. At this time, only a short sword remained.

Obviously, she also experienced a miserable battle yesterday.

But she was still able to maintain a normal heart.

This person is Que Qianqian.

Chen Feng couldn't help but glanced at him more and nodded inwardly.

This senior sister, her future achievements are absolutely extraordinary!

Soon, Yu Hongyuan appeared here, looking at everyone, his face showed a touch of fortitude.

The disciples pressed their lips and said nothing, just looking at him.

Yu Hongyuan said: "There are three hundred and seventy-four disciples in the inner courtyard. Only 26 of you are left alive. Most of the others died yesterday."

"But you, survived."

"Therefore, you are destined to achieve extraordinary results in the future. You are the pride of my Wudong Academy."

He took a deep breath, looked at the crowd, and said softly: "I martial arts academy and built the Sky Splitting Island here. An important reason is not to make you accept such tempering?"

"Speaking of humiliation, the twenty-odd people you have left are more valuable to the sect than the original 300-odd people."

"Therefore, today Zongmen specially awarded the **** pill. After the **** pill is consumed, all injuries will be eliminated, allowing you to return to the peak, and your strength will increase!"

With that said, he personally took out one jade box, walked in front of everyone, and put it in everyone's hands.

Without any hesitation, everyone opened the jade box directly, and saw that there was an emerald green pill inside the jade box, which was fragrant and full of spiritual energy.

Everyone took the jade-colored pill into their mouths, and the green pill melted in the mouth, turning into a icy airflow, and in a flash, it swam over the whole body.

Everyone was surprised to find that the wound on his body healed immediately.

The internal injuries in the body were quietly shattered, turned into blood clots and vomited out of the mouth. In a blink of an eye, the whole body was comfortable and refreshed, and there was no trace of any injuries on the body.

And even. Even those injuries that have been ruined and their faces can be recovered. The huge scars, after being scabbed, are gently wiped, and then they fall off, revealing the smooth and white skin again, without any change from before.

However, within half an hour, the strength of these people has returned to their peak.

And some people even strengthened a little.

Chen Feng didn't have any injuries, he just had to spend half a month to deal with the erosion of the power of hell.

And within this half a month, he will not be able to use any power, otherwise he will definitely suffer the backlash of the power of hell.

After Chen Feng swallowed this pill, he felt it. After the icy breath poured into his body, he turned around first, as if he felt his own abnormality, and then went straight to the direction of his right arm.

At this time, the black energy in Chen Feng's body was already approaching his right shoulder, and a little further forward could erode his internal organs and heart veins. At that time, Da Luo Jinxian could not save Chen Feng.

And after this cold air current entered this place, it actually forced the black air directly down four inches, causing him to retreat four inches so much.

Chen Feng suddenly felt happy, which made his time to resist the power of **** changed from half a month to ten days. In ten days, he can use the ninth sword again!

"What kind of pill is this? It is so magical? It has the effect of dissolving hell?" Chen Feng muttered to himself:

"Oh, that's not right, it shouldn't be a simple pill to dissolve the power of hell. Its effect is a bit like it can eliminate all bad states and heal all bad states in the body."

"If I have more than one pill like this, then the power of **** is not even a big deal to me."

Chen Feng thought with surprise: "If there are five, you can completely force him back!"

He immediately asked Yu Hongyuan: "Elder Yu, I don't know what the name of this pill is called?"

Yu Hongyuan said: "This pill is called Qingxin Jiuhua Dilu Pill."

He took a deep look at Chen Feng and smiled: "You kid don't use this pill idea."

"This pill is the supreme treasure of the sect. It has surpassed the scope of the nine-pin pill and reached the level of ghost pill.

"Ghost pill?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows. It was the first time he heard these two words, so he quietly wrote down.

"It turns out that on the top of the nine-pin pill, it turned out to be the level of ghost pill."

Yu Hongyuan said: "Qingxin Jiuhua Dilu Pill is a first-grade ghost pill."

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