Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2214: Chen Feng, he will definitely die!

The other person directly accused the Elder Witherwood and said: "Elder Witherwood, you are too reckless to do this. You just found a little girl and said that she has the blood of the Black Water Black Snake. You are blaspheming our ancestors. Desecrate the Queen!"

Both Amen and Amen have a group of party members in the Presbyterian Church, and they are also very powerful. When they heard their boss say this, their party members immediately clamored.

At this time, Elder Withered Wood showed a sly smile on his mouth, and said softly in his heart: "Just waiting for you to jump out!"

He suddenly yelled: "Shut up all of you!"

He was prestigious, and this roar shocked everyone and looked at him in shock.

With a muffled hum from the elder withered wood, a stream of blood spurted directly, spraying the little girl all over her face.

Then, he stepped on the seven stars, stepped out of a mysterious formation, and stepped on the ground.

As soon as this formation came out, he spouted another mouthful of blood, and shouted loudly: "The spirit of the ancestors, I am in my name! Please come here, with justice!"

As a result, the ancestor soul floating in the sky, as high as one hundred thousand meters, was instantly pressed down, and directly pressed down on the little baby girl, almost destroying the little girl, with no power. match.

However, this huge ancestral soul passed through the body of this little baby girl without causing any harm to him.

The next moment, on the body of the ancestor's soul, countless colorful ribbons suddenly burst out.

Then, the colorful ribbon was directly wrapped around the little baby girl.

Seeing this scene, everyone seemed to have realized what was going to happen next, and their faces were full of shock, but they all covered their mouths, not even daring to make any movement.

I'm afraid that little movement will desecrate what will happen next!

In the next moment, there were countless colorful light waves rippling from the body of the little baby girl.

Then, these countless colorful light waves gradually condensed behind her, and finally condensed into a black water mysterious snake pattern.

This black water mysterious snake seemed to be as long as the sky, and it was huge. At first, it had no gods, and it was very sluggish, like a dead thing.

And as the colorful light waves rippled out more and more and gradually merged into its body, its eyes suddenly became agile.

Suddenly, it flicked and opened its huge mouth, as if to tear the sky and swallow the sky.

A silent sound wave stunned, shocking all the people of the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe, from the elders to the ordinary people, their legs softened and they fell directly to the ground.

Then the next moment, they seemed to woke up from the huge shock, and they exclaimed: "The blood of the black water mysterious snake, the blood of the black water mysterious snake!"

"God, it turns out that the blood of the black water mysterious snake has come!"

There is already an old black water mysterious snake tribe, tears streaming down his face, open his arms, weeping with joy:

"God, after all, you are worthy of my Black Water Black Snake Tribe, and the rise of my Black Water Black Snake Tribe is expected!"

Everyone yelled like crazy.

In the end, all the shouts merged into a huge roar: "Enthrone, enthrone!"

Everyone is like crazy, and everyone thinks about one thing: now that the queen appears again, she will definitely be able to lead me to the top of the Blackwater Black Snake Tribe again.

With the existence of the queen, everything is possible!

And the two hostile elders, their faces pale, they dare not say a word.

Because, at this time, the little girl reflected in the blood of the Black Water Black Snake, the most supreme blood of the Black Water Black Snake Tribe.

In the face of this bloodline, everything is pale.

Elder Witherbark lifted the woman high and shouted: "Today, we will enthrone her as emperor!"

All the members of the Blackwater Black Snake Tribe waved their weapons and shouted loudly: "Enthroned! Enthroned!"

In an instant, the entire tribe was mobilized.

In less than an hour, a luxurious high platform was built, with a golden throne on top of it, which was extremely impressive.

Then, Yuechan walked up slowly in a costume.

She wore a black robe, embroidered with the black water black snake pattern with golden silk thread, and looked very noble.

As the queen's mother, her identity is also very wanting.

And she stepped on the steps holding the really little baby girl, came to the throne, and sat down quietly.

There was indescribable excitement in her heart, but her ah look was extremely calm. He had seen many people along the way and didn't know how many lives and deaths he had. He had already learned to control his emotions.

In a grand ceremony, all the elders came to see the queen.

Those who did not deal with the deadwood elders, although unwilling in their hearts, did not dare to go against the wishes of the entire tribe, and they had to bow their heads in the general trend.

Elder Wither Wood stood beside him, seeing this scene, his face showed an extremely happy smile.

Finally, the ceremony was over, and the curtain came to an end.

After everyone left, Yuechan slowly stood up and looked at Elder Withered Wood, and said softly: "You promised me, don't forget it!"

Elder Witherwood smiled and said, "Don't worry, what I promised you will be done."

"Then Chen Feng will definitely die!"

The whole night has finally passed.

When the sun quietly appeared the next morning from the end of that day, the fight lasted almost all night, and quietly stopped.

The water of the Tongtian River was glowing red and shimmering.

At this time, the Tongtian River was also abnormally calm, just flowing slowly, just like the big monsters who were wrapped in the boundless wind and thunder and set off the boundless wind and waves yesterday, never appeared before.

This is the river that has been dyed red from time to time in the Tongtian River, and the corpses of monsters and humans floating in it, it seems to be able to tell what happened yesterday.

Chen Feng took a breath and walked to the edge of the cliff.

At this time, there was a wind, and Chen Feng heard it, and the wind was clearly engulfed with painful moans.

There was also a cry with some sadness, and Chen Feng was inexplicably panicked.

And suddenly at this time, a violent bell rang.

The direction of the bell came from the Shishu Excalibur Fort, and at the same time, a large and steady voice sounded slowly: "All the disciples of the inner courtyard, come before the Shishu Excalibur Fort."

Chen Feng and Uncle Dao looked at each other, and both nodded.

Then, Han Yu'er hugged the blood wind in his arms, and the three of them swept towards the direction of Shishu Divine Sword Fort.

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